Can a robot break the Sabbath?


Is Yahoo-Wahoo cool with me using robots to work on the Sabbath for me?
What if it's a really smart robot like the one that helped Will Smith in that movie about killer robots?
I believe god could create everything. Do we really know who we are? This earth could be full of robots and nobody knows.
Could you also get a robot to kill your enemies for you, without incurring any kind of divine wrath? A really smart robot, like you say, with autonomous psychopathic leanings? It's worth a go, I suppose. You could at least plead ignorance.
Could you also get a robot to kill your enemies for you, without incurring any kind of divine wrath? A really smart robot, like you say, with autonomous psychopathic leanings? It's worth a go, I suppose. You could at least plead ignorance.

Mines, land mines and air-dropped, are something like that, ain't they? And I don't think pleading ignorance has stopped the mamby-pamby doo-gooder liberals from complaining about them or blaming the nations who planted the mines.

Baron Max
Mines, land mines and air-dropped, are something like that, ain't they? And I don't think pleading ignorance has stopped the mamby-pamby doo-gooder liberals from complaining about them or blaming the nations who planted the mines.

Baron Max
Speaking as a mamby-pamby doo-gooder liberal I think there's a big difference between land mines and totally autonomous hunter-killer robots. As the robots would be a lot cooler. I'd consider it an honour to be diced into neat chunks by one of them. Strangely, I'm not so enamoured with the idea of getting my leg blown off by a land-mine. Yawn, boring.