can a man kill God?


Registered Senior Member
Can a man kill a God?

1) If it impossible to kill a God how was Jesus killed by man in the Bible?

2) If that is possible how is God omnipotent?
how was jesus killed when he obviously reigns in heaven. you aren't on the mailing list?
Man kills god by not believing in god,i commit deicide every day on purpose.

Instead of praying,i go "whats god? oh thats right... a deluded imaginary supernatural being implanted in my head from exposure to other deluded people"

I have ninja focus that karate kicks the walls of stupidity trying to close in,its a constant battle.

Just remember your ninja sense!
GOD is not Jesus the King. Duh?!?!?
But. I ask you, would you kill your father?
Fut the shuck up about the Emperor of the Universe.

Jesus Christ was not a part of God while he was on Earth. Unless you haven't been listening closely, he was a man while his life lasted here on Earth.

God is omnipotent just because He is. It has always been that way and will continue to do so.
Hypercane said:
. Unless you haven't been listening closely, he was a man while his life lasted here on Earth.

Im a man,and im also jesus christ second coming,because i say so.

Ive performed miricles:ive only been banned twice here,plus i can turn wine into urine,i can also feed 5000 bacteria under one fingernail.
If god is product of man's imagination, then you can kill god by saying he does not exist.

However, the reality is more complex. Just because you didn't believe I existed before you saw my posts for the first time, it doesn't mean I started existence only when you became aware of me (same goes for many other individual things and events of which you will never be aware).
Jesus supposedly rose from the dead. Therefore, it seems he wasn't killed permanently. Right?

Jesus Christ was not a part of God while he was on Earth. Unless you haven't been listening closely, he was a man while his life lasted here on Earth.

The bible claims that Jesus performed miracles. Ordinary men cannot do that. Is the bible lying then?

God is omnipotent just because He is. It has always been that way and will continue to do so.

Have you ever seen a child asked an awkward question to which their only answer is “because!”. Isn’t your answer equally childish?

Can a man kill a God?

1) If it impossible to kill a God how was Jesus killed by man in the Bible?

2) If that is possible how is God omnipotent?

As James has stated the Christian story says that Jesus didn’t die but was resurrected. But the biggest anomaly and fatal mistake in the Christian story is that we are meant to have sympathy for this dead god, but – John 3:16 says that God so loved the world that he gave his only son so that man might live, however, since Jesus was allegedly resurrected then exactly what did God give? It would seem that God has not gained or lost anything – i.e. there was no gift and no death for us to be either thankful or sympathetic – the essence of Christianity, i.e. the death of Jesus, in this respect is nonsense.