CALLING ALL <Opiniated neurosurgeons>

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matrix sciences,imagery.
Registered Senior Member
Myself and some of my astute colleagues have engaged in a topic of discussion from which has come some of the most intellectual conversational debate that I have ever had the privelege to ("observe"). The topic of discussion is the effects of obstructed Cerebral Spinal Fluid (CSF) flow, KNOWNAND UNKNOWN!

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Generation Saved Enterprises,

I for one would sure hate to see an OPINIONATED neurosurgeon starting to work on me

We respect and apprieciate your responce towards our post CALLING ALL OPINIONATED NEUROSURGEONS this is,infact only THE SUBJECT LINE OF OUR POST and it refers to no one in particular.buyt infact it refers to any one who may have a differing opinion conserning {CSF} other than what is already know to sciences.also sir, an opinion reflects vision and or belief,and as a matter of fact your opinion or belief on this subject would have and will still be greatly respected

we believe that a man of your wisdom and occupation would have hade a more mature and intellecual responce toward our post BUT THATS IS ONLY OUR OPION be careful because it may be an opinionated neruosurgeon who supplies a break throught for YOUR WORK
typs & numbers of

due to the responces, i revealed it seems that the suppy of proffessionals in the neuro sciences field are far and on a level that supersedes the understanding of those that consider them sevlves to be well versed on the subject of {csf}.

there is no neurosurgeons in this room.
sorry i wasted my time here!!
function spinal restored!!!!
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