calling all muslims to a love supreme



He speaks of a love supreme, I know that I am weak, but I still hope for & look forward to the day that muslims submit to Jesus, the One that expressed True Love, for:

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"

Romans 5:8
(The Letter to the Romans, chapter 5: verse 8)
Rondolfo, I am only answering you since this post seems to be polite. I think you should not perssue the crimes against the son of Maryam -peace be upon them both. The man came to return the lost sheep of the house of Israel to the fold. He came to reinforce the laws given to Moses. He did loosen up some of these lwas but never declared them invalid.

Off course I would like to urge you to become a Muslim since the Creator forgives all sins except not believing in Him or attributing to him partners. I see however that you are filled with hatred for the truth, for the same truth Isa(u) -peace be upon him- brought to the world. That is why I urge you to find out more about the man himself, that you would see through the satanic corruptions the gospel of the son of Mary -peace be upon them both- had to succomb to. Find how the man -peace be upon him - came to say that there is one God and that he was not that God.

Maybe if you uncover the truth there you heart would be more open to the truth. I rather have the words of God than some obscure letter written anonimously in a book full of crimes. Crimes against the Creator, the Messiah -peace be upon him- and aginst mankind in General, and women in specific.

Maryam 19: verse 18:

(88) They say: "(Allah) Most Gracious has begotten a son!" (89) Indeed ye have put forth a thing most monstrous! (90) At it the skies are ready to burst, the earth to split asunder, and the mountains to fall down in utter ruin, (91) That they should invoke a son for (Allah) Most Gracious. (92) For it is not consonant with the majesty of (Allah) Most Gracious that He should beget a son. (93) Not one of the beings in the heavens and the earth but must come to (Allah) Most Gracious as a servant. (94) He does take an account of them (all), and hath numbered them (all) exactly. (95) And everyone of them will come to Him singly on the Day of Judgment..

He is most true.

Randolfo, peace be upon you.
Bruce Wayne said:
Rondolfo, I am only answering you since this post seems to be polite.

I see however that you are filled with hatred for the truth, for the same truth Isa(u) -peace be upon him- brought to the world. That is why I urge you to find out more about the man himself, that you would see through the satanic corruptions the gospel of the son of Mary -peace be upon them both- had to succomb to. Find how the man -peace be upon him - came to say that there is one God and that he was not that God.

Randolfo, peace be upon you
thank you for trying to correct me Bruce, but the quran misnames Jesus, the "isa' in the quran never existed, Y'shua did & He said "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"
John 8:32 (Gospel of John chapter 8: verse 32)
Truth is very important to Christians, look up the number of times Jesus said it in the Bible, He was very much concerned with truth, you should be also
Bruce Wayne said:
Off course I would like to urge you to become a Muslim since the Creator forgives all sins except not believing in Him or attributing to him partners. I see however that you are filled with hatred for the truth, for the same truth Isa(u) -peace be upon him- brought to the world. That is why I urge you to find out more about the man himself, that you would see through the satanic corruptions the gospel of the son of Mary -peace be upon them both- had to succomb to. Find how the man -peace be upon him - came to say that there is one God and that he was not that God.

Randolfo, peace be upon you.

Randolfo is filled with hatred for the truth? :rolleyes:

You are the madman who sees Jesus as a "partner" to God. Where in the Bible did you ever learn such a heresy? And as for Jesus saying "he was not that God", that is an absolute lie. There are several instances in the Bible where He reveals otherwise quite clearly.

Do not bring forth false accusations my friend.
§outh§tar said:
Randolfo is filled with hatred for the truth? :rolleyes:

You are the madman who sees Jesus as a "partner" to God. Where in the Bible did you ever learn such a heresy? And as for Jesus saying "he was not that God", that is an absolute lie. There are several instances in the Bible where He reveals otherwise quite clearly.

Do not bring forth false accusations my friend.
sorry to disillustion you, but first you must know that the quran does not understand christianity anymore than it understands Judaism, we do not think Jesus is a 'partner', we do not think He was created by physical sex between God the Father & Mary, the quran is in error as to our beliefs, almost on every point. But that is another Bible lesson. He is the Word of God, uncreated, who emptied Himself to save us, read John 1:1 (Gospel of John chapter 1: verse 1) and read Isaiah 53:4-5 (the Book of Isaiah chapter 53: verses 4 to 5)

as to my being a 'madman', what criteria do you use?
if by me not accepting islam, that is not a defination of 'madmess' to any sane person, it is merely sanity or 'mere christianity' (read that book, by C.S. Lewis)

oh, and thank you about caring for my mental heath, most amiable
@ Randolfo

You are gravely mistaken. I was talking to Bruce Wayne and referring to his post where he referred to Jesus as a 'partner'.

You will do well not to attack me since I was actually siding with you. :confused:

Randolfo said:
"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"
Romans 5:8
(The Letter to the Romans, chapter 5: verse 8)

Al-An'am (The Cattle) 6:verse 164"

"Say: "Shall I seek for (my) Cherisher other than Allah, when He is the Cherisher of all things (that exist)? Every soul draws the meed of its acts on none but itself: no bearer of burdens can bear of burdens can bear the burden of another. Your goal in the end is towards Allah. He will tell you the truth of the things wherein ye disputed."

Randolfo said:
thank you for trying to correct me Bruce, but the quran misnames Jesus, the "isa' in the quran never existed, Y'shua did & He said "Then you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free"

That is what sadnes me. Many christians want the truth, yet they try to entranch themselves in christianity.

Randolfo said:

Peace be unto you.
§outh§tar said:
Randolfo is filled with hatred for the truth? :rolleyes:

Look at his posts (in for example, simple test for the Qur'an) It is not that he doesn't see the light ;). It is that he use insults more than anything else.

§outh§tar said:
You are the madman who sees Jesus as a "partner" to God. Where in the Bible did you ever learn such a heresy? And as for Jesus saying "he was not that God", that is an absolute lie. There are several instances in the Bible where He reveals otherwise quite clearly.

S, read your post. You claim that Jesus -peace be upon him- is God. That makes him a patner to Allh in his divinity. It is very clear.

And when Jesus -peace be upon him- was adressed as "good" he replied:" why do you call me good" he did not accept it.

If he was indeed God that would have been a lie. But Jesus -peace be upon him- does not lie. So he is no God.

§outh§tar said:
Do not bring forth false accusations my friend.

I hope thatone day you will see that they are not false.

peace be upon you.
§outh§tar said:
@ Randolfo

You are gravely mistaken. I was talking to Bruce Wayne and referring to his post where he referred to Jesus as a 'partner'.

You will do well not to attack me since I was actually siding with you. :confused:

:D! Consider this a lesson. Don't go about calling names.

Randolfo said:
He speaks of a love supreme, I know that I am weak, but I still hope for & look forward to the day that muslims submit to Jesus, the One that expressed True Love, for:

"But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us"

Romans 5:8
(The Letter to the Romans, chapter 5: verse 8)

Sorry about misspelling your name in an earlier was a honest mistake............anyway i mean no disrespect when i ask you this but it seems to me that the main difference between christianity and islam is in the "resurrection". That seems to be the "crutch" of the christian faith so if thats true why isnt it the same in the 4 gospels? for example in Mark 15:34 Jesus(pbuh) says "why hast thou forsaken me" while on the cross......why would God say that? also who was he saying it to? himself? You cant blame someone for being confused about this yet God says he isnt the author of confusion. It would seem to an outsider that the "resurrection " theory is used be alotta christians simply to deny the old testements violence. By saying yes the old testement was violent but that all changes with Jesus(pbuh) one can overlook the plagues,floods,murders etc.......found in the old testement yet Jesus(pbuh) says he came to fullfill Moses(pbuh) laws not to change them (i know you will say that changed when he died).......anyway this is my opinion and not meant to insult you or your religion.....peace
Bruce Wayne said:
Look at his posts (in for example, simple test for the Qur'an) It is not that he doesn't see the light ;). It is that he use insults more than anything else.

S, read your post. You claim that Jesus -peace be upon him- is God. That makes him a patner to Allh in his divinity. It is very clear.

And when Jesus -peace be upon him- was adressed as "good" he replied:" why do you call me good" he did not accept it.

If he was indeed God that would have been a lie. But Jesus -peace be upon him- does not lie. So he is no God.

I hope thatone day you will see that they are not false.

peace be upon you.

That is a false statement. He did not say that because He did not accept it, but because He was testing the young ruler.

You HAVE to read the statement in it's context. The ruler was "buttering" Jesus up so that Jesus in His response would tell him what he wanted/expected to hear.
Throughout the Bible, Jesus does tests like that a lot. He rewords a praise into a question for that person to better understand why he IS good.
§outh§tar said:
@ Randolfo

You are gravely mistaken. I was talking to Bruce Wayne and referring to his post where he referred to Jesus as a 'partner'.

You will do well not to attack me since I was actually siding with you. :confused:
so sorry, misread or skipped post(s)
surenderer said:
Sorry about misspelling your name in an earlier was a honest mistake...........
no prob, guess I'm too touchy, I thought I picked an easy Mexican screen name, rare but definitely Mexican, so, you can all call me "!Aye! Chihuahua!" from now on, still Mexican, still rare :D

.anyway i mean no disrespect when i ask you this but it seems to me that the main difference between christianity and islam is in the "resurrection". That seems to be the "crutch" of the christian faith so if thats true why isnt it the same in the 4 gospels?
first of all, Christians are not muslims, we do not believe that God dictated the Bible word for word, like muslims believe about the quran. God used men to write the Bible, using inspiration, visions, dreams & physical manifestations. read it yourself, most books start with an intro describing why the book was written or who wrote it. Each Gospel was written by 4 diff men, and was meant for 4 diff groups of people; Jews (Matthew), Romans (Mark), Greeks (Luke) & Believers (John), the 4 diff accounts attest to 4 diff writers, because as anyone can attest that has been a witness to an event, we have 4 diff views of the same event; only the main points are agreed upon, for this that event would be that Jesus was resurrected.

.......anyway this is my opinion and not meant to insult you or your religion.....peace
good question, BTW, there is an ongoing debate on which Gospel muslim seekers should read; Matthew with its fulfillment of prophecies, Mark because it is to the point, John being discouraged because it is written to true believers. I believe muslims should pray for truth and understanding, then read them for themselves, see if Jesus' words speak to them, then, either accept or reject them. If Jesus is who He claimed to be, then let His words speak for themselves. Christianity is not islam, islam is not a continuation of Christianity. They are 2 diff beliefs, from 2 diff sources. The peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be upon thee.
§outh§tar said:
That is a false statement. He did not say that because He did not accept it, but because He was testing the young ruler.

You HAVE to read the statement in it's context. The ruler was "buttering" Jesus up so that Jesus in His response would tell him what he wanted/expected to hear.

Funny explanation. The writer has quite an imagination.
Bruce Wayne said:
Funny explanation. The writer has quite an imagination.
which writer? SouthStar or ?
first of all, you have not read enough of Jesus' words or what His actions were to understand Him. re-read the whole passage, then look into the Samaritan woman by the well & the woman about to be soned for adultry. to understand Jesus, you must understand what He meant by the phrase,

€from: John 12:47 -48 ( Gospel of John chapter 12: verses 47 to 48)
"47 As for the person who hears my words but does not keep them, I do not judge him. For I did not come to judge the world, but to save it.
48 There is a judge for the one who rejects me and does not accept my words; that very word which I spoke will condemn him at the last day."
in other words, Jesus always asked questions, made people think things through, if they had a conscience they repended, if they didn't, well lets just say, that that rich young man probably never went to heaven.
No True Ecumenicalism can be based on the complete humiliation of another peoples' Religious Tradition.

Christ was two thousand years ago. Besides, Paul largely hijacked, distorted and perverted the Christian Dispensation. Islam was a Reform and a correction. In view of the Religion of the Old Testament, Christian Polytheistic Trinitarianism IS a heresy, isn't it?

So, no, Christianity had its Historical Chance, and it blew it. Islam also cannot go an inch pass where it is now.

A True Ecumenical Religion will have to unite the existing Traditions -- allowing for both the traditions of Jesus and Mohommod -- but coming together under the Leadership of a New Religious Leader in a New Dispensation. If God wants a Religiously Unified World, then God will have to supply the wherewithall. The God who sent Jesus, and the God who sent Mohommed, could send a New Prophet and Messiah if He felt like it.
Leo Volont said:
No True Ecumenicalism can be based on the complete humiliation of another peoples' Religious Tradition.
Huh? who ever said christians were going to be ecumenical with muslims, etc...?

Christ was two thousand years ago.
yeah & ? Christ for all time.....
Besides, Paul largely hijacked, distorted and perverted the Christian Dispensation.
a fable charmed up by the ABC's (anything but christianity)

Islam was a Reform and a correction. In view of the Religion of the Old Testament, Christian Polytheistic Trinitarianism IS a heresy, isn't it?
according to islam, it was a correction of both 'Old & New', Christianity claims that the Old is validated & holds prophecies about Jesus, including the Trinity. Only a non-Christian would consider us polytheistic, you do not understand the Trinity, islam is heresy

So, no, Christianity had its Historical Chance, and it blew it. Islam also cannot go an inch pass where it is now.
ahh, what gave you that impression? both are going strong as of this day

A True Ecumenical Religion will have to unite the existing Traditions -- allowing for both the traditions of Jesus and Mohommod -- but coming together under the Leadership of a New Religious Leader in a New Dispensation. If God wants a Religiously Unified World, then God will have to supply the wherewithall. The God who sent Jesus, and the God who sent Mohommed, could send a New Prophet and Messiah if He felt like it.
this is the part I like; now you tell us your version 0f the 'truth',

are you a "moonie" or something? :D