Calling all Fabian Progressive Patriots

Do you think the Fabian Progressive world view is alive and well?

  • Yes

    Votes: 2 33.3%
  • No

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • What the heck is a Fabian Progressive?

    Votes: 4 66.7%

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Registered Senior Member
Please explain to me, in your own words, what it is you think is ethical, moral and just within your ideological world view.

After all, isn't it your administration in power at the moment? Be proud of who you are!!
Q: Who are Sidney Webb, Beatrice Webb and George Bernard Shaw.

A: All are the founders of the London School of econimics and have sided themselves with the Fabian Society.

The Communist system in Russia was a “British experiment” designed ultimately to become the Fabian Socialist model for the British takeover of the World through the UN and EU. The British plan to takeover the World and bring in a “New World Order” began with the teachings of John Ruskin and Cecil Rhodes at Oxford University. Rhodes in one of his wills in 1877 left his vast fortune to Lord Nathan Rothschild as trustee to set up the Rhodes Scholarship Program at Oxford to indoctrinate promising young graduates for the purpose, and also establish a secret society [Royal Institute of International Affairs RIIA, which branched into the Round Table, the Bilderbergers, the CFR, the Trilateral, etc -- Ed] for leading business and banking leaders around the World who would work for the City to bring in their Socialist World government.

Beloved in the end...
... The Communist system in Russia was a “British experiment” designed ultimately to become the Fabian Socialist model for the British takeover of the World through the UN and EU. ...
Uh, what? Are you trying to slander Democratic Socialism by associating it with the failed Russian Communist model?
I'm saying that the "Experiment" in Russia was just that; an experiment that was molded and modeled upon by the Fabian Socialists of the time. The Democratic Fabian Socialist model is now in power within the U.S. (as far as I can tell) which by incremental steps has eroded the very fabric of individualism and individual liberties. Am I slandering it, no. I'm defining it.

"Under Socialism you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not the character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner. . . ." [This is compassionate liberalism.]
Fabian Socialist Bernard Shaw in his Intelligent Woman's Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, 1928.
You do know that George Orwell supported this movement? And he would not have supported anything that interfered with individual liberties. Show me someone that doesn't want to be educated, fed, clothed, taught, and employed, and I'll show you a fool.

In my opinion, nothing has contributed so much to the corruption of the original idea of socialism as the belief that Russia is a socialist country and that every act of its rulers must be excused, if not imitated. And so for the last ten years, I have been convinced that the destruction of the Soviet myth was essential if we wanted a revival of the socialist movement.

George Orwell, in Preface to the Ukranian edition of Animal Farm​

Thomas Jefferson founded a free school in Virginia, and it was what he was most proud of. You can't have Democracy without an educated and informed public. If only the rich get educated, we will be governed by the rich, and that's called Oligarchy.
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When Orwell wrote 1984, it was more than a show of dislike for the Fabian socialists; it was humorous, biting, Swiftian satire against the socialist and liberal intellectuals. The leftist elites, then as now, praised the book for the wrong reasons. They applauded Orwell’s resistance to the loss of civil liberties but refused, and continue to refuse, to see the book as a mirror held up to the totalitarian face of the left-wing intelligentsia.
By "left-wing intelligentsia" I'm assuming you mean "people who don't agree with me", because that seems to be your hallmark.
Let's just say, totalitarian elitist group think (especially the eugenicist technocrat) and I do not see eye to eye.
So I guess that buying into every crackpot story you hear that even remotely sounds plausible(regardless of what reality says) is just sort of your "thing" then. Got it.
"The Spanish War and other events in 1936–37, turned the scale. Thereafter I knew where I stood. Every line of serious work that I have written since 1936 has been written directly or indirectly against totalitarianism and for Democratic Socialism as I understand it." George Orwell​

When Orwell wrote 1984, it was more than a show of dislike for the Fabian socialists; it was humorous, biting, Swiftian satire against the socialist and liberal intellectuals. The leftist elites, then as now, praised the book for the wrong reasons. They applauded Orwell’s resistance to the loss of civil liberties but refused, and continue to refuse, to see the book as a mirror held up to the totalitarian face of the left-wing intelligentsia.

Is the right any less totalitarian? Tax cuts for the rich are the same as taking my money to give to the rich, which is a kind of reverse socialism. And absence of law doesn't mean absence of tyranny.
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After all, isn't it your administration in power at the moment?

Most emphatically no. Name anything socialist about the current US administration. In fact, in Obama's support of the rebellions in Egypt and Libya, he has proven to be a valiant foe to totalitarianism around the world.
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So we know who the Fabians were... But who are they now?

Here are just a few.

Suresh Pushpananthan - Chair of the Executive Committee and a Neurosurgeon in London. Previously Vice-Chair (Regions) of the Young Fabians, and also founding Chair of Young Fabians North.

Peter Archer, Baron Archer of Sandwell - Fabian Society President. President, One World Trust. President, Uniting for Peace

Jessica Asato - Vice Chair of the Fabian Society. Director of the progressive blog Left Foot Forward. Director of the Labour Yes to Fairer Votes Campaign to build support within the Labour Party for a Yes vote in the Referendum on the Alternative Vote.

Marcus Roberts - Deputy General Secretary of the Fabian Society.
He is a Founding Partner of Zentrum Consulting and also worked on the Al Gore, John Kerry and Barack Obama US presidential campaigns.
Please give a definitive reason Arioch.

1. Crackpot?
2. Hanlon's razor? (spelled correctly this time for you)
3. Fear?

Just step away from the post if you wish.
I'm not stopping you.
