Calculus, Relativity and Dark Matter.



The story behind Calculus, Relativity and the so called Universe's Dark Matter is one and the same.

The mathematics of change and motion, Calculus: When Isaac Newton and Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz revealed Calculus to the world there were less than 1% of Mathematicians at the time who could understand their logic, numbers ... but ONLY if these <1% took the time and effort to follow Newton/Leibniz's SIMPLE logic, numbers: Calculus.

So too with Relativity. When Albert Einstein came up with his Relativity – AGAIN -- <1% of Physicists could understand what he was thinking about, Relativity (alias: Light has NO-time to Travel, Relativity) ... but ONLY if these <1% took time and effort to follow Einstein's SIMPLE logic, numbers: Relativity.

So too with the Universe's so called Dark Matter: When Fukkamee Swami came up with the Universe's Fukkamme numbers that reveal that >99% of the Universe is Missing or Unknown (Science's Dark Matter... that currently Science MIS-understands to be about 90% Dark Matter) – less than 1% of today's Scientists can understand what these Fukkamee numbers are saying... but ONLY if these <1% take the time and effort to follow Fukkamee's SUPER-SIMPLE logic and numbers:

that the Known Universe (Science) is
so much less than 1% of the Total Universe
that it has to be the SAME “Zero” that Time needs to “Travel” – NOT-to-travel –
because regardless of what >99% of the Scientists today "think"
Relativity tells us ABSOLUTELY
that Light has NO time to do anything,
let alone travel.​
-- Fukkamee
less than 1% of today's Scientists can understand what these Fukkamee numbers are saying...

That's because he doesn't know very much about what he is saying. With a name like FUKK A Me what do you expect? :shrug:
Light is frozen, so that its birth is simultaneous with its death. A photon, or any type of boson, such as a gluon, experiences absolutely nothing.
That's because he doesn't know very much about what he is saying. With a name like FUKK A Me what do you expect? :shrug:

You must be a real Politician
who can do nothing but add
literally NOTHING but bullshyt to a subject.

wreally reality