Caffeine v. Taurine??


Monkey see, monkey denigrate
Valued Senior Member
A friend if mine used to suffer from hypertension, but this mysteriously just went away. Could it be anything to do with the shit load of Relentless he drinks every day? I know it's loaded with caffeine which causes a transient *increase* in blood pressure, but it also contains, I think, 2000mg of taurine, which *decreases* blood pressure. ??
I cannot tell you the mechanism but at least according to one study (Bichler et al. 2006 Amino Acids) it appeared that taurine and caffeine ingestion (as pills, the amount of 250 ml Red Bull ) resulted in a reduced heart rate and and a small but significant increase in blood pressure. If the ingestion is excessive one could assume the effect to be more pronounced.
That's really weird. The guy I'm on about used to have severe hypertension, but he's normal now. He drinks about 3 cans of Relentless a day.
VI caffeine causes the renal system to reabsorb more water which as we said in the other thread causes hypertention.

beer (on the other hand:p) does the oposite, and causes you to piss like a racehorse:p

never herd of Taurine
Well it would explain it. The dosage of 250 ml red bull in taurine/caffeine caused slight increase of blood pressure (2.8 mm Hg during light stress as compared to placebo). This is after taking in an amount of taurine/caffeine equivalent of 250 ml Red Bull. The concentrations of both are comparable to that of Relentless, however a can is afaik double the volume. In other words he would have taking in six times the concentration. Continuous intake is very likely to result in increase in blood pressure then.
Unfortunately they did not conduct separate controls with either only taurine or only caffeine. I would also assume that the main reason would be the caffeine.

Just btw, the effect of caffeine on blood pressure is also not known in detail. In contrast to earlier findings the current consensus is that caffeine is, at best, only a mild diuretic (if at all). The main effect of caffeine on BP appears through adenosine receptor inhibition and an increased release of select neurotransmitters.
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A friend if mine used to suffer from hypertension, but this mysteriously just went away.

Caffeine drinks may be an explanation. Generally speaking, hypertension results from one of two causes: genetics (which the person can do nothing about) or an underlying pathology (which the person often can do something about).

In the case of the former, the hypertension doesn’t go away; the person has it for life (as I do). That doesn’t mean it can’t be controlled; medication and lifestyle can maintain a normal BP (as in my case). But if they are removed then the BP rises to abnormal levels again.

In the case of the latter, if the underlying pathology is resolved (with or without medical intervention) then the hypertension also resolves. There is quite a range of physiological mechanisms that result in elevated blood pressure.
So the fact that his hypertension went away was probably nothing to do with his 3 cans of Relentless per day?

In the case of the former, the hypertension doesn’t go away; the person has it for life (as I do). That doesn’t mean it can’t be controlled; medication and lifestyle can maintain a normal BP (as in my case). But if they are removed then the BP rises to abnormal levels again.

That sucks man. I'd give you a virtual hug, seem a dignified type and you might feel violated.:p
The taurine could be the reason the hypertension went away, but I don't know enough about that stuff to really know.
So the fact that his hypertension went away was probably nothing to do with his 3 cans of Relentless per day?

No, I’m not necessarily saying that. The 3 cans per day may well have been the cause, or at least a contributing factor. I’m merely wondering whether an underlying pathology has been ruled out in this case.

That sucks man

Yeah :eek: , but my hypertension is at the mild end of the spectrum. It is fairly easily controlled with medication. Compared to people with serious hypertension, it’s not so bad.

I'd give you a virtual hug, seem a dignified type and you might feel violated.

Virtual hugs accepted.
No, I’m not necessarily saying that. The 3 cans per day may well have been the cause, or at least a contributing factor. I’m merely wondering whether an underlying pathology has been ruled out in this case.

Yeah :eek: , but my hypertension is at the mild end of the spectrum. It is fairly easily controlled with medication. Compared to people with serious hypertension, it’s not so bad.

Virtual hugs accepted.

He doesn't actually know if there was an underlying pathology. He doesn't have symptoms any more, so he didn't bother going back for any testing.

:) *hugs*
Sometimes its not what you do, but what you no longer do. What was he drinking before Relentless? What other habits has he changed?
VI caffeine causes the renal system to reabsorb more water which as we said in the other thread causes hypertension. . . . Never herd of Taurine
Caffeine is also a vasoconstrictor. That's why it's a mild analgesic: It decreases blood flow to the nerves, reducing our ability to feel pain.

There's a huge article on taurine on Wikipedia. Apparently it's a naturally occurring chemical in animals and plays an important role in our metabolism. I didn't see anything about its effect on blood pressure but you're better qualifed to read the article than I am.
latter, i am currently trying to write an essay on the effects of o2 on cells and tearing my hair out:(
Caffeine is also a vasoconstrictor. That's why it's a mild analgesic: It decreases blood flow to the nerves, reducing our ability to feel pain.

Ah, thanks for that bit of information! I always wondered why I was less susceptible to pain with caffeine in me. I assumed that any adrenaline inducer would do that to you, since adrenaline acts as a painkiller, but I only got a slight adrenergic effect from the caffeine, so that didn't make much sense.