

Valued Senior Member
Okay guys, what do you think about caballah.

I got an uncle in new york who makes a living off it.
He cured, and still does, deadly dieseases, meets disgruntled spirits living in their wifes flesh, etc.

What do you guys think. What do you know about it?
Elbaz ...

Great in Summer if you go heavy on the gin.

Otherwise, check out:

<a href=><font color=RED>World Center for Kabbalah Studies</font></a>
Thanks for the site, although there is much more involved in caballah then that.
Your absolutely right. You cant use it on yourself.

Also, I know your type, you put PhD after name and expect that to make people think your opinion is more varied. But my friend, there are so many things that you dont know about the world and one day you may see yourself going to a person like my uncle because all else has failed.

Do you know anything about Caballah? I bet not much, do you know my uncle is good at his proffesion because he's also a touch psychic.

I'll give you an example. I was with my uncle when we ate out once, and this guy came up to him recognizing him cause he's actually pretty famous. My uncle didnt want to cause it drains alot of energy but at persistant request told the guy a whole lot of stuff about him and also some stuff he may not have wanted to be reminded of, like how his daughter had an abortion.

This is psuedoscience, man, and theres plently of space for people like you to post cause eventually you'll also become a believer.

Neway's follow the link above that the guy posted, its pretty enlightening.
Yeh, my type demands evidence, not anecdotes.

I would like to submit your uncle and all similar baloney agents to SCIENTIFIC test. They would fail miserably. This is a challenge. Have your uncle contact me and I will arrange a fair, unbiased scientific test of his "abilities". He will not agree, since scam artists never agree to be tested. Of course, he may be sincerely deluded, and not an intentional fraud.

But he can NOT pass a scientific test!

Psychic, indeed! Phooey!
Really, where do you live?

My Uncle lives in New York and I know I cant speak for him but if you live in New York I'm sure he'd be happy to knock your socks off.

BTW, he gets paid like a thousand to two thousand bucks an hour at minimum. In lots of cases he makes much more. So isnt it odd that he gets paid more than you, and it works. I think your just talkin through spite cause he's taking your business.

Dont worry, though, doctors have their place.
Originally posted by Elbaz
Also, I know your type, you put PhD after name and expect that to make people think your opinion is more varied.
In cyberspace you can pick any name you want, you can't tell if this guy is a real 'PhD' or even if his real name is 'David F. Mayer' or even if he's a guy? I'm not sure why a person would put his real name on a chat room? Especially since 99.99% have some cyber-persona, superhero, facade or mysterious name for this.(If you were wondering, "Randolfo" is my birth name, it's uncommon enough that it's unique, you wont run into many of us in the US or elsewhere)

But my friend, there are so many things that you dont know about the world and one day you may see yourself going to a person like my uncle because all else has failed.
The problem with Western medicine & science, is that it can't solve all the problems that confront it. Pain is just a case in point, some people live with it, because nothing can relieve them of it. So they go to acupuncture, herbalists, cabbalists, etc...

Do you know anything about Caballah? I bet not much, do you know my uncle is good at his proffesion because he's also a touch psychic.
Poor choice of words; can be changed to 'touched in the head' or 'is that like a 'touch psycho?'. You mean that he has some psychic abilities.

This is psuedoscience,
Pseudo- implies false, fake. Though the category is 'pseudoscience' (which Mr. Mayer should be aware of), you mean that the cabbalah itself is 'paranormal' or 'unexplainable'. 'Unexplainable', is a problem with science, it can not prove things that it has no test equipment to test for, or is not set up at the right site or time for. So, if whatever the event is, lasts only a second, then is gone, how do you test it afterwards???
Randolfo ...

Re.: So, if whatever the event is, lasts only a second, then is gone, how do you test it afterwards???

Simplist thing in the world! I just turn on my nifty jiffy time machine and turn one or two dials ... :D
Niffy Jiffy

Originally posted by Chagur
Re.: Simplist thing in the world! I just turn on my nifty jiffy time machine and turn one or two dials ... :D

Say, you have one too?????? Why, that 8-eyed alien liar said," I can only sell one per parsec", then whispered," time line, you know". I paid 10,000 Liras and some beachfront property in Fresno. How much you pay for yours?