bye bye

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Registered Senior Member
Cris there's no point in wasting your short life on being here and killing others, don't even responed to this thread because I'm not even gonna read it.
No it is not irrational, you are irrational.....and I think that you are a bit scared which you should be...who wouldn't be afraid of God?? And you have more to worry about than I, because unless you change your religious path you will be condemned to hell by God's will, and spend an eternity as the slave of Satan, for his pleasure to toture and tempt...he has already gotten a good grasp of you....and unless you want to share your awful fate with anyone else, i suggest that you shut up because no one else deserves to be condemned to HELL because of your irrational responses to life....if i were you and with all of that on my mind i don't know how you sleep at are not God so don't try to be and you can't make those kind of decisions about others lives, and it's pretty sad because you are like 60 years old and soon to die, soon to be a slave in the hot fiery pits of hell, and i have tried to convince you, but i'm not going to waste my time, for life is very short, but an eternity is forever, if you could even stop and imagine that~but wait!! how can you prove that there is an eternity?? well you can't so i guess you don't believe in that either, yea good luck on your life and to all of you other Devil worshipers, because I am not wasting my time reading your stupid responses that are meaningless and false, but to the other Christians I pray that you stay with got until your last breathe and you shal be rewarded with eternal life and bliss in heaven with God the father almighty.
I hope you have a nice life because that's just about all you are gonna get~and incase you didn't get the point i'm not coming back to this site again, i'm going to live my life in Christ and praise him all my days...

Bye Bye Y'all
by the way i'm only 15 years old and i have a better perception of life than you, which is pretty sad

I do hope you read this. You did great tonight. I am impressed. Please come back when you feel you are ready.

I sincerely hope you learnt something, if nothing more than there are people who may have very strong opposing arguments. If you want to debate in this arena then you will need to learn how to deal with people like me. And I'm not so bad, really.

Take care, stay cool and may your god go with you.


PS. And for the record I am 49.
by the way i'm only 15 years old and i have a better perception of life than you, which is pretty sad

Yes, very sad... sad to think that someday you yourself may propagate. That's a scary thought. :eek:

btw, sarah or ashley or spunks or whoever the hell your next multiple personality might be...

Don't let the 'virtual door' hit your ass on the way out. :D
one quick note

It does say in the bible that you shouldn't judge people a.k.a. condem them to hell.......that's God's business.
Let Him do His own job
Ashley has had and has a strong brainwashing. Interesting who gave him those ideas. Local priest, his family.
I learned in christian school for 4 years[1-4grade] and had enough of logic and mind to analyse their ideology and say NO.
Ashley may be lost though. Do you think tht in your 15 years you have more knowledge thn Cris?! 15 years, it is nothing and you are easely manipulated at tht age too.[not everyone though]
Kid, you have no idea what life is like.
I am not much older thn you, but I have been close to death, so close I do not fear it anymore. But I'm not dumb and do anything to avoid it. I do not fear of burning lakes of fire, because there are not any. We create in what we beleive. Human mind has greater power thn you can immagine. [from my experience- one day it was extremely cold and I had not suitable clothing at tht place. I was freezing to death. Then I immagined that it was worm, immagined tht sunrays were touching my skin, remembered of really hot days I have had. You may not beleive me, but I felt no cold then as long as I kept that picture infront of me] It was only for some 20 minutes till I got to a house, but what if I had immagined tht picture all my life[lakes of fire for you].
What could I create.

"i'm not going to waste my time, for life is very short, but an eternity is forever"
and you have no idea how enternity might be boring. playing arf in your heaven and singing christmas corals with tony. that is hell kid. I live for life. And no god will scare me so much tht I turn away from it.

Grow up a bit, take a quick look back and then talk tht you have more knowledge of anything than Cris or anyone else. Grow up spiritually, have a wider look to this planet. Take a look at our history, learn from errors once made, do not repeat them. Do not fear unknown, explore it.
|Always make an escape route-nothing to do with topic, but it comes from my experience in all kinds of situations|
These are my suggestions, nothing more.
Good Luck!
Why did she become abusive at the end? Was it because of her obvious overwhelming indoctrination? She did not seem at all prepared to be hit with such diametrically opposite views to her own. Her final tantrums reeked of sheer frustration, and her primitive attempt at logic she had tried to use simply vanished in a childish outburst.

Or was it just inexperienced youth. But my youngest daughter is also 15 and I can’t imagine her becoming abusive like that.

i don't know Cris. I think that because your beliefs sound completely idiotic to her. She is obviously quite niave to others beliefs and has been all her life. She knows those beliefs of her own, as being the only correct ones for everyone, so I think its the shock of that is what caused her outburst. (if you saw her in person, you would probably would have never expected that I know I didn't)
Dearest spunks239

Well are'nt you a little ray of sunshine...

You belive the word of your God, you preach it , push it,
and "Declare" there is no other way.

Yet you abandon it to pass judgment and throw spite,and contempt whilst displaying a total lack of understanding and patience towards those who wont agree with your views.

Congratulation on showing others the way, the truth and the light.

Hmmm .... Are you sure your Christian?

Have a lovely sun shiney day...
and watch the virtual door (Q) spoke of.

Originally posted by Cris
Why did she become abusive at the end? Was it because of her obvious overwhelming indoctrination? She did not seem at all prepared to be hit with such diametrically opposite views to her own. Her final tantrums reeked of sheer frustration, and her primitive attempt at logic she had tried to use simply vanished in a childish outburst.

Or was it just inexperienced youth. But my youngest daughter is also 15 and I can’t imagine her becoming abusive like that.



Wish I could say this was the first time I've ever seen a teenager behave this way, but not so. Meaning no disrespect, but the only thing that did suprise me was to learn that she was fifteen instead of thirteen. Methinks too many young people today have misinterpreted what it means to be: "All That"

Wonder what this tells us when we see children displaying this kind of desperate irrationality.



That is just the tip of the iceberg of the irrational thinking I see constantly among my class and others; it really only gets worse.

I don't know what all that meant in your daysof highschool but now the definition of "all that" usually infers now, you're arrogant, disrespectful to others, and just plain self-centered. you would think that this would kick out someone to be a loner however people with no direction look up to them a) because they cause funny instances or b) they are hip and with the latest trends.
And Winston loved big brother...

who wouldn't be afraid of God??

I have not had trouble. I am contented with most of my experiences so far. Perhaps you feel that you can intimidate feeble minded people. Few sucesses are too be had here.

to all of you other Devil worshipers

Blatant misrepresentation. Atheists are not devil worshipers.

killing others

Cris never stated that he killed others or had the intent to do so. You must be confused. Perhaps you are projecting your rage on Cris. Now we see the violence inherent in the system!:D

Just having a little fun. I am not a religious person but may I suggest trying meditation or prayer or whatever you prefer. There is documented evidence that these at least in some way are helpful at easing tension. I sometimes will set my mind upon a sort of cleansing. Just regulate your breathing patterns and remember the good experiences you have had on this planet. Allowing the rage to take hold will almost cerrtainly lead to an early death.

Cris is right we are often unforgiving. Do not mistake our passion for contempt, however.
Take a young person who knows in their heart there must be something more. Something to this life of ours than just getting up, breathing, and sleeping. Something more than just existing.
A young heart that longs for God and is open to love and serve Him. The church then indoctrinates them with fear, condemnation, and hypocracy...all the things that Jesus was NOT. Here is your result. Where there should be peace and comfort you have fear and intolerance. Where there should be love and mercy there is contempt and confusion.
Now you have a young heart led to and longing to have reverance and passion for God who has been bridled by mens false teachings and bound by their confusion and hate. In time the confusion and inability to understand why things are not as promised may make her love for God grow cold. She may well question Gods motives and even Gods existance. I pray that when she does....she realizes that it was not God that decieved her, but the, selfish, self-serving, ignorant, mortal men.
*Originally posted by Taken
She may well question Gods motives and even Gods existance.

Like you?

*I pray that when she does....she realizes that it was not God that decieved her, but the, selfish, self-serving, ignorant, mortal men. *

Let's not forget pregnant women.
Tony thinks tht pregnant women are selfish, self-serving, ignorant and mortal.

A guide walks through a museum pointing at Tony exhibited close by Middle Age inquisition bosses saying. And here is a fine example of a Midle Age thinking person. The world is flat, the God is allways right and pregnant women are worse than killers, devils, alien monsters.
oohhh...i see

well tony1,
just remember that if it wasn't for a pregnant woman, you wouldn't be here.
It isn't my pregnancy that bothers him, it is my hormones. LOL :D

Tony I never have cause to question Gods existance now that I have grown beyond trying to believe the sloppily packaged box of bull dung the churches are trying to pass off.
Here are people who supposedly believe God is omnipotent and unfathomable...and yet they preach fear of little demons and (hormones) and shun science as if they are afraid to be proven wrong. Turning a blind eye, screaming..."NO!, I don't want to see the might make me doubt!"
Well the devil is of no consequence to the God of Abraham, Isacc, and Jacob....and He certainly is real, so by what means shall He be disproved? None.
I do not fear, for I KNOW He is real. I say dig up the foundations of earth, explore the deepest reaches of the sea beds, journey to the furthest stars...He will be there too. You will find His signature and fingerprints on all of His wonderouse them and let a heart who has yet to believe find comfort and faith in the evidence of His power.
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