By the Grace of God go I?

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
What does this mean?

By the grace of God go I.

What does "Grace" mean?

How do Christians and Muslims differ in it's meaning? If any?

To me this word describes so many things.

According to the bible Adam and Eve where banished from Eden after an apparent abuse of God's Grace. Am I correct in this statement ( in part )?
Originally posted by Quantum Quack
What does this mean?

By the grace of God go I.
M*W: It means that God would allow you to sin, bear the sin, cause to sin, act of sin, be in sin as the example given.

What does "Grace" mean?

Grace means "gift".

How do Christians and Muslims differ in it's meaning? If any?

There is NO difference in the meaning. There is only ONE GOD.

To me this word describes so many things.

According to the bible Adam and Eve where banished from Eden after an apparent abuse of God's Grace. Am I correct in this statement ( in part?

No, Adam and Eve were the first human beings. They were not banished from Earth. They were banished from Heaven.
Re: Re: By the Grace of God go I?

Originally posted by Medicine*Woman

How do Christians and Muslims differ in it's meaning? If any?

There is NO difference in the meaning. There is only ONE GOD.
Now there's a strange thing, didn't George W Bush say exactly the same thing just the other day. :D
i always thought it was about being watched ove rby god, and indeed, he has gifted you something, eg" there but for the grace of god, go I" when you've avoided something, so it refers more to what might be called the operations of chance, but if you think theres god watching out for you, then clearly it wasnt.
I have just been discussing this with a dear friend since posting the thread and we have used the following example as a part of the answer.

When parents raize their children, and give the children everything, love, a home, food a plenty, technology, education etc etc and have provided everthing the child could want, they also provide something that a child also needs and that is the ability to reject it all and find his own life away from the luxury that the parents have provided.

Adam and Eve were given the choice to reject the "perfection" of Eden by biting on the apple of knowledge. They were given the choice to make their lives real and reject the God given construct.

As with the parent God knew what their choice would be and to call that choice a sin is an error of interpretation.

Adam and eve had acheived what was intended and that is "Free will"

Adam and Eve didn't sin. They just simply sort the self determination that "God" wanted them to.

Free will being only available by the "Grace" of God

hypothesis only