buy your new galaxy compact disc today!


free thinker
Registered Senior Member

most of you are familiar with Galaxies, and the many of them that reside in this everexpanding yet unknown space we call the universe.
they come in all shapes and forms, but as you guys may well have seen- alot of them seem to carry the 'swirly disc' shape similar to the milky ways:

now- if you look at all into galaxies and outer space- you know that these spiral galaxies are pretty flat, opposed to the viewpoint given in those pictures, showing the galaxy from atop. some people even believe the universe is flat. anyways...

Just like Data (which is files, music, pictures, text, programs) is written and stored onto a "FLat" COMPACT DISC (CD) - i believe this is how the galaxies are in nature. All the data within the galaxy (which is humans, planets, stars, etc) is written and stored into a galaxy. This analogy proves to me strong, because they seem very alike. some other similarites are that they both 'spin' and new stars born etc = writing/rewriting.

the reason i see this theory as valid is because when u zoom out of the universe things become soo minute and tiny, it seems as if galaxies are now the size of planets and so then where are we? the size of Atoms? I hope my explanation was clear. ill post a txt file with a longer explanation soon.

this theory is open for suggestions/comments/and additions. I think my theory can also provide proof of the Holographic Universe theory, or is closely related somehow.

your thoughts?
I remember my first toke, too. :D

Variation on the ol' "What if were just part of some giant atom??" theory.

:m: Peace.
Yes, it is related to that giant atom theory, but also related to the Holographic Universe theory.

See, i believe the truth lies within a combination of these theories, a mixture of the Giant Atom theory and the Holographic universe theory...

It goes beyond the Giant Atom theory because this giant atom theory doesnt account for the "two electrons in seperate locations still interacting remotely" discovery. This is why the holographic theory fits in, somewhat. more on that later...

let's see:
you've got your CD , with the Data there on, if u were to zoom into the disc maybe u would see ONEs and ZEROs all stationary. Kind of like how WE are STATIONARY (for the most part our planet is in a staionary position relative to the rest of the solar system)
BUT- the CD must spin ! in order for anything to work, the CD must rotate fast enough for the DATA to be read on the Laser and so on...
Same Applies to galaxy: The Galaxy must spin in order for anything to happen, for elements to combine and reactions to take place and life to begin.

this is what im trying to get at with my Galactal Compact Disc Theory.
zonabi said:
Kind of like how WE are STATIONARY (for the most part our planet is in a staionary position relative to the rest of the solar system)
Um... kinda bending the facts to match the theory, aren't you?

:m: Peace.
I don't understand, or you trying to say the galaxies in the universe are compact disc?

We aren't stationary, we are constantly moving, changing and interacting with our enviroments...Our planets aren't stationary either they are constantly going in orbit with whatever star they are positioned around.

I think I can see what u are saying in your second post. That the galaxy needs to spin for anything to get done. Well, I believe that galaxies spin because that's where the solar systems are going.

Let me put it in steps for you:
1. Lets take a top, you spin it in goes in one direction, well it would go in one direction if there was no friction or objects to block it would it not?
2. Now, put this in sense with the planet. Constantly spinning it would represent a top going in one direction would it not?
3. Why does it go in an orbit around the sun? because of gravity the less gravity the further the planet will go in a relatively straight line.
4. Now take that planet orbiting around the sun and make it symbolize the solar systems going around the galaxy. Wouldn’t it have the same effect where the solar system would go around the center of the galaxy the same way the planets go around the sun?
5. Same thing can be applied to the galaxy and the universe.
6. I also believe that all the lights we see in the galaxy are all solar systems revolving aruond the galaxy. Without those solar systems we wouldn't even see the galaxy.

In conclusion. It's not the galaxies or even the solar systems spinning but rahter the inerta and movement of the planets.
I understand that our planets are moving- they are rotating themselves (spining) and also they are rotating around the sun. I realize that this entire solar system is also rotating around- THIS IS MY POINT, let me try to explain:

when i said we are kind of stationary, i meant in a Galactal point of view. for example:
All the solar system within a galaxy, ALL of the Space Dust and whatever else is there- ALL OF THIS is part of the galaxy- you can see its like a big spiral cloud in the pictures- ALL OF THIS is Stationary inside of the galaxy. It stays in the same spot pretty much, only that the ENTIRE galaxy is rotating. this is what im trying to relate to the Compact Disc- Although the stuff inside of it is moving (i.e: the planets,, etc) when u zoom out it seems to be fairly stationary. Just like the Data on the Disc. 1's and 0's which are electrical outputs that seem to be stationary but the entire CD rotates for the CD to work.

"bending facts?" of course. just like Time and Space Bend when you travel through space.
zonabi said:
"bending facts?" of course. just like Time and Space Bend when you travel through space.

No. Not true. Brush up on your relativity.

Also, there are more types of galaxies out there. Not all are disc shaped and spinning. The Milky Way is just an example of a type of galaxy.
Zonabi: That's what I usually call a metaphor - an illustration with common objects that makes it easier for other people to understand what you're saying.

When you try to communicate in metaphors, you have to be careful that you don't allow the metaphor to dominate the idea, which is a very easy thing to do. Even the concept of "galaxy" that we are using here is an incomplete picture of the real thing, because it's very difficult to communicate the real nature of a thing (such as you know it) by means of any number of words.

There are many forms of synergy that we find in the universe; the shadow of an oak tree looks like lightning; the delicate fern seems to follow a simple mathematical equation. I once saw a computer simulation of the gas flow in a nebula, and I swear it looked like a living thing to me...

But that doesn't mean that it is. Human beings have a remarkable ability to believe things are like other things on the basis of a single similarity, when differences abound. In this case, you've adopted the example of the CD as a metaphor for a galaxy on the basis that they both turn around.

Is there any other similarity? The Holographic Universe evidence is only an extension of the CD metaphor and doesn't relate it any more closely to the galaxy.

There are certainly differences:
The galaxy isn't solid and is held together by gravity, which means that tidal changes in its construction are the normal way of things.

All of its units are highly complex and change their position and nature all the time.

Galaxies will sometimes collide and combine with one another, which totally disrupts their structure and sometimes permanently throws off parts of one galaxy or the other.

The individual units (stars &c.) are self-powered, and in fact provide most of the visible energy in the universe.

However stable it may seem, every galaxy is in the process of a collapse. The centre of our galaxy is thought to be a supermassive black hole, which doesn't bode well for us in the long run.

The galaxy bears about as much resemblance to a CD as it does to a bottle bomb, and equal arguments could be made for both. I'm glad that you have a picture that helps you understand how a galaxy spins around, but you can't expect to generalize it to all other aspects of the universe.
Well, on the same note as the first post in this thread, planets are round, but does that mean that they are all being hung on some cosmic Christmas-tree, or being hit by a stellar cricket bat (I was going to say Base-ball bat, but it sounds a lot more funny to make a cricket reference instead)?
you guys dont see the universe in a bigger picture, from a bigger point of view.

of course the planets are moving and asteroids and whatnots are flying around and there is supernovae and collisions of galaxies - but if you were able to zoom all the way out and see the universe from god's point of view, these collisions and disruptions are almost invisible, if not comepletely gone- because of their inferior size compared to the infinite expanse of the universe.
i suppose it is more like a metaphor than a theory- what im trying to get across is this:
the CD must spin ! in order for anything to work, the CD must rotate fast enough for the DATA to be read on the Laser and so on...
Same Applies to galaxy: The Galaxy must spin in order for anything to happen, for elements to combine and reactions to take place and life to begin.

so, in the end i suppose i should reword my theory and call it a metaphor instead, since most replies are either extremely technical facts that stab open-minded thinking in the back or irrelevant posts about cosmic crickets

thanks for the input tho!
The only reason why the CD spins is because its observer (the laser) doesn't move. The universe doesn't have a stationary observer... unless you happen to believe in one.

Why does the galaxy need to spin for chemical reactions to occur?
... the spinning is what created this planet and solar system and galaxy and probably the universe as well and on and on ...

its what keeps everything flowing, life, energy, and waves spinning.
-planets orbits
-solar systems
-solar wind

all spin- its a universal constant almost, i would dare say.

We use HI observations made using with the upgraded Arecibo 305M Telescope in August 1998 to obtain spin vectors for 54 edge-on galaxies in the Pisces-Perseus Supercluster. This represents the largest known sample of accurately measured spin vectors for galaxies outside the Local Supercluster. Analysis of the spin vector distribution was performed using the Kuiper statistic (a two-sided variant of the Kolmogorov-Smirnov statistic) to compare the observed spin vector distribution with Monte Carlo simulations.

Our initial analysis indicates that there is very strong evidence for spin vector alignments of galaxies with neighboring galaxies. We can rule out random galaxy spin vector orientations at the 99.5% confidence level. Galaxy alignments of this variety are likely an artifact of the history of angular momentum exchange between galaxies. This indicates that the alignment process is an ongoing, evolutionary effect of galaxy interactions.
[2.15] Galaxy Spin Vector Alignments in the Pisces-Perseus Supercluster
J. E. Cabanela, J. M. Dickey (U. Minnesota)
a wheel and compact disc are also similiar. Both are circular... can be considered relatively flat... both can roll... But yet that does not make them the same does it? analagies do not make things a definate