Bush speaks his mind about homosexual marriage


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
Well this Thursday “President” Bush reminded us that even a snake can smile.

I believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and I think we ought to codify that one way or another, and we've got lawyers looking at the best way to do that.

I think it's very important for our society to respect each individual, to welcome those with good hearts, to be a welcoming country. On the other hand, that does not mean that somebody like me needs to compromise on an issue such as marriage.


It seems that in all of his wisdom, Bush has come to the conclusion that homosexuals should be accepted in our society, yet at the same time they should be demeaned, and treated as second class citizens by denying their rights. Thank you captain double-think.

It’s certainly no surprise that Bush would take this position, he is, after all, Mr. Religious Right himself. I just find it very appalling that he’d let this effect his politics. I can say this much: though he may hold the office, and I may be an American, he is certainly not my president. Nor is he the president of any other homosexual in this nation. We are supposed to live in a democracy for the people, but when the administration takes a stance like this on an issue like this, wherein no harm would be done to heterosexuals and their rights, and homosexuals should rightly be given theirs, it becomes clear that we are living under a regime that does not have the people’s best interest in mind. We are, instead, living with a government against the people.

I find it very interesting that Bush apparently has a team of lawyers working hard to find ways to prohibit homosexual marriage, especially seeing how as it is already prohibited in the United States. Maybe even he realizes that the Defense of Marriage Act is both discriminatory, and flat out unconstitutional, the strongest argument against it of course, being that it violates the full faith and credit clause of the constitution when it grants the ability of one state to ignore a homosexual marriage granted in another state.

I find it to be very disturbing to know that right now there are a team of people working in Washington trying to decide, in no uncertain terms, just what the most efficient way to screw me over is. I find it even more disturbing that these men answer back to the president, who is the one in charge of the effort to begin with. This is the reason that I assert that Bush is no longer my president, but now my personal enemy. If this sounds too reactionary, or too harsh, I’d simply have to say that Bush’s decision to wreak havoc on my life, my rights, and my human dignity is an offence far greater than my own words are able to convey.

In the end, I just guess I’m glad that this won’t be Bush’s decision. I’ll have to have hope that this issue will eventually come to the supreme court, and that they will set things straight. If we leave it to congress, and Bush, however, I really do fear the worst. There really are a lot of people in Washington looking to ruin my day.
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If it was left to Bush we'd be calling him Saddam Hussein.

People need to understand that Saddan Hussein et al is what happens when a Bush gets in power and never gets unelected.

Bush would outlaw gay marriage, he'd outlaw gay sex, then he'd outlaw gay acts on TV and gay writings or movies....

And that's just gays

He'd love to deforce the non judeo christian religions - then force tons of gov money into them, then enforce bibilical readings in school, then make them mandatory

Then force you at gun point to pray.

He'd become Saddam - It's the identical same thing.

However - whether gay marriage should be allowed is pure opinion - and I don't deal in opinion.

If you say gays should be killed I say fan I don't have an opinion.
Originally posted by Crystal
However - whether gay marriage should be allowed is pure opinion - and I don't deal in opinion.

If you say gays should be killed I say fan I don't have an opinion.

Heh, well I guess that's a real hard line for apathy, isn't it? It's more than opinion, it's a matter of justice and freedom.
Originally posted by Mystech
Heh, well I guess that's a real hard line for apathy, isn't it? It's more than opinion, it's a matter of justice and freedom.

Errrgh Wrong.

Justice and freedom are matters of opinion.

Therefore it is not more than a matter of opinion.

Here's a hint - The only other option than opinion is pure fact.

You won't find pure fact anywhere within BullShitting range of homosexuality.
Even if I disagreed with him, I think it's a sign of leadership that he does not bow to others. . We voted Bush in or at least it appeared that way. Anyways the president should not be swayed by popular opinion on what is moral or not.

It seems that in all of his wisdom, Bush has come to the conclusion that homosexuals should be accepted in our society, yet at the same time they should be demeaned, and treated as second class citizens by denying their rights. Thank you captain double-think.
He's only going by the dictionary definition of mariage.

you cannot make law based on the bible. i saw some idiot on tv last night saying bush was taking the moral high road and a bunch of bullshit about the bible. i threw ape shit! bible?? fuck the bible. this is not a religious state. there is no room for the bible in anything involving law.

Webster's New World Dictionary:

mar-riage (mar'ij), n. 1. the state of being married; wedlock. 2. a wedding. 3. any intimate union. --mar'riage.a.ble, adj.
Merriam-Webster Dictionary
1 a : the state of being married b : the mutual relation of husband and wife : WEDLOCK c : the institution whereby men and women are joined in a special kind of social and legal dependence for the purpose of founding and maintaining a family

Who are we going to call the wife and the husband in a homosexual union? And this kind of stuft as been banned before. The mormons had a religious cause and their polygamy was banned from marriage and practice. If the president wants to make decisions based on the bible that do not go against the constitution then what's wrong with that. It's no different from the president using the dictionary or his traditional values.
Originally posted by Crystal
Errrgh Wrong.

You won't find pure fact anywhere within BullShitting range of homosexuality.

How about the pure fact that we live in a society which is governed at the highest level by a document set up to protect equal freedoms, yet there is a section of the population being discriminated against, and their freedoms withheld? You may like to run around and feel like everything is relative, and shout about how it’s ok to screw some people over because when it comes down to it nothing really matters, right? But the rest of us would much rather get things right, and not end up in a situation where we are hopelessly oppressed.
Originally posted by okinrus
He's only going by the dictionary definition of mariage.

Well then the dictionaries need re-writing, don't they? Neither the appeal to the authority of the president, nor the dictionary, nor the holey bible, or God himself seems to me to be an adequate reason for why homosexuals should be denied such a basic human right. We're looking for equal protection, here, we just don't want to be second class citizens any more. Those who are against legal homosexual marriages are quite simply against homosexuals, there is no separation of the two issues. If you want to define a marriage as ONLY a marriage between a man and a woman, then you are against both homosexuals and the spirit of the institution itself. What has love and commitment got to do with gender? These are the core issues of marriage, not who has what plumbing.
I'm denied the right to marry as well being single. Everyone will be screwed over at some point. Honestly though, If the president believes that marriage is between a man and woman, he's allowed to that opinion whether he got it from God, the bible, Aunt Sally, or the dictionary. Your obviously free to be married in a church and call yourself married. However if we just vaguely define words such as freedom, then what use is our constitution anyways? Personally though, I have no problem with calling homosexuals married because it obviously referances the commitment and not the institution by God. But how far can one take this love commitment thing? Could we have love triangles getting married?
tom and roseanne brought in a third member to their marriage but that's another thread

the bottom line is that the bible has to stay out of this. no way around it. it is 100% a secular state by theory.

it is unconstitutional to deny anyone life, liberty or the pursuit of happiness. that last one is what that narrow definition of marriage violates.
It's not a 100% seperation of church and state. It was not the founding fathers intention that bringing morals based on religion would be excluded. In fact that's the whole point of having the freedom to practice your religion. Every elected official brings his own traditional or untraditional values and the majority rules. Moral decisions based on religion are valid under the constitution as long as they do not infringe on someone elses practice of religion.

Marriage is a financial contract between a man and a woman. In no way does it concern happyness of an individual because they are married when the ceremony is conducted, not when some goverment official says so. Maybe we should have civil unions or whatever but redefining the term marriage is extreme.
"In no way does it concern happyness of an individual"

i'm sorry. :( i've witnessed unhappy marriages too but it shouldn't ruin your view of marriages altogether.

as i understand the american dream, it is having a family and owning property. it is the right of every individual to be free to follow that dream.

families come in all shapes and sizes. there is the single parent family, the grandparents and grandchildren family, the step family, the adopted family, the godparents custody family, the legal guardian family, the extended relatives family, the nuclear family, the multiple parent family, the no children family, the adult siblings family......endless arragements.
I always thought marriage was a religious ceremony.
The only reason to do it is to make your sexing acceptable in the eyes of god.
If you ask me let the religious nuts keep there lousy ceremony. Who gives a fuck? Just be gay, why do you need a priest to sprinkle pixie dust on your relationship? :confused:
Originally posted by Dr Lou Natic
I always thought marriage was a religious ceremony.
The only reason to do it is to make your sexing acceptable in the eyes of god.
If you ask me let the religious nuts keep there lousy ceremony. Who gives a fuck? Just be gay, why do you need a priest to sprinkle pixie dust on your relationship? :confused:

We aren't arguing for the right of homosexuals to hold some sort of ceremony and be called married, we can do that already. We are looking to be able to obtain legal marriage licenses from the government, documents which are already issued to heterosexual couples.

The legal marriage status comes with many benefits and legal considerations befitting of the nature of the relationship between the two people involved.

The right to obtain this marriage license is given to some and restricted to others.

This has nothing to do with religion, despite people bringing up their nonsensical religious arguments into the mix.

This is purely an issue of equal rights and protection under the law.
Excuse my ignorance.
Aaah so its all about the scratch$$$
Whether the goal is a hole or a pole, it all comes down to the bones:D
I'm just babbling now to try and make up for being stupid, strange how its having the opposite effect:(
Anyway, yeah I see the problem now.
Thats not fair.
But at the same time... I couldn't get those benefits either, because I simply refuse to get married, its not a matter of choice, I couldn't physically make myself get married because I was born too proud of an individual.
Shouldn't me and the bitch I'm fucking get the same legal rights and protection under law as those who get married? I mean, I WANT those benefits, but marriage is just too dumb, I'd be selling my soul by partaking in the retarded ritual.
Still, I want money.... what a conundrum:(
My two cents...
There are a lot of gay couples that desereve to wed, if not for the underlying equality issue, then certainly for the reason that there are some gay and lesbian couples that have a very healthy family life and deserve the rights entailed in marriage including the tax breaks.
