Bush gets the Iraqi Boot!


uniquely dreadful
Valued Senior Member

The man was dragged out screaming after throwing the shoes. Bush ducked, and the shoes, thrown one at a time, sailed past his head during the news conference with Prime Minister Nuri al-Maliki in his palace in the heavily fortified Green Zone.

As the man continued to scream from another room, Bush said: "That was a size 10 shoe he threw at me, you may want to know."



Good reflexes!

And isn't it ironic that President Bush was the very person who gave that person the freedom and the rights to throw that shoe?

Under Sadman, if he'd done that, he'd have been killed, and his family would probably have been killed, too.

Yep, President Bush and the American military brought that man the right to throw that shoe. Pretty neat, huh? :D

Baron Max
If the guy had crapped in his shoe, then thrown it at "the Bush", would the president have noted the irony of the way his policies gave the man the freedom to fling shit at him?
Some people are very offended by the shoe-throwing incident on a political basis, which is understandable. And while I know this is very un-American of me... that was pretty damn funny!

I like how he said (not in English), "This is a farewell kiss from Iraqis, you dog!" I bet the guy thought about that moment and exactly what he wanted to say for days. Anyway, nobody was hurt and it's not like the guy pulled out an uzi. He threw his shoes. It was funny! I could even see GWB himself fighting back laughter.
Its a big deal in Arab culture, insulting a guest is worse than murder. Throwing shoes at him is murder+torture. Or something like that.
Yeh, it could become a tradition. Greeting the US Prez with a garland of shoes. :p

Check out Nur ul Maliki protecting him.
Bush should charge 10 dollars admission to the rest of his press conferences.

He could sit in a cage behind a podium that has a little red bullseye on it over a tub of water. People could toss their shoes, and try to dunk him.
Aren't his security guys supposed to leap up and catch the bullet/boot? Didn't even see one when the second shot was fired!?
George Bush is a funny man, but he should have never run for president or partake in an American policies and government.
Good old fashioned freedom.

Earlier, Interior Ministry spokesman Maj. Gen. Abdul-Karim Khalaf said al-Zeidi could face charges of insulting a foreign leader and the Iraqi prime minister, who was standing next to Bush when the shoes were thrown. The offense carries a maximum penalty of two years in jail.[/INDENT]​

Apparently, you can go to jail in Iraq for insulting a foriegn leader. If it were a free country, he would only be charged with assault.​
Lets see the Americans release the prisoners from the concentration camps of torture before yodelling about freedom.
let's see india start doing something about human rights abuses before bitching about america.
india is one of the worst nations on the planet when it comes to human trafficking.

maybe that's what the iraqis need, someone like saddam to treat them like the dogs that they are.