Bush a Christian Extremist???


Registered Senior Member
Some one keep saying in this forum that America is not a Christian country, yet it is run by a extremist christian fundamentlists. There are some news and quotes, please feel free to explore the whole site and tell me what do you all think?.

Thank you


A quote from the above site,

BUSH TELLS PALESTINIAN PM GOD MADE HIM ATTACK IRAQ..."God told me to strike at al Qaida and I struck them, and then he instructed me to strike at Saddam, which I did, and now I am determined to solve the problem in the Middle East. If you help me I will act, and if not, the elections will come and I will have to focus on them." --Ha'aretz, 06.25.03

The Washington Post subsequently reported that a call to the White House for clarification went unanswered. A number of reports* cautioned that Bush's exact words may have been lost in translation, but no alternate translation or attendee has contradicted the meaning expressed in the Ha'aretz translation. Bush's belief that he is acting as the hand of God has been well documented this past year, and his comments to Abbas wouldn't be the first time Bush has used his religious beliefs to score political points. Anyone who is capable of calling an empty trailer found in Iraq a Weapon of Mass Destruction is perfectly capable of telling a religious Arab that God told him to invade Iraq. --Politex, 07.01.03

Earlier, Jackson Lears in the New York Times reported Bush as saying, "''Events aren't moved by blind change and chance''..., but by ''the hand of a just and faithful God.'' From the outset he has been convinced that his presidency is part of a divine plan, even telling a friend while he was governor of Texas, ''I believe God wants me to run for president.'' This conviction that he is doing God's will has surfaced more openly since 9/11. In his State of the Union addresses and other public forums, he has presented himself as the leader of a global war against evil. As for a war in Iraq, ''we do not claim to know all the ways of Providence, yet we can trust in them.'' God is at work in world affairs, he says, calling for the United States to lead a liberating crusade in the Middle East, and ''this call of history has come to the right country.''"

"And this is the mindset--or rather, the primitive fever-dream--that is now directing the actions of the greatest military power in the history of the world. There can be no doubt that Bush believes literally in the divine character of his mission. He honestly and sincerely believes that whatever "decision" forms in his brain--out of the flux and flow of his own emotional impulses and biochemical reactions, the flattery and cajolements of his sinister advisers, the random scraps of fact, myth and fabrication that dribble into his proudly undeveloped and incurious consciousness--has been planted there, whole and perfected, by God Almighty." --Chris Floyd, God made me do it, says St. George
Originally posted by Markx
Some one keep saying in this forum that America is not a Christian country, yet it is run by a extremist christian fundamentlists. There are some news and quotes, please feel free to explore the whole site and tell me what do you all think?.

Thank you


A quote from the above site,
M*W: Markx, regardless of who is in office or which idiot represents our individual district, this country was NOT, I repeat, was NOT based on Christianity. The Founding Fathers of this great country were enlightened with the foresight that all men were created equal and that there MUST BE a separation between one's religious beliefs and one's legislature. Wubya simply follows what his spin doctors tell him to be. He's like a puppet with no real or revealed convictions. Republicans tend to lean toward the right (God-forbid the "Christian Right"), and Democrats lean toward the left (liberalism). It's better to trust a man who has convictions, whatever they may be, than to rely on a man who believes in nothing but his penis. In other words, it's better to believe in something than to believe in nothing.

The "Christian Right" are nothing more than Right Wing Fanatics. There is NO PLACE IN THIS COUNTRY for them! Keep the faith, my friend, they're a dying breed.
"God told me to strike"

Perhaps even more than the "Fool me once," gaffe, "God told me to strike," may well be my favorite Bushism.

I mean, I'm about the only person I know of who took the "God is on our side," line as poorly as I did. But it was important to me to keep that in people's minds. "God told me to strike"? What? What more do I need to convince people that we're embroiled in a holy war that we cannot win


° cannot win - I'm not inclined to think that the US can be defeated by anything other than world-sponsored purging. And even then it's questionable because Americans will burn everything before we let anyone or anything take us down. However, especially in this, the Religion forum, people are well aware of my distaste for dualisms. That we cannot be defeated does not mean we can win. Insofar as I can tell, a holy war is one in which everybody loses, even the people who aren't tied up directly in it.
Re: "God told me to strike"

Originally posted by tiassa
Perhaps even more than the "Fool me once," gaffe, "God told me to strike," may well be my favorite Bushism.

I mean, I'm about the only person I know of who took the "God is on our side," line as poorly as I did. But it was important to me to keep that in people's minds. "God told me to strike"? What? What more do I need to convince people that we're embroiled in a holy war that we cannot win


Yup! Yup! But it is really interesting isn't it? I think you are very right when you said " no one wins a holy war" I think it is true for any war, there are no winners, just survivours. However what Bin Ladin did was horrible but what a President of a Civilized nation is doing is worst. I guess Bush was really honest ( for once )when he said he (Bush ) will start a Crusade.