bus driver mortal kombat style uppercut on ghetto chick


Valued Senior Member

ok in this instance since their obviously is a video and it clearly shows she hits the driver first. wouldn't she be the one whos "going to jail" regardless of male/female.. she was the first to strike him in a physical way he just finished it..

just another case of a ghetto chick who think she can beat up everyone but ran into the wrong person.. right or wrong bus driver said it perfectly she wanna be a man im gonna treat her like a man'

dont get me wrong a man should never hit a woman.. but as i have always said what is a man suppose to do in a situation where the woman keeps coming at him just keep getting hit until the police arrive,, they should be able to protect themselves not this situations but others that have escalated like this

ok in this instance since their obviously is a video and it clearly shows she hits the driver first. wouldn't she be the one whos "going to jail" regardless of male/female.. she was the first to strike him in a physical way he just finished it..

just another case of a ghetto chick who think she can beat up everyone but ran into the wrong person.. right or wrong bus driver said it perfectly she wanna be a man im gonna treat her like a man'

dont get me wrong a man should never hit a woman.. but as i have always said what is a man suppose to do in a situation where the woman keeps coming at him just keep getting hit until the police arrive,, they should be able to protect themselves not this situations but others that have escalated like this

I'm probably gonna get my first ban due to this thread but I'm ok with it. I think it's hilarious. We go on and on about equal rights and all that. Well she just got treated equally. If a man had hit the driver he would have been handled the same way. To say she didn't deserve being handled in such a way because she is female is, in my opinion, sexist. If a woman wants to be treated like a lady, she should act like a lady, and as the bus driver said, if she wants to act like a man, she will be and, in my opinion, should be treated like one.
I'm happy to say that I've never hit a woman, but I can see where the situation had escalated into a smack down. There are many professions for which I feel sympathy. Bus driver is one of them. Another would be a police officer. Pretty much anybody who must deal with the general public on a daily basis.
I actually think the rule we're all taught by our parents to "never hit a girl" is sexist. It implies that women are weak and present no danger to you as a male. As evidenced in this video, this is not at all the case. That wasn't some delicate daisy he hit, that was some hard-ass street kid who clearly knew how to take a punch and get up swinging. I'm certainly not advocating that women should suddenly be the objects of a man's anger, but if one is going to attack you, they shouldn't be treated any differently than a man.

That was a beautiful uppercut, by the way. She so had it coming.
I actually think the rule we're all taught by our parents to "never hit a girl" is sexist. It implies that women are weak and present no danger to you as a male. As evidenced in this video, this is not at all the case. That wasn't some delicate daisy he hit, that was some hard-ass street kid who clearly knew how to take a punch and get up swinging. I'm certainly not advocating that women should suddenly be the objects of a man's anger, but if one is going to attack you, they shouldn't be treated any differently than a man.

That was a beautiful uppercut, by the way. She so had it coming.

Behind you 100%. Anyone who initiates a fight assuming the other person will not strike back for whatever reason, is nothing less than a bully and a fool. I have taught my kids never to hit anyone expecting that they are not able and willing to hit back with as much or more force than they initiated the attack with. I have taught my kids to avoid violence and try to restrain any attacker if possible, but sometimes you gotta knock a sucka out before you can restrain them.
Behind you 100%. Anyone who initiates a fight assuming the other person will not strike back for whatever reason, is nothing less than a bully and a fool. I have taught my kids never to hit anyone expecting that they are not able and willing to hit back with as much or more force than they initiated the attack with. I have taught my kids to avoid violence and try to restrain any attacker if possible, but sometimes you gotta knock a sucka out before you can restrain them.

Well, I don't know about restraining an attacker, but the general principle should be not to pick fights with anyone. If someone hits you, make sure you know how to hit them so they never do it again. As pretty as that uppercut was, a shot to the nose would have kept her on the ground long enough for him to drive away.
In many instances a womans "punch" isn't that effective for women just don't have enough power to really hurt a strong man. Now I know there are some women who can deck a guy but that usually isn't the case. That is why I've never returned a punch that a woman has hit me with because I know what damages I could do to her. If I were in that situation I would have stopped the bus and gotten off and waited for police to arrive. I'd run away from the bitch if she persued me knowing quite well that I could inflict heavy damage to her if she cought me.
In many instances a womans "punch" isn't that effective for women just don't have enough power to really hurt a strong man. Now I know there are some women who can deck a guy but that usually isn't the case. That is why I've never returned a punch that a woman has hit me with because I know what damages I could do to her. If I were in that situation I would have stopped the bus and gotten off and waited for police to arrive. I'd run away from the bitch if she persued me knowing quite well that I could inflict heavy damage to her if she cought me.
I've been in the situation so I know how you feel. In my case, she had the insanity to hit me while I was holding my infant son- you can imagine...
Ultimately, I never hit her. I got her in a lock and to the ground. Then I pinned her down and restrained her.
It wasn't easy. Pinning was, restraining her was. Restraining me wasn't- in that moment, she was not a she, not a he, either- she was a Threat To My Son. She wasn't an anything human. Fortunately, the smarter part of the brain fought through the fog and won out and I wasn't even aware that happened at the time. It wasn't until later, when I had time to think about it, that I realized I had never hit her- it's as though the actions were automatic. Because the crude thoughts that did make it to my brain in that moment were, "You b**** you're ******* gonna get ****** **." I'm vaguely aware that a major inner conflict must have happened, that self restraint happened- but it's all fog.
"Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger"
Jesus Christ

She deserved it.
"Nigger nigger nigger nigger nigger"
Jesus Christ

She deserved it.
I left what you said ( A mod may remove that content from my post later) for posterity.

For what I went through for having said, "a black kid" I really want to see you hammered into the ground now.
Whether she deserved it or not, the driver is guilty of assault. We pay extra tax dollars to support a whole separate police force just for the transit system.. to handle situations just like this. I was on a bus when two women got into it, and one of the kept putting her hand in her purse pretending she had a gun. The driver just pulled the bus over and waited for the transit cops.

That said...the evil part of me really enjoyed watching the loud mouth bitch take a sweet uppercut and get her ass literally thrown off the bus.

Whether she deserved it or not, the driver is guilty of assault. We pay extra tax dollars to support a whole separate police force just for the transit system.. to handle situations just like this. I was on a bus when two women got into it, and one of the kept putting her hand in her purse pretending she had a gun. The driver just pulled the bus over and waited for the transit cops.

That said...the evil part of me really enjoyed watching the loud mouth bitch take a sweet uppercut and get her ass literally thrown off the bus.


Actually it wasn't assault. It was self defense because she hit him first. He used the amount of force necessary to get her to stop hitting him. And he did give her a warning but she still decided to initiate the attack. The onus is on her.

Considering Buzz Aldren was never charged with assault when he punched a guy in the face just for harassing him verbally, I think this bus driver has a solid defense.
UPDATE: Oct. 13, 5:13 p.m. -- New information has been released, identifying the bus driver as Artis Hughes and the female passenger as Shidea N. Lane. According to the police report, obtained by Cleveland.com, Lane allegedly got on the bus driven by Hughes without paying, claiming she forgot her backpack. She proceeded to ask "Are you putting me off the bus?" and "Is this how you treat people in Cleveland?" Lane eventually paid and called Hughes a "bitch." The two got into a verbal argument, according to the police report, and Lane reportedly proceeded to grab Hughes' throat, spit in his face and strike him with her fist.

Shidea N. Lane was the 25 year old woman that struck the driver.
Driver was Artis Hughes, who struck back. He was suspended pending investigation.

Police were called to the scene, but both Hughes and Lane declined to press charges.
It is a federal offense to hit a driver with the bus in motion.
Read the comments below the article...
UPDATE: Oct. 13, 5:13 p.m. -- New information has been released, identifying the bus driver as Artis Hughes and the female passenger as Shidea N. Lane. According to the police report, obtained by Cleveland.com, Lane allegedly got on the bus driven by Hughes without paying, claiming she forgot her backpack. She proceeded to ask "Are you putting me off the bus?" and "Is this how you treat people in Cleveland?" Lane eventually paid and called Hughes a "bitch." The two got into a verbal argument, according to the police report, and Lane reportedly proceeded to grab Hughes' throat, spit in his face and strike him with her fist.

Shidea N. Lane was the 25 year old woman that struck the driver.
Driver was Artis Hughes, who struck back. He was suspended pending investigation.

Police were called to the scene, but both Hughes and Lane declined to press charges.

So the youtube title is misleading in that she wasn't a teen at all. She is a grown woman acting like a spoiled child. I think its hilarious that she says he is going to jail for hitting her giving the implication that her hitting him was perfectly ok. I wish more men would hit women back when they act like this. It may reduce the amount of jersey girl type violence.
Whether she deserved it or not, the driver is guilty of assault. We pay extra tax dollars to support a whole separate police force just for the transit system.. to handle situations just like this. I was on a bus when two women got into it, and one of the kept putting her hand in her purse pretending she had a gun. The driver just pulled the bus over and waited for the transit cops.

That said...the evil part of me really enjoyed watching the loud mouth bitch take a sweet uppercut and get her ass literally thrown off the bus.


He's within his legal right to defend himself against a physical assault. You're not obliged to let someone hit you until police arrive. There's a limit, of course, but I didn't see him crossing it in this video.
Honestly... I agree with the dude here. Act like a man, expect to get treated like a man... she verbally abused him, she spit on him, and she struck him - that bus driver is guilty of nothing IMHO... at most you could claim aggravated battery (it wouldn't be assault since, technically, he didn't threaten her life, and battery is when you actually hit someone)... but it was self defense, and a damn good punch to boot!
Honestly... I agree with the dude here. Act like a man, expect to get treated like a man... she verbally abused him, she spit on him, and she struck him - that bus driver is guilty of nothing IMHO... at most you could claim aggravated battery (it wouldn't be assault since, technically, he didn't threaten her life, and battery is when you actually hit someone)... but it was self defense, and a damn good punch to boot!

Hey Kittamaru, what do you make of Steve100's post at number 11?