

Eviiiiiiiil Clown
Registered Senior Member
Since everyone is pretending to abandon the ship, it is now my turn.

I am going to stop posting in sciforums forever for the following reasons.

* I am tired of some people advocating all others to wear a skirt when they post.

* teenagers try to act like 35 years old, or some act like 8 year olds.

* People threatened to leave but never did.

* People try to install a certain culture upon this forum, which they believe is superior. They threaten to leave if they don't get their wishes.

* People rather talk about political fictions than politics.

* Atheists try to come up with different ways to say how much religions suck like it never gets old.

* I am jealous at the fact that Adam has more posts per day than anyone else.

* I am sick of Xev constantly making me look like an idiot by forcing me to scramble for a dictionary.

* Tiassa lacks understanding of the concept of being "Pithy".

* Pine.net has a bigger bicept than I do.

* I am appalled by Agent@5's comment about Sidney Australia winter is cold. It gets as low as 19 oC :rolleyes: I am also jealous at her good looks and nice tan. The same can be said to strgrl and nightfall just to be fair.

* I am mad at Pollux attempt to lure me further into geekdom by introducing me to Warcraft III.

* I am furious by people's attempts to expose my ultraconservative bias. Oh Oops. pretend I didn't say that. :p

* I am amazed by TheChosen and Dark Master's attempt to relate Xev and tyler's flame war to Don Juan philosophy.

* Way too many Australians. This place is too civlized for a bunch of crocodile chasing, kagaroo hugging hicks. Also one Swede too many.

* Screw all of you who can't identify or take jokes. (Stereotypes can be jokes too.)

Sorry for those of you who didn't make the list, but I ain't got all day. I am out of town taking a lunch break. My internet access is charged to my long distance phone bill. Although I don't pay for it, I still need to limit its use.

Psst: Here is the secret. I never actually plan on leaving. Posters usually just come and go, but I do this just to make myself looks very important. People will focus their attention on me and will realize how indispensible of a poster I am if I threaten to leave. I expect all of you to say things like "Oh no please don't leave us." or "We will really miss you if you leave". or "good bye Joeman, please come back."

Okay last thing, before I am going to .....leave, I would like to thank Brolly and his friends for lowing the intellectual bar of this place to make me look intelligent. Kupo, Kupu, Kipu... That is 10 times more annoying than "I am an American" commercial. Hey, but it is impossible to tell what great the Lakers are without the Clippers.
Hey Joeman!!

psst... you ain't really gonna leave are you????

What'll we do!!! ***slaps both cheeks with hands***

Pulzze don't abandon us.... :eek: :eek: :eek:
Aww, I didn't get a mention. :( :p

Oh no please don't leave us. We will really miss you if you leave. If you must, then Good bye Joeman, please come back. :D

Having said that, I do tend to "participate" in these goodbye threads. :eek:
Nahh, I didnt get mentioned, so I'm not gonna beg you to stay, PPPPPTTTT! (how do you blow a raspberry in writing?)

Originally posted by Joeman

* I am amazed by TheChosen and Dark Master's attempt to relate Xev and tyler's flame war to Don Juan philosophy.

haha, I ain't trying to influenceeee no one. Actually Chosen brought it up. I just simply want to say Xev isn't in control of anything but her arrogant mind :D :p haha

Good post tho. :cool:
Come on Joeman, you remember me! We had a clash about some political thing cause you are a right wing too much money making engineer and I am a left wing student :) :) :)

It would be apreciated if you edited the post to mention me as a huge reason to leave. :D
god i am more smarter than you ass wipe

for the second time today i shall not say kupo

Originally posted by Brolly
god i am more smarter than you ass wipe

for the second time today i shall not say kupo


hahahahahaha. This proves we need you Joeman, you come up with stuff that amuses people and look how many people replied already. Stuff like this, arguments, pointless people to be proven wrong, and such keeps the forum alive. Good thinkin.
Hmmm, how did that saying go?

Something about rats and ships, can't for the life of me remember it...
I haven't left Sciforums.
I'm just very possesed by one mmorpg atm.

I'll return to my usual posting on Saturtday:)

(how do you blow a raspberry in writing?)
The best rendering I have seen comes from comic strips and is approximately Thbpbpbpbpbt! I'm not sure it matters whether the "p" or "b" comes first.

If you have any old Bloom County or Outland around, that's where I got it from. Opus used to razz people like that a lot.
Tiassa lacks understanding of the concept of being "Pithy"
What an interesting comment. Of course,it may be correct. I have no idea why any of our posters would hope to be "pithy" in this day of Bill O'Reilly. I mean, talk about setting shite-low standards. I would prefer people to have a point.

But that's just me, so pith away. I understand pith is easier than thought.

Tiassa :cool:
Huh, big deal.

I left a long time ago and didn't tell anyone.

Hmmm, I wonder if anyone has noticed....
What an interesting comment. Of course,it may be correct. I have no idea why any of our posters would hope to be "pithy" in this day of Bill O'Reilly. I mean, talk about setting shite-low standards. I would prefer people to have a point.
Ok, Tiassa literally doesn't know the concept of being "pithy"! (I still like your posts Tiassa even if I have to wade through them.) ;)
Could be

From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):

Pith \Pith\, n. [AS. pi?a; akin to D. pit pith, kernel, LG.
peddik. Cf. Pit a kernel.]
1. (Bot.) The soft spongy substance in the center of the
stems of many plants and trees, especially those of the
dicotyledonous or exogenous classes. It consists of
cellular tissue.

(a) (Zo["o]l.) The spongy interior substance of a feather.
(b) (Anat.) The spinal cord; the marrow.

3. Hence: The which contains the strength of life; the vital
or essential part; concentrated force; vigor; strength;
importance; as, the speech lacked pith.

Enterprises of great pith and moment. --Shak.

Pith paper. Same as Rice paper, under Rice.


From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):

Pith \Pith\, v. t. (Physiol.)
To destroy the central nervous system of (an animal, as a
frog), as by passing a stout wire or needle up and down the
vertebral canal.


From WordNet (r) 1.7:

n 1: soft spongelike central cylinder of the stems of most
flowering plants
2: the choicest or most essential or most vital part of some
idea or experience: "the gist of the prosecutor's
argument"; "the heart and soul of the Republican Party";
"the nub of the story" [syn: kernel, substance, core,
center, essence, gist, heart, heart and soul, inwardness,
marrow, meat, nub, sum, nitty-gritty]
Nothing new here.
From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):

Pithy \Pith"y\, a. [Compar. Pithier; superl. Pithiest.]
1. Consisting wholly, or in part, of pith; abounding in pith;
as, a pithy stem; a pithy fruit.

2. Having nervous energy; forceful; cogent.

This pithy speech prevailed, and all agreed.

In all these Goodman Fact was very short, but pithy.

Pithy gall (Zo["o]l.), a large, rough, furrowed, oblong
gall, formed on blackberry canes by a small gallfly
(Diastrophus nebulosus).


From WordNet (r) 1.7:

adj : concise and full of meaning; "welcomed her pithy comments";
"the peculiarly sardonic and sententious style in which
Don Luis composed his epigrams"- Hervey Allen [syn: sententious]
adv : in a pithy sententious manner; "she expressed herself
pithily" [syn: sententiously]
Still seems pretty normal.
From Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary (1913):

Sententious \Sen*ten"tious\, a.[L. sentenciosus: cf. F.
1. Abounding with sentences, axioms, and maxims; full of
meaning; terse and energetic in expression; pithy; as, a
sententious style or discourse; sententious truth.

How he apes his sire, Ambitiously sententious!

2. Comprising or representing sentences; sentential. [Obs.]
``Sententious marks.'' --Grew. --- Sen*ten"tious*ly,
adv. -- Sen*ten"tious*ness, n.


From WordNet (r) 1.7:

adv : in a pithy sententious manner; "she expressed herself
pithily" [syn: pithy]
I threw that one in there for the obvious reason of synonym.

Hmm ... seems to me that when I'm pithy, I upset people.

Usually I'm accused of jumping to conclusions, sticking words in someone's mouth, and all manner of crap best left for Crossfire or, as mentioned before, Bill O'Reilly and his love of pithy comments.

Sometimes I'm left putting many, many words where pith should have worked, but I've generally found that my pith seems too intelligent for many people

So it would seem to me that I neither understand pith, the value of pith, nor the detriment of pith. Nor do I understand why people prefer it to substance. "Pithy" seems to be just "sound-bite" with a spin. Not so much politically correct, but journalistically forgiving.

How interesting.

thanx for the affirmation,
Tiassa :cool:
ahhh joe-man.... I admire you, if I only had the skill of attracting attention the way you do. Your my hero!! lol.... and ps. Its okay, we'll work on your tan, pity its been so bloody COLD here jo jo, i havnt been out to get it myself either!!!....
Originally posted by Joeman

I am appalled by Agent@5's comment about Sidney Australia winter is cold.

ps.... is anyone else highly offended at the way joe man spelt sYdney??? (excluding smelly melbournians *cough* adam and Ant *cough*