Buddhism= happiness


Registered Senior Member
i read this very interesting article to do with experienced buddhists and neuroscientists. the neuroscientists were studying why buddhists in general seem have the qualities of happiness, serenity and loving kindness. apparently they are happy all the time and this is not preconditioned thought either- it's actual contentment and happiness because their left prefrontal lobes are persistently active. what does that mean you might ask? the left prefrontal lobe of the brain is the source of postive emotions and good mood. the neuroscientists speculate that it has something to do with the meditation and the philosophies that buddhists practice which cause this persistent action in the left lobe- this is in contrast to the normal population of people who's left prefrontal lobe is not nearly as active. so anyone looking for actual content and happiness should look up the buddhists monastery near you. this is food for thought for me anyway, who doesn't want to be happy all the time?

kudos goes to new scientist for a sweet article. in particular owen flanagan who wrote the article and is a professor at duke university.
...neuroscientists were studying why buddhists in general seem have the qualities of happiness, serenity and loving kindness
Neuroscientists beleive all Bhuddists are gay??? :D
Originally posted by EvilPoet
I read that article and I agree. Here is the
article for anyone interested in reading it:
Wow, you just have all the quotations and links to articles now, don't you? :)
Buddhism is a freedom to move and to understand. As you progress through life, many things come to you, how you approach them is your decision.
Originally posted by Jade Squirrel
Wow, you just have all the quotations and links to articles now, don't you? :)
Evilpoet must be one of those google servers.., i suspect.