Broadcasting Prostitution


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
I think those stupid TV and radio executives have gone a tad too far in their current obsession with what they call reality television. One station here is offering a large amount of cash if one half of a couple will shag a complete stranger.

Prostitution is legal here, provided the company involved has the proper license. I wonder if this radio station actually got that license.

Even more important, it's fncking sick! The world has enough problems without these weenies turning the whole intimate relationship thing into a game-show/prositution racket.

It is listed under INDECENT PROPOSAL at:
Adam ...

Re. Prostitution is legal here ...

NOW you tell me! Where were you fifteen years ago?

And here I thought Aussies were always smiling because
of barbies, Foster's, and Kola bears!

Humm ... Wonder if that's why Porfiry wants to continue
his education in Australia?

Take care ;)
That sounds like quite the reality show:D

Too bad up heeya all we have is survivor.
I hate TV shows. Just a waste of time. there are so many interesting things to do. Go to a seaside, go to some kind of sport activity, study history, IT, genetics, astronomy, etc. (all these are interesting and valuable things). The only program tht I watch on TV are Discovery Channels.
I mean - survivor. You just sit and watch as some people are preforming some interesting or attracting things, why don't try smth extreme and/or interesting yourself. I find smth to myself in Latvia, and you in the US find the best thing to do is sit by a TV monitor? You have all the possibilities, but don't use thm.

disclaimer;)- consider the text above targeted towards you if you are a potato and coach warrior.

Trust me, avatar, I would and I do. Right now at the moment in the northeastern us it is really unbelievably cold and there is nothing to do, nowhere to go. Since I live in a tourist-y town there aren't any nearby science places or open movie theatres even. During summer I go outside all the time during the day and night, I even invented a game my friends have affectionately called gayball :D. But its really fun. Anyway by no means am I a couch potato when there is something to do, BUT I AM IN THE DULDRUMS. TV, lord of the rings (books and movie), the games on my computer and the internet are all I have until late April!
my weekly plan in winters and late atumns

monday - school, computer, cinema(if smth's on), (~discovery channel by mood), sleep

tuestday - school, computer, taekwon-do, computer, slpeep

wednesday - school, computer, discovery channel or invite some friends, computer, sleep

thursday - school, computer, discovery channel , computer, taekwon-do, computer, sleep

friday - school, computer, friends, discovery channel, computer , (training by choice), computer sleep

saturtday - taekwon-do, illegal computer software shop, computer, discovery channel , computer , a little bit sleep

sunday - discovery channel , computer, hot bath, sleep.

discovery channel may be replaced with some historical, scientific or sm other interesting book.

+ add daily visits to sciforums. but because you all are here mostly from 20:00 to 2:00AM local time, I mostly am here at late evenings. my time here now is 00:45AM

so no much fun for me in winters too
Your post says 5:42, so that means our displacement is five hours between Latvia and the eastern US.

I don't really follow a schedule buuutttt this is basically what I do:

Write fantasy or scifi, listening to LOTR soundtrack (excellent, by the way, I'm listening right now), watching LOTR, internet etc, maybe if I'm lucky I'll be able to play on the computer sometime in the near future:( It's been almost four weeks without ANY games at ALL! Agghhh, I'm really going insane, from boredom.
If the current crop of reality Tv shows is aynthing to go by, perhaps shows like "The Running Man" arent too far off after all...

How sad.