British Muslims divided in fight against terrorism


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British Muslims divided in fight against terrorism

Blair Hints at Id Cards in Anti-Terror Move

1st April 2004

Prime Minister Tony Blair today signalled that the Government was preparing to draw up further anti-terrorist legislation in the wake of a suspected al Qaida plot to bomb Britain.

Following the alleged bid to use half a ton of ammonium nitrate fertiliser in a terror campaign Mr Blair indicated he was prepared to bring forward measures to introduce identity cards.

The Muslim Council of Britain, meanwhile, said it had received an “overwhelmingly positive response” from the Islamic community after it reacted to news of the alleged plot by writing to 1,000 mosques urging them to guard against terrorists.

But the outspoken London-based group Al-Muhajiroun said Muslims should not cooperate with their local authorities against other members of the faith.

Its leader, controversial cleric Sheikh Omar Bakri Muhammad, said: “Co-operating with the authorities against any other Muslims, that is an act of apostasy in Islam.”

He also accused Britain and the United States of “terrorist activity” in Afghanistan and Iraq.

At his monthly Downing Street news conference Mr Blair said: “I think that we will need to readjust our terrorism laws still further.

“I think that the whole issue of identity cards, which a few years ago were not on anyone’s agenda, are very much on the political agenda here, probably more quickly even than we anticipated.”

Sheikh says Muslims must be tight-lipped

Omar Bakri Muhammad demanded a wall of silence after the mainstream Muslim Council of Britain urged the Islamic community to play its part in the fight to defend the UK.

Bakri accused them of apostasy — betrayal of religious beliefs — and branded them government stooges.

Bakri, who rants against Britain despite being allowed to live here, said: “Co-operating with authorities against other Muslims is an act of apostasy in Islam.

“The Muslim Council represents the British Government, not Muslims in the UK, because they are not an Islamic council.”

He accused the British press of demonising Muslims, adding: “The culture of terrorism has become the fashion of the 21st Century when the USA and Britain are involved in terrorist activity in Afghanistan and Iraq.”

UK Muslims split over mosque terror letter

The MCB's appeal to the UK's two million Muslims will be made through imams, chairmen and secretaries of mosques. Hundreds of thousands of booklets will also be sent out.

But Masoud Shadjareh, chairman of the Islamic Human Rights Commission, told that the letter's assumptions are false.

As Muslims, we need to challenge stereotyping and injustices, rather than becoming party to them," he said. "I'm not questioning the MCB's intentions but it seems that they are reacting without thinking.

Abu Hamza Attacks Muslim Council as 'Hypocrites'

One of the young men who gathered to hear Hamza’s sermon relayed his message to friends by holding his mobile phones towards his booming voice.

Hamza told them: “The MCB are hypocrites.

“They issued a statement for all mosques in England.

“They claim they speak on our behalf. Nobody cares about them.

“The only person who cares about them is Tony Blair. They are the Blair way introduced by the Labour government to introduce hypocrisy.”

It was all part of a plan to try and make every Muslim an “agent”, he claimed.

He tried to dismiss the huge bomb-making material found by police this week as a “created material” and the arrests as a “conspiracy against these brothers”.

The sermon ended peacefully after 45 minutes and all of Hamza’s followers left without speaking to the press whom they were told were part of the conspiracy that spread lies.


Muslims 'Must Not Denounce Other Muslims'

Tottenham Ayatollah asks Muslims not to help police

Cleric's 'don't grass' rant
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You have cut-and-pasted a whole lot of material here with no accompanying commentary. You do not seem to have raised any particular topic for discussion.

You now have an opportunity to do that. Please make your point (if you have one), or I will close the thread. This will apply to future threads of this type, too.

Re Vienna:

I did respond with large post but there was technical problems so it was lost !!

Anyway, I will make it short:

The thing that make me angry so much is how on earth the british government can allow such SCUMBAGS ( like the one-eyed PIRATE abu hamza and the other one bakri) to stay in the country ????? how they allow them to preach their hatred and bigotry against the land which sheltered them and indeed feed them ????

Those Al muhajiron terrorists used to come to our mosque in Didsbury-Manchrster, but we kicked them out, I had a fight with one of those scumbags who accused me of being SELL OUT MUSLIM !!! Imagine !! :rolleyes:

We love this country ( The UK ), the Muslim council of Britian was RIGHT to send letters to every mosque in the country to report any asshole terrorist and to defend BRITIAN against any is an islamic duty to fight for your land, dying for britian will make you a martyer in islam eyes because for thousands of muslims, britian is their home where they were born and raised.

Time to deport those terrorist scumbags.
James R said:

You have cut-and-pasted a whole lot of material here with no accompanying commentary. You do not seem to have raised any particular topic for discussion.

You now have an opportunity to do that. Please make your point (if you have one), or I will close the thread. This will apply to future threads of this type, too.

The particular point I have raised is reflected in the links which confirm the division in loyalties with British muslims.

I apologise for not creating a running commentary to this effect, I believe the links speak for themselves

If it is your wish to close this thread, then so be it. I will make no further comment on this.
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Yo vienna, you said you live in the UK right? well i was at Manchester a couple of weeks ago and attended a fundraiser by the MCB for a "books 4 schools" project which basically supplies HUNDREDS of (authentic, clear) books about Islam to each school to crush all the mis-interpreations of Islam people have in the UK. the event i went to raised £30,000 which is enough for all of the 177 schools in Manchester (im not sure whether these packs are for primary or secondry schools). anyway, these fundraisers will move from city to city supplyin books for that particular cities. you said in one of the threads your city has loads of Muslims so it should be coming to your city. this project is needed becasue of the many mis-interpreations of islam through culuter and context. also it is sad that nowadays not even PSE and other religious teachers in schools now much about true Islam in UK schools now anyway, so this project will supply books, cds, etc. to children and resources nd training for teachers. the next generation will now the true Islam, InshAllah!
Moderate Muslims cannot ignore the terror in their midst

It's not very easy to know what any "community" thinks. By default, one goes to those organisations that are designated "community leaders". The two groups that head the list are the Muslim Council of Britain (MCB) and the Muslim Association of Britain (MAB).

They are quite different. The MCB is an umbrella for about 400 affiliated Muslim groups, including the MAB. Sheltering under that umbrella are the good, the bad and the ugly, which means that the MCB is pulled in many directions.

The MAB is quite a separate matter. It pulls firmly in one direction. Though its leaders are routinely used as spokesmen by media and politicians, this group has associations with the Muslim Brotherhood, the mother of all Islamist groups, founded in Egypt in 1928.

The Brotherhood's ideal scenario is to reinstate the Islamic caliphate and have Muslims live in Islamic states under sharia. In pursuit of this goal, its members have been implicated in various assassinations in the Arab world, including that of Anwar Sadat. They have spawned terrorist groups in Pakistan and the Middle East, the best-known being Hamas.

Pursuing paper tigers such as Fleet Street Islamophobia is easy, but the real tiger is Islamic extremism: it knows no distinction between the taste of infidels' blood and that of Islamic moderates - except, perhaps, that the latter is a more satisfying meal.
Proud_Muslim said:
The thing that make me angry so much is how on earth the british government can allow such SCUMBAGS ( like the one-eyed PIRATE abu hamza and the other one bakri) to stay in the country ????? how they allow them to preach their hatred and bigotry against the land which sheltered them and indeed feed them ????
My heart goes with you on this one.

Proud_Muslim said:
Those Al muhajiron terrorists used to come to our mosque in Didsbury-Manchrster, but we kicked them out, I had a fight with one of those scumbags who accused me of being SELL OUT MUSLIM !!! Imagine !! :rolleyes:
Oh. Im a bit surprised.

Proud_Muslim said:
We love this country ( The UK ), the Muslim council of Britian was RIGHT to send letters to every mosque in the country to report any asshole terrorist and to defend BRITIAN against any is an islamic duty to fight for your land, dying for britian will make you a martyer in islam eyes because for thousands of muslims, britian is their home where they were born and raised.
Wow. Im speechless.