British couple in jail for public sex in Dubai


Registered Senior Member
CNN - Story Highlights
The two Britons will be deported after they complete their sentence
The pair were arrested at a Dubai beach shortly after midnight on July 5
They were charged with with illicit relations, public indecency, public intoxication
Although a relatively moderate Gulf state, Dubai adheres to certain Islamic rules
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates (CNN) -- A court in Dubai has sentenced two Britons to three months in prison for having sex on a public beach in the Muslim country.

After they complete their sentence, the pair will be deported. They also have to pay a 1,000 dirhams ($367) fine for public indecency.

Police charged Michelle Palmer, 36, and Vincent Acors, 34, with illicit relations, public indecency and public intoxication after their arrest at a beach shortly after midnight on July 5.

Both denied that they had intercourse.

"The public (prosecutor) failed to produce corroborative evidence against my clients concerning having consensual sex and committing indecent gestures in public," said the pair's lawyer, Hasan Mattar.

He said the pair will appeal the verdict.

The United Arab Emirates (UAE) -- where Dubai is located -- is home to thousands of expatriates and is among the most moderate Gulf states. Still, the oil-rich Gulf kingdom adheres to certain Islamic rules.

More than a million British visitors traveled to the UAE in 2006, and more than 100,000 British nationals live there, according to the British Foreign Office.

The country is in the midst of a building boom to position itself as one of the world's premier tourist destinations. It is already home to the world's largest mall, the world's largest tower, and -- despite being in the Middle East -- boasts the largest indoor snow park in the world.
I want to see what you people think about this incident. Do you think the Dubai authorities did the correct thing or not? I mean from the way CNN gave the news I understand that this kind of act is not an offense in the west.
I think you'll find it is illegal to have sex in public in most places with a legal system. Like dogs such people should have ice cold water poured over them before being hauled off to jail.

Not that I'm jealous or anything :)
If there is a law against this type of thing and the law says that what the punishment is, then they got what the law required. I believe they just might have done more than have sex when I read "committing indecent gestures in public" which is beyond a normal sex act I would think. That probably pissed off the police because they were provoking the police with gestures directed at either police or others on the beach making the police disturbed enough to haul their asses in to jail.
Must be my Alzheimer acting or have I already posted about this 2 months ago???
In England you can have sex in public so long as you have good reason to believe no one will stumble upon you.
This is a popular story to hear amongst travelers. Usually when I hear the story the sentence is like 5 years. It's good to hear it was only 3 months. Whew.
Let me illustrate this a bit more. Dubai laws how certain punishments for such offenses. But let's suppose this same incident happens in a country like Saudi Arabia or Iran where the punishments are much harsher. What would your reaction be if for example two Britons having sex in public in Iran were whipped by the authorities. Would this make you angry or would you agree to the reasoning that every country and nation has its own laws which should be respected while you are in their country? This is what I want to know your answers about.
When in a foreign country, respect their laws.
If you don't like it, don't go.
chuuush, there was (dont know wether it still is) a campain running by the federal goverment about things like this, as one raven says ultimatly its YOUR responcability to be informed about the laws in the country your going to
Dubai prisons are actually very clean, with friendly guards.
They do have a pet cockroach, which for a small fee they will release in your cell so you have a story to tell the people back home.
If there is a law against this type of thing and the law says that what the punishment is, then they got what the law required. I believe they just might have done more than have sex when I read "committing indecent gestures in public" which is beyond a normal sex act I would think. That probably pissed off the police because they were provoking the police with gestures directed at either police or others on the beach making the police disturbed enough to haul their asses in to jail.

Speculate wildly and inaccurately much?