Britain Rapidly Secularising?



The British Social Attitudes Survey is one of the largest annual polls of opinion in Britain and is commissioned by the National Centre for Social Research. The latest edition will be published later this month, and will look at religious attitudes in Britain.

The NSS has had a sneak preview and can reveal that it shows a further dramatic lurch away from religion by Britons. It also shows a deepening suspicion of people with strongly-held religious beliefs.

When asked whether they believed in God, 18% said that they definitely don’t; 19% said they didn’t know whether there was a God and there was no way to find out; 14% said they didn’t believe in a personal God, but did believe in some higher power; 13% said they sometimes believed in God and sometimes didn’t; 18% said they had doubts but overall believed in God; 17% said they had absolutely no doubt that God exists.

When asked to assess their own religiosity, 7% said they were “very or extremely” religious; 30% said they were somewhat religious; 22% said they were neither religious or non-religious whereas 26% said they were “very or extremely non-religious”.


It will be interesting to see the whole survey when the report comes out later this month.
Wait for 2011 Census; it will provide more valuable data. But you don't have to wait for numbers, just watch out TV programs, daily life of streets, how people spend their time, etc. and you will get an idea about Britain on this issue...
Pfft you know what'll happen at the next census: the number of Jedi will increase. :D
Britain has been secular for a while. Secularism is more of a social or cultural motion towards separating religion from national identity or the state. Though Britain has yet to officially separate religion from government.

What the statistics you posted seem to indicate is more of just religious pluralism, with a significant minority of irreligious. That's a good thing, I think.
Probably the best thing to spin off the Muslim fanaticism. People are realizing religion is the same bullshit story no matter how it's told.