Bringing extinct species back?


Registered Member
In my opinion I think it would be good for our knowledge of how these organisms lived and an even bigger bonus is that the technology used will advance so much, biotechnologist would be earning loads of money! But there is also a bad side to bringing back extinct animals as people may abuse the power we have to recreate animals, and soon people will forget the reasons why these animals were brought back. "Why bring extinct animals back when we cannot sort out our world today, I mean if cannot protect some of the species today why bring back species that we couldn't protect in the first place?" But then people may argue that we could use the technology to build up our endangered species, though this may lead man kind to believe that we can do anything and that we don't even have to bother with protecting species because we can just simply bring them back to life....I don't think anyone would like this sort of attitude to arise. There is a point of ethics too within this whole idea.

I guess the whole point of what I am saying is whether it would be a good idea to bring extinct species back? Lets say for instance making a Zoo especially for these extinct species so that scientists and the general public can learn more about the lives of these species. And when I say extinct species I am refering to species that have become extinct, lets say in the past 300 years...Imagine bringing dinosaurs back :eek:! And if these extinct animals were brought back they wouldn't be permitted to go out into the wild as they probably wouldn't be able to survive....but then there is the possibility that they could get out for some reason....and what happens if in the process of bringing these animals back a new disease if formed?

Ok well I am having a real hard time debating/talking to "myself" about this matter. I just want to get a convo started as I am interested in what other people have to say about this. And sorry if my whole scenario doesn't make sense and if I spelt any words wrong yeh I'm gonna let someone else have there little say on this. I sure hope I get a good discussion going :p
playing with the forces that act on the natural world almost always ends badly for humanity
As well as all higher species evolving over time, so have plants, etc too. If we could bring back a plant eating dinosaur, would it be able to cope with today's plants as easy as it did the plants of it's proper time?

I understand that there was no grass in the time of the dinosaurs.
To bring something back that has been extinct for eons wouldn't be a very

prudent idea for many reasons as you have already pointed out. Another

reason would be the types of diseases we have here today weren't here

when those species were living and therefore they could die of various

problems before we could help them. Even if we could "cure" them they

wouldn't be able to live under the same conditions as they had back then.

In a zoo everything is controlled and that means the animals are not going

to behave as they would in their own natural environments and we would

only be using them as "guinea pigs". Let the dead rest in peace for they had

their day. ;)
I think there are many reasons animals become extinct, we over hunt, they couldn’t adapt to how the world is rapidly changing i.e. people fucking around with it. If people want to bring back extinct animals, are they going to look at the reasons as to why they originally became extinct, lack of food resource, forest destruction etc, are people going to change this too, otherwise there is no reason why this newly brought animal couldn’t become extinct all over again.

A species of dolphin that came from a particular river in China became extinct a few months ago - there use to be thousands of them - they become extinct from being over hunted, water pollution from all transportation in and out of China through this busy river, and also killed from propellers - now if they were to bring this species back, would they firstly look at preserving this river, clearing the pollution etc, or just chuck the reborn species straight back into the shit that killed it off originally so it can become extinct again??!! I believe people need to look at the reasons for why all these animals are becoming extinct before they start bringing them back??

Surely people should be worrying about all the animals on the near extinct list, help prevent them from becoming extinct instead of fucking about nature. Aren’t they trying to bring back the mammoth? I think this is stupidity, just for our amusement and to show power!
are they going to look at the reasons as to why they originally became extinct,
They know the reason and regret and self yustification are importend reasons along with the desire to be the first, the ultimate fate of the (resurected) species is of lesser importance and belonges in the wait and see category... ultimatly if your going to be shortsighted then this is the best aspect. Nobody/thing deserves to have a preset faith pushed on them by a higher being.

Practicly any cloned extinct species is proberly going to end up in a zoo being studied because no one would spend a million to recreate a mammoth and then release it so some drunken russian child can shoot it off
according to this link it's possible to tweak a gene of a non extinct species to match that of a close resembling extinct species. Could this technic be used to alter the entire genome of a cell?

the paragraph said:
In the current study, the researchers tweaked a human mc1r gene so that it matched the variant found in Neanderthals. When they put the gene into modern human cells, it functioned in melatonin production as the modern variants do
Isn't this what the Nazi's also tried to do, but they did it with selective breeding. Could it done this way again?

Extint horse?

Today with the advent of breakthroughs in gene manipulation we are now

going to be able to create a super being if we so want to. Is this good or

bad no one really knows. I guess only time will tell. If these super humans

don't like the rest of us we are in deep shit.
It might be even nicer if we tried a little harder to save some of the presently living species from extinction.
the cloning was succesful unfortunatly the body still has the IQ of a plant (think parsley) So as you can imagen their getting close. Perhaps he'll return afther the next thunder storm