Brilliant confusion.


Save the whales motherfucker
Valued Senior Member
This is shallow thread so give advice if you mean it, otherwise...well I don't really care.

Been searching google for a while now only to come away disgusted. I have been looking for ab excersies that work, but i've realized that it is really my diet that is in question.

I am assuming someone here supports a six pack so maybe they can help out.

What is a good nutrition plan to help the fat disappear so the abs can show through. I definetly know that my diet is very wrong.

Fiber? More Vegetables and fruits? proteins? axe the chicken?

I keep hearing this thing about staying away from white bread and carbs....explain?

I also understand that doing cardio beforehand or a day before also helps burn the fat away so the abdominal muscles can show faster. Should I run atleast an hour before hand or a day before? I am steadily seeing improvement in all other areas of the body but the abdominals are a whole another monster. There really is no difference between the abdominals or other muscles in how they respond to weight resistence but the abdominals are a lot less forgiving with the wrong diet than the triceps, biceps, gastrocs etc etc.

How much should I do? I've heard from 8 mins a day to 20mins a day, 3 times a week. (I do prefer the 8)

any help appreciated.
A lot of the abs has to do with body chemistry. Everyone has abs, especially people who work out, but a lot of em are just covered with fat. Your best bet is to lose weight, to expose your stomach muscles. I'm guessing, if you've been working out for 6 months or so, that you've already got a six pack, but there's adipose tissue hiding it.

I've got a friend who just does push ups, and through straining he's developed some very nice abs. He's also skinny as fuck.

Cardiovascular is a good way to lose weight. Diet wise, eating only one thing for a long period of time will also help you lose weight. I'm not making this up: eating only one thing, whatever it may be, will cause you to lose weight. Unfortunately, it's not very fun.

But there is no way to lose fat from specific regions. Fat naturally deposits on males on the stomach, too.
i do 3 hours per week in PE, plus about 90minutes every 2nd day, and 30-40km bike rides on the weekend, i also get in a bit of street fighting practise, and do a lot of heavy lifting
Once you start working out, you'll need bread products, so don't cut them off. Yes, you need a good healthy supply of various vegetables. Tomatoes and cucumbers aren't all you need =P And yes you also need fruits. Vegetables and fruits should be eaten fresh as often as possible. They're pretty filling, and if you try to maintain your healthy supply of vitamins (look up a site that will tell you which vegetable has what) you may need to eat smaller portions of meat+potatoes. Also, do not cut down on milk. Sugar is also necessary, along with salt; so, while you cut them down, they shouldn't be fully gone out of your daily diet. 8 glasses of water a day should also be a part of the diet, especially if you exercise.

Your exercise has to be regular and you have to work honestly hard. If you don't ache on the next day you didn't work. Regular crunches alone will not do the trick; you also need to work your lower abs and sides. Before you work on your lower abs you'll have to strengthen your back. You have to work on your entire body, not just the belly =P Head to our school gym, they have good equipment for every muscle. Take fitness training, it's a really good class where you'll learn everything you need to know about weight.

PS. Eating only one thing all the time is more unhealthy than McDonalds.
PPS. Eat regularly and satisfy your hunger, or you'll mess up your metabolism and things will get worse and harder to fix.
Eating only one thing all the time is more unhealthy than McDonalds.
Yeah, but it sounded to me like he wanted to look good, not be healthy. Health doesn't always equal looking good.

Protein, you'll want lots of protein. Peanut butter is a cheap, fast, healthy and tasty way to get protein.

My feelings really, diet wise, is everything in moderation. And if I excercise enough, I can really eat anything I want. But I have skinny people three generations back on all sides of my family, so I also get to look good when I'm healthy. It's a little unfair, but I make sure to abuse the fuck out of it.
If it's your diet in question, change it. Pretty obvious. Just cut down on your portions, and only have 5 "meals" a day.
Morning, morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and dinner. All similar sizes, or portions, whatever. That way, you will still get all your nutrients, carbs, proteins and stuff, but there will be less to be converted to fat.
And yeah, you will have to excercise. This seems to be the best plan that can be implemented long term from what i've read.

If you are actually interested, a book my gf has is "Your perfect body" by craig harper. Sound lame? Hell yes, but who cares? It's a good book, more about common sense and good habits than some random fad diet. I should actually follow it.

Not that i do anything like that though, I stay thin no matter what i eat, so i don't even bother dieting or excercising. But then, I couldn't run 5 kilometers if i tried.
