Yeah, you are quoting from SPECIOUS sources again. The China Daily isn't a credible journal ...
I told you there were dozens of sources telling same facts:
From: NY Times, for example: said:
The United States Treasury Department has criticized the bank as a deliberate effort to undercut the World Bank and the Asian Development Bank, international financial institutions established after World War II that are dominated by the United States and Japan,
From: The Wall Street Journal: said:
The U.S. suffered a diplomatic embarrassment last week after several of its key European allies publicly rebuffed Washington’s pleas to snub Beijing’s invitations to join the bank and instead said they would be founding members.
Form the Financial Times of London*: said:
As soon as China made clear, back in 2013, that it intended to establish the bank, the US set about persuading its allies to boycott the new institution. The Americans argued that the new Beijing-backed bank might follow less scrupulous lending standards than the World Bank on issues such as clean government and environmental standards.
Are these "SPECIOUS sources" too. I have now give seven, all saying the same thing. I gave the first four because they said it very clearly and bluntly. Thought that would get thru your biases to you; but it did not so I asked in post 791's red text
8 times what it was about my quotes you did not understand?
Simple fact is that every reputable source, big or small, is telling the same story: US tried hard to prevent its "friends" from joining China's AIIB and they ignored the US. So as usually when you are exposed by quotes as showing you are either ignorant or blindly biased against the truth; You first attack the person telling the truth. But that failed this time (as I said I was only quoting) so your "Plan B" is to attack the credibility of their source. - That is your standard operating procedure when you don't like the truth.
*Some what related, Financial Times of India said that too. BTW, the
ChinaDaily is much more reliable than you are but does avoid all but very subtle critical comment on the CCP and its policies. I read them daily as they are an excellent source of global news, which if biased is at least not the same bias as Western press.
For example, current issue has front page article with this Lead-in Line:
"Seven airports on the Chinese mainland are at the bottom of a list of 61 world airports for punctuality, air travel information service FlightStats says."
And this is front page lead-in too:
"Although the global battle against tuberculosis has largely been successful, the disease still poses a serious threat in China, especially for poor people."
But China Daily is all just "SPECIOUS" CCP propaganda, isn't It?
Not honest and bias free like Joepistole is.