Brer Fox & the Tar Baby - A Sticky Object Lesson


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Brer Fox & the Tar Baby - A Sticky Object Lesson



“Conformist group aggression: the most common, the most dangerous, and the most difficult to prevent.” – Eric Fromm, The Anatomy of Human Destructiveness

(“He’s about to expose the KGB, the FBI, the CIA, and himself!”
“How do you tell anyone about a thing like this?”
“That’s easy. You just tell ‘em the truth”.
“Oh. I see. You’re gonna write fiction”.
- Dialogue between Glenda Jackson & Walter Mathheau excerpted from the movie: Hop Scotch.)

This monologue regards a formerly close friend of Truly Yours, who I’d known for decades. At least, I thought I knew him, until he made the mistake of telling me on the telephone, in elaborate detail, that he was responsible for the rape of a child that wasn’t reported to the police, while someone else – his stepfather - was secretly blamed and covertly punished for it, without ever being confronted with the accusation or the reason for his tormentation; thereby disabling the falsely accused from defending himself.

Meanwhile, from the moment the cited ‘friend’ said that he and his wife learned of this detailed allegation from their child, they were obliged to report it to authorities; it being a felony not to do so. The perpetrator wasn’t the least bit remorseful and the conversation went on for over an hour and a half. He alleged the foul deed was committed in a darkened room, and that the child therefore, was unable to indentify her attacker.

The crime was decades in the past, but the punishment of the innocent man he framed and blamed was still happening – mobilized and following the unknowingly accused man, by way of a traveling, ever increasing rumor, which enjoyed a lot of success, because the rumor-talk-stalked individual was an itinerant custom jewelry maker and salesman, whose business route was traced from his photo-copied address and phone book. Hence, all of his (dozens of) consignment-buyer contacts were reached by telephone and convincingly admonished that the so called ‘target’, was not trustworthy with children, and many other more glibly detailed prefabrications and character assassinations to reinforce that demonizing effect. Although a lot of these conspicuously anonymous and suspicious reports were rebutted out of hand, many were taken seriously. In such cases, the result was that the vacant accusation was passed on to what amounted to scores of customers who bought from and socialized with the telephone contacted consignment dealers. (This was before LED accountability on telephones.)

That is to say, the mendacious ‘rumor’ was highly contagious (reinforced with the incentive of ‘protecting children’), and literally followed the ‘targeted’ man, not only from consignment buyer to consignment buyer, but also, from town to town. The originator of this bizarre social dynamic was boastful in the telling of it; speaking of numerous reports that had come back to him, describing many humiliating and punitive occasions that had been imposed upon the subjected victim. He had a life long history of sadomasochistic behavior and bold gambling with his life and the lives of others…

What my ‘friend’ didn’t know, was, I was audio-taping the entire conversation.

I had copies made of the original audio recording and placed them in the custody of several local, state and federal authorities: voice identification equaling fingerprints.

Years later I sent the ‘suspect’ a written transcript of the conversation, which, of course, he recognized was indeed, a verbatim report of what we talked about.
A few months later he was about to go to trial under multiple charges of pedophilia and several counts of extortion and embezzlement.

Instead, he shot himself.

Shortly thereafter, his wife died of a heart attack.

The subjected suicide was a graduate MBA, LLB, Computer Engineer and Electronics Engineer.
According to his own allegations, he was also a ‘former’ if not ‘incumbent’ member of ‘the intelligence community’...
(Google: ‘Aquino’, and ‘San Francisco Presidio Army Fort, rogue CIA pedophile cult’ – which made international news, as the Google references will authenticate. The herein issued perpetrator, with many others, escaped identification, was deeply entrenched in this activity.)

His summary demise has left a lot of marooned, residual accessories in his terminated wake – people who participated in mobilizing and adding to the ‘rumor’ (consisting of a palpable history of codified, double talking jargon and under the table – as well as some overtly measurable – actions, accusations and permutations).

Most – but not all – former (and incumbent) participants and accessories (hundreds of them) cannot be legally proved as accountable, but, some of them, on the other hand, committed themselves to contributing so aggressively as to clearly and repeatedly reveal their identities and, most importantly, their culpable intentions and actions.

One of the recipients of the subjected audio-tape transcripts (and a partial list of participants) was then-Congressmen, Leon E. Panetta, of the 17th fedral district; went on to become White House Chief of Staff, under the first term of the Clinton administration.

Mr. Panetta is the currently appointed C.I.A. Director, under the Obama administration.

The consequences of my having taken the described actions to resolve the dilemma, has not by any means, entirely resolved the quandary or provided ‘closure’, as one might expect. Instead, the rumor mongers were bitterly disappointed that the man they had for so long projected so much guilt upon, proved out to be innocent. Moreover, there was no relief or gratitude extended to me for patently establishing that fact in the afore-described manner.

No indeed, there are still small but active groups and sects who have in effect, transposed the blaming and punishment activities that were previously targeting the instigator’s irrelevant stepfather, on to myself.

The remainder of the hold-outs (none of whom have witnessed the forensic audiotapes, and only some of whom have read – and hastily rejected - the described transcripts, which were publicized on – and then promptly hacked off – the internet) are apparently unable to realize and come to terms with the fact that they were solemnly ‘mistaken’ (- in effect, being guilty of what they alleged someone else as being), have instead chosen to regroup and carry their former (conformist aggression bonded) beliefs and actions to this record. In so doing, they have further extended the criminal objective of the original perpetrator, into an expansive collaboration which approaches, if not fulfills, the legal definition for conspiracy; under special circumstances.

Regarding social dynamics, it is an academically established fact that no rumor can be entirely obliterated – rumors and fabrications live on, in reluctantly vanquished people who originally conducted and maintained them. On the other hand, the proven way to deal with rumors is to publish them, revealing them for what they are, with information that exposes and patently transcends them: hence the (continuing) publication of this report.

Having acted out their own legacy, the assailants continue to figuratively punch and kick the metaphorical tar-baby, consequently extending their own sticky dilemma

( To be continued )




The McMartin Preschool Trial: A Modern Witch Hunt

It all started in 1983 when a mother accused a teacher at the school of sodomizing her son, as well as stabbing him in the eye with scissors. Following these accusations, came more bizarre ones such as bestiality and Satan worship.

The mother was later diagnosed as a paranoid schizophrenic and died of alcoholism in 1986.

Unfortunately, Satanic-Panic kicked in and a full blown investigation was made. The investigation cost a reported one million dollars and included a trip to Europe based on a rumor that the 'cult' was operating with a 'cult' in England.

As the investigation continued more and more children and parents jumped on the bandwagon and claimed that they too were victims. The accusations grew absurd.

Among the allegations:

Children were flushed down toilets into underground tunnels in order to participate in Satanic rituals as well as be sexually molested. (Later being cleaned up and returned above ground via trap-doors.)

Children were taken on hot-air balloon rides with the Satanists

Children claimed a teacher at the school could fly, and that they witnessed him flying.

Actor Chuck Norris was one of the Satanists who abused them. :eek:

The case went to court and a whopping sum of 15 million dollars was spent.

Ultimately all of the charges were dismissed.

Even to this day there are individuals who refuse to accept the fact that the accusations were false. There are also individuals falsely spreading rumors about 'tunnels' being found under the school, just as the children reported. Such rumors are completely wrong. Several searches were carried out and no evidence for the existence of secret tunnels was ever found.

The events of the McMartin Trial later inspired the HBO movie, 'Indictment: The McMartin Trial'.

The McMartin Preschool Trial

McMartin Ritual Abuse Case

Addendum: Pay close attention to the above link. The children accused a teacher of 'stabbing a sea turtle' in order to frighten them into silence. A sea turtle corpse was indeed found on the property but tests run on it indicated that it had sand in the shell that did not match the surrounding soil, i.e. it was planted at the scene. On top of this the children accused a teacher of having sex with and then later killing a giraffe. Notice the similarity to another case? -In the Akiki trial, children also accused Dale Akiki of sacrificing a giraffe. A giraffe is not a common animal and most people do not have access to these creatures. It seems, at least to me, that adults were deliberately planting these suggestions in the minds of the children. Also of note, the whole 'tunnel' thing may have originated in England. Modern 'Satanic Panic' originated in the U.S. and then migrated to England. According to the links above, there was a well known case in England where children claimed they were abused in 'secret tunnels'. No evidence for any tunnels was ever found. To me, it definitely reeks of adults feeding information to children as well as a transference from the Satanic-Panickers in England.]

The Underground 'Tunnels' Of The McMartin Preschool

Posted by BoyintheMachine at 5:41 PM
The McMartin Preschool Trials by Douglas Linder (c) 2003

"They're putting on witnesses who they know are lying. They concealed exonerating evidence. Don't we have enough criminal conduct by the prosecutors to put them behind bars?"

"It doesn't work that way," the lawyer laughed. "The law is just for the little people. When we break the rules we go to jail. When they break the rules they go to lunch...."

"But what about the law?" the woman gasped. "What about the Constitution?"

"I'm afraid that's just one of those nice, comforting fantasies like the tooth fairy. There are two classes of people. Those who hold power and those who do not. And in any dispute the guys who hold power will decide which way it's going to go....I hope you understand that this is not about child abuse, just as McCarthyism was not about Communists."

--- Eberle, Paul and Shirley. The Abuse of Innocence: The McMartin Preschool Trial ( 1993) (reporting a discussion between a friend of the Buckeys and a defense lawyer)