
Sublime Trigger

Brains for Beginners.
Registered Senior Member
Anyway- I was walking home from school the other day when a young lady walked by me with magnificent breasts- I forgot what I was thinking about and gawped... usually such an experience would leave nothing but a smile...but this time it got me thinking...

What is the fixation with breasts? In evolutionary/psychological terms of course. Anatomically they have no use for anyone above the age of 2....!?!?!
I thought about surrogate nourishment, or the need for a mother figure/ comfort assosiated with protection etc. but I can't believe that we'd have such a strong inclination towards something for those reasons alone....

As most every guy I know feels pretty much the same about breasts I figure it must be genetic (i.e. fixation with female genitalia is understandably reproductive instinct...) but breasts? Do we subliminally figure that the nicer the 'set' the better the little ones will be fed? Any thoughts?
I would like to throw in my full support of breastesses and all that they stand for. I have to force myself not to stare at a nice set. What if it suddenly was legal for women to walk around without a top? Would the breasts lose their mystique? Maybe...
hmmm..... don't care for breasts much. I don't care if someone carries a lump of fat.

I prefer soccer players type. They are usually slender with small breasts and tone legs.
Originally posted by fadingCaptain
I would like to throw in my full support of breastesses and all that they stand for. I have to force myself not to stare at a nice set. What if it suddenly was legal for women to walk around without a top? Would the breasts lose their mystique? Maybe...
It is legal for women to go topless. It is here at least.
Anyway, it probably is genetic. What's the benefit of being attracted to breasts? Probably 'cause a woman with nice breasts can feed her babies well or something.
There is an evolutionary explanation (for what it's worth)...
most other primates have nice butts and walk proudly around with them. Males can get really excited by looking at the female butts. Now that humans decided to walk up[right the butts (still VERY nice to watch) are less visible. So the females deviced another feature to distract males: the breasts. Human breasts are much more prominent (larger & located to enhance visibility) then those of other mammals.
I know this doesn't explain why some prefer larger breasts and others smaller. But it does explain why we (males) can't get our eyes of them... :rolleyes:

Joeman, we have a completely different taste :)
They couldn't have developed them just for attracting mates, since they also use them to feed the young. I think they were used to feed the young first, then males became attracted to them for that reason. Better breasts implies better food for young which means survival of the species.
Large breasts = (in mind of primitive human male (i.e. Tyler)) More able to feed large amount of young

So there is an evolutionary purpose.
Originally posted by Joeman
hmmm..... don't care for breasts much. I don't care if someone carries a lump of fat.

I prefer soccer players type. They are usually slender with small breasts and tone legs.

mmmmmmmmmm, I know what you mean.
Think I agree
That picture is gorgeous.

I try not to look but I have a pair of reflective sunglasses for a reason. For me it makes no difference, big or small, if you happen to have a pair of them staring you in the face then you'd probably think to yourself "well buddy you seem to have done something right."
And they said footballing talent was falling... shame on those that judge, oh, and thanks Avatar, I now have a new desktop background :)

I dont know about our attraction to breasts as looking after future generations, I didn't think of the mating ritual thing though, kinda like insect dances...only with nipples ! yay! It rings true, Breasts being evolutionarily devoloped SOLELY to attract us, the Big Guy did a great job huh?
it has too low resolution to be a desktop pic.
I'm lookin for the full size now.
Hell internet is big.
20 min lookin already
If it were true that large breasts = more/better food, why do only humans (generally speaking) of all the mamals have large breast?

And it is not true that women with small breasts have lower quality or not enough food for the young.

I think that the explanation of attractiveness is the best one offered yet.
Originally posted by Merlijn
And it is not true that women with small breasts have lower quality or not enough food for the young.


Smaller breasts contain less Silicon.... That is all it means.
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Smaller breasts contain less Silicon.... That is all it means.


Seriously, size does not affect the ability to feed children. I have no fucking clue why many men are attracted to large breasts - I've got to go with Merlijn's hypothesis.

Why fixation with breasts? Now that I think about it, that's a good question! I mean, they don't do anything, just lumps of fat situated badly, right on the chest (as Joeman so correctly summed it up). Perhaps it's because males don't have breasts, so they want to feel them? Breast envy? lol! :D
Babies have them thust their way(sex not an issue), the baby becomes a child(sex not an issue), child hits puberty(sex becomes an issue). In most men there would have to be some subconscious memory of merely whailing to receve a 'Breastesess'. :D Combind that with the fact, male verse female genitalia, is... Out there as oposed to hiden away.
Except for the titties.
I think it's a reasonable to assume, and as other posts have pointed out, that it has to be genetic. It's not our fault we love'm.

If there is something you don't have, something you will never (truely) have, and yet something you want. Well then of course you will reveer and adore that something, when spied from across the street, or if lucky enough to get your hands on it.
It in this case, the lovely breast.
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Think about this: THey are highly visible, compared to other parts of the reproductive anatomy.
I agree with Merlijn's answer (very much Desmond Morris's position), that the breasts are mimicry of the buttocks which has arisen from the change in mounting from behind in primates, to the face-to-face contact in humans. Its definitely an attractor signal, as the size far outweighs the practical need.
I can't believe I'm talking about this

If there is something you don't have, something you will never (truely) have, and yet something you want. Well then of course you will reveer and adore that something, when spied from across the street, or if lucky enough to get your hands on it.

Yup! :D