Breaking up is so hard to do...


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
...specially in Texas, when your parents don't want you to go out with that boy. Solution? Kill your parents and since you are already at it, take care of your brothers too:

"A high school couple forced to break up spent weeks plotting what became a bloody spree of gunfire and stabbings in the girl's home, leaving her mother and two brothers dead and her father wounded, according to police reports released Monday.

The graphic narrative of the ambush — which includes the 16-year-old daughter allegedly having sex with her boyfriend after he helped kill her family..."

After all the boy did an almost perfect job, although her father survived...
thats what America is coming chaos. And its just "flowers" currently...later the roses will bloom for all these Romeo and Juliette
Are you going to try and suggest that parents be allowed to tell a 16 year old not be able to go out and get preggers, as I'm sure that is what it is really about?

I wonder how old the guy is...

§ 21.11. INDECENCY WITH A CHILD. (a) A person commits
an offense if, with a child younger than 17 years and not the
person's spouse, whether the child is of the same or opposite sex,
the person:
(1) engages in sexual contact with the child or causes
the child to engage in sexual contact; or
(2) with intent to arouse or gratify the sexual desire
of any person:
(A) exposes the person's anus or any part of the
person's genitals, knowing the child is present; or
(B) causes the child to expose the child's anus
or any part of the child's genitals.
(b) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this
section that the actor:
(1) was not more than three years older than the victim
and of the opposite sex;
(2) did not use duress, force, or a threat against the
victim at the time of the offense; and
(3) at the time of the offense:
(A) was not required under Chapter 62, Code of
Criminal Procedure, to register for life as a sex offender; or
(B) was not a person who under Chapter 62 had a
reportable conviction or adjudication for an offense under this
(c) In this section, "sexual contact" means the following
acts, if committed with the intent to arouse or gratify the sexual
desire of any person:
(1) any touching by a person, including touching
through clothing, of the anus, breast, or any part of the genitals
of a child; or
(2) any touching of any part of the body of a child,
including touching through clothing, with the anus, breast, or any
part of the genitals of a person.
(d) An offense under Subsection (a)(1) is a felony of the
second degree and an offense under Subsection (a)(2) is a felony of
the third degree.
Seago, the school superintendent, said the Caffeys' daughter had enrolled in the school just six weeks earlier. Classmates and Emory residents have said she previously had been homeschooled.

Hope getting her twat stuffed for those 6 weeks was worth it...
Are you going to try and suggest that parents be allowed to tell a 16 year old not be able to go out and get preggers, as I'm sure that is what it is really about?

No, I didn't start the thread for that purpose. Actually, trying to find something funny in it, this case acted as a Darwin award candidate:

See the kids were pretty fucking stupid to think that they can get away with it. If the kids were stupid, obviously the parents must have been stupid too (specially rising kids who would kill you). So in pure social darwinistic form, the parents got what they deserved, death for being idiots and rising idiots.

But to answer your question, my take is that as long as you live home, your parents are your bosses. If you don't like the way how they run the show, you are free to go...
. If the kids were stupid, obviously the parents must have been stupid too

You aren't thinking with a full deck on that answer. The kids are just starting to learn about life at their ages and the parents were trying to show their daughter the "right way" to handle a problem boyfriend. By stopping her from seeing the boyfriend the parents thought that would be a good life lesson to learn by so as not to choose boyfriends that are real losers like this one was.
What idiots. All the girl had to do was wait until late one night, get her parents into a position where she could (tearfully but reasonably) claim she "mistook" them for burglars, and then she could have shot them both with impugnity under Texas law.