Breaking News: Elizabeth Smart Found Alive!


Celebrate. Two have come home recently; that's more than we can ask, some days.

Tiassa :cool:

I hope that drifter will spend the rest of his miserable life in solitary confinement.
Rumors and innuendo

Radio reports tell us that Ms. Smart was in the company of other women and was wearing a wig when discovered during a routine traffic stop. I find this curious; we had a missing girl discovered in Seattle last week who was voluntarily in the custody of her abusive boyfriend. I'm sure the details will be ... interesting.

Nonetheless, let me be the first to extend an apology to the Ricci family for the loss endured during this time. Looks like he was innocent ....

Best wishes, of course, to the Smart family; regardless of the details of the story, there is much to do.

Tiassa :cool:

Can someone fill me in please? I'm not quite following. All I can see is that a girl disappeared 9 months ago and reappeared. Was this a huge news story in the States or something?
Yeah, we had a young girl abducted every few months for I think a little less than a year, but I'm really not sure. Most were never found or were found dead (one was even burned). To have one found really is a miracle in itself. I don't think there was a person alive except the girl herself who knew that she was still around.
CNN ratings game

At a time when child abductions were, statistically, in decline (I believe), and in a period when most abductions are carried out by one or the other parent, the news media became obsessed with missing children. It was a money event. And then there was extra coverage as accusations of racism in news coverage floated to the surface. And then there was the extra coverage of the noble Amber Alert. And then the extra coverage of a guy who lets a homeless friend of a dude he doesn't know well sleep in his house ....

Elizabeth Smart, for internationals, was the banner child for our national missing-child catharsis. Nobody cares about the dead. You can only beat a dead Jon-Benet for so long before you need a fresh tragedy.

Tiassa :cool:
Great news! One child found alive!

Minor footnote:
Thousands others will be disintegrated by 21000 lb “mother of all bombs” soon.
Thousands others will be disintegrated by 21000 lb “mother of all bombs” soon.
Where do you come up with this? I mean, seriously, do you guys ever provide sources for your blatant spread of misinformation?

On the topic of the thread, yippee. She's found, like anyone lost but her family lost any sleep over it. So what's behind the story? Was she sexually assaulted while kidnapped, or something?
Where do you come up with this? I mean, seriously, do you guys ever provide sources for your blatant spread of misinformation?

I think they have teams of monkeys working 24-7 with butcher paper and red crayon.

On the topic of the thread, yippee. She's found, like anyone lost but her family lost any sleep over it. So what's behind the story? Was she sexually assaulted while kidnapped, or something?

Yeah! Give us all the gory details, we feed off your pain!

The media truely blew this out of proportion, I agree.

I seriously don't get it - so she was kidnapped at gunpoint, she has nine months to escape, and yet she doesn't? Is she just really stupid or is it the next Patty Hearst?