Breakdown of the ten commandments


Registered Senior Member
Breakdown of the ten commandments.

It was Moses who broad the ten commandments from GOD after he and his nomad clan had wandered in the desert too long. Nomads live by unwritten rules and they do not have police men in their streets.
Moses was a smart man and he had experienced first hand what humans degrade to when exposed to lawlessness. So Moses might have thought along the lines of this:
” If I could make a set of rules that everyone would follow we just might settle down and grow some crops instead of running around this desert all the time.”
”But I’m not the strongest in the clan and therefore can I not enforce the rules on the others, but I can use My knowledge about our mythology to make it seem as if my rules came from the mighty god himself. ”
To make the gods/god angry is something any culture on earth at that time would agree on to be a dumb move. So with his new and improved GOD-WEAPON, Moses made a simple set of rules that should ensure the survival of the clan of nomads as they developed into city dwellers.

1. I am the Lord your God
2.You shall have no other gods before me
3.You shall not make for yourself an idol
4.Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
5.Honour your father and mother
6.You shall not murder*
7.You shall not commit adultery
8.You shall not steal***
9.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour.

The first three rules establishes the god image and keeps it ethereal.
The forth gives the people who choose to follow this god one day off every week.
The fifth ensures that children obeys their parents.
The rest of the rules is a basic law to ensure safety within the city.

If we remove the first 4 rules/commandments we basically have any law system in any civilized culture. A law that protect the people within and sets some boundaries for the extent of human behaviour.

The problems began when those who communed with the god (priests) began to make exceptions.

6.You shall not murder, except in the name of GOD.
7.You shall not commit adultery, except in the name of GOD.
8.You shall not steal, except in the name of GOD.

As with any power is has a tendency to run amok if not it is controlled in some way or the other. In the beginning the religious state was one of unity and it had many similarities with communism but as we have seen in the last 2000 years it slowly becomes a minority that dominates its followers into believing that it is the only way out of poverty.

Moses was a smart man and he had experienced first hand what humans degrade to when exposed to lawlessness. So Moses might have thought along the lines of this:
” If I could make a set of rules that everyone would follow we just might settle down and grow some crops instead of running around this desert all the time.”

So in an age of lawlessness, Moses degraded to the point where he became a lawmaker. Lawyers should take heed of this revelation.

Funny how lawlessness always precedes lawfulness. AUstralia's criminals built an entire country, complete with laws. The jury may still be out on them however. :D heheheh
Actually organized criminals are ironically often extremely legalistic. They just don't abide by all of the society's laws.
What is this crap? I see you are hypothesizing, but it doesn't make sense. Are you trying to say, "If the Bible were true, this is how I think it went down?"

You can't take revise a story and have it not make sense with the rest of the story! The story includes miracles of God and crap, which doesn't fit with the idea that Moses made this crap up. I mean according to the story, they all witnessed these miracles, so it doesn't make sense that Moses was just playing the people. According to the story, everyone witnessed God's hand.

If there trule was a guy named Moses in real life, then sure I follow you on this, but you can't prove that. But, if we agree that the Bible is a myth, then let's get the myth right. I mean how many different versions of the story of Beowolf are there? It's just stupid. The culture we are in today has decided to accept a single version of the myth, let's wait a millenium before we start revising the myth.

This is just a stupid waste of time and belongs in the Cesspool.
Moses comes down from the mountain carrying two tablets of stone. The assembled Israelites are hushed.
"I have good new for you and bad news for you."
The crowd wait expectantly.
"The good news is I've got him down to ten. The bad news is, adultery is still in."
What is this crap? I see you are hypothesizing, but it doesn't make sense. Are you trying to say, "If the Bible were true, this is how I think it went down?"

You can't take revise a story and have it not make sense with the rest of the story! The story includes miracles of God and crap, which doesn't fit with the idea that Moses made this crap up. I mean according to the story, they all witnessed these miracles, so it doesn't make sense that Moses was just playing the people. According to the story, everyone witnessed God's hand.

If there trule was a guy named Moses in real life, then sure I follow you on this, but you can't prove that. But, if we agree that the Bible is a myth, then let's get the myth right. I mean how many different versions of the story of Beowolf are there? It's just stupid. The culture we are in today has decided to accept a single version of the myth, let's wait a millenium before we start revising the myth.

This is just a stupid waste of time and belongs in the Cesspool.

Ok! Miracles.
What you see as a miracle is by far the same as "average joe 50 bc" would see as a miracle. Another aspect you do not take into accounding is the language factor.
How much have english changed in the last 1000 years?

One of the miracles Moses preformed was to part the water, but are you sure that those who wrote it meant it litterally or metaphorically, he could just have negotiated their way through an area near the red sea.

Myths starts somewhere.
useally they are old and startet at a time where there were no writen language.
Myths are like fairy tale, and H.C. Anderson is like the writers of the bible.
All they did was to write some old stories down and making their own up by copying the formular.

The culture we are in today has decided to accept a single version of the myth, let's wait a millenium before we start revising the myth.

What culture are you?
And when did you decide on your version?
Where does it stop being a myth and start being a religion?
How come there is so many different religions based on the same myth?

Was Jesus black or white?
Interestingly, if you consult your bible you will discover that God gave SEVEN laws to Noah -- which do not entirely co-incide with the TEN he gave to Moses.
Of course, it's tough if you're Jewish and find that analysis of the the scriptures yields 613 laws -- but that's getting off light compared to what the UK's Health & Safety Executive have foisted on us Brits!
but that's getting off light compared to what the UK's Health & Safety Executive have foisted on us Brits!
But then Moses did not have to deal with ring circuits or fork lift trucks. (Thou shalt not covet thy neighbours three axis lathe.)
Breakdown of the ten commandments.

It was Moses who broad the ten commandments from GOD .............

1. I am the Lord your God
2.You shall have no other gods before me
3.You shall not make for yourself an idol
4.Remember the Sabbath and keep it holy
5.Honour your father and mother
6.You shall not murder*
7.You shall not commit adultery
8.You shall not steal***
9.You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour.
10. You shall not covet anything that belongs to your neighbour.

The first three rules establishes the god image and keeps it ethereal.
The forth gives the people who choose to follow this god one day off every week.
i call the homage requests as the 'faithful observances'

The fifth ensures that children obeys their parents.
not really, as i see each of us as our parents combined into ONE. Which would mean we represent our whole lineage, since the beginning of time.

Doing any WRONG is dishonoring our parents. (family lineage)

The rest of the rules is a basic law to ensure safety within the city.

If we remove the first 4 rules/commandments we basically have any law system in any civilized culture. A law that protect the people within and sets some boundaries for the extent of human behaviour.
You are onto something there:

perhaps read what Jesus said:
mark 10:17And as he is going forth into the way, one having run and having kneeled to him, was questioning him, `Good teacher, what may I do, that life age-during I may inherit?'

18And Jesus said to him, `Why me dost thou call good? no one [is] good except One -- God;

19the commands thou hast known: Thou mayest not commit adultery, Thou mayest do no murder, Thou mayest not steal, Thou mayest not bear false witness, Thou mayest not defraud, Honour thy father and mother.

looks like Jesus was representing practically the same as you noted. Notice there is nothing regarding homage within his frame of rules. I see it, that if each followed the above, then they ARE being true to existence (God) just by being a straight shooter!

The problems began when those who communed with the god (priests) began to make exceptions.

6.You shall not murder, except in the name of GOD.
7.You shall not commit adultery, except in the name of GOD.
8.You shall not steal, except in the name of GOD.

As with any power is has a tendency to run amok if not it is controlled in some way or the other. In the beginning the religious state was one of unity and it had many similarities with communism but as we have seen in the last 2000 years it slowly becomes a minority that dominates its followers into believing that it is the only way out of poverty.

and don't forget the 'thou-ithith canithith, lie thru your teethithith, for your religious beliefithith"

not sure which scripture that is but to see it occuring all over the world tells me, it is either in there somewhere's or the religious preachers will have some serious 'esplaining' to do.....

religions offer great history and makes for good reading but the religious interpretations have ruined the integrity of the the belief systems.

To further simplify the rules, try comparing most all rules to the basics of human choices:

if life is 'purposed to continue'............. (see instinct at this natural fact)

then 'good' choices would be to: support life to continue (good is for giving of self for the pursuit of life's continuance)

and bad: loss to the common (is of selfish pursuits; vice, greed, self indulgence; lie, cheat, steal....etc, that all cause a 'loss to the common")

now measure all sins, good and bad and even your daily cross-roads with them ideas

let me know if they work ( i would like to see how people observe them rules in comparison to most any commandment or even basic common sense..... )

cool thread :cool:
where is not using the lord's name in vain? I was always getting into trouble for saying "oh god" and "for god's sake"