brain simulation


Isvara.... . 1S Evil_Lau
Registered Senior Member
How is it possible if it is, that a brain can simulate feelings that have never been felt physically?

ie.- what if I burned in my dream and felt like I was burning but never got burned in my life.
- The sky dive gut wrench.
If youve experienced it, i think the mind remembers and can call up that feeling/emotion again.
However if youve not experienced something before, then i think youre brain's just offering up a best guess approximation.
i.e. - it was only after id actually lost my virginity that i discovered my dreams about sex actually wernt very accurate - just an approximation.
I think there are certain 'experiences' that are imprinted in our genes. I would say that gut-wrenching feeling is one of them. Because so many of our ancestors have experienced it, especially so far down the line as when we lived in trees, that our bodies have grown accustomed to it in a way. We are able to predict that feeling so that we will avoid it. It seems like this would be an evolutionary benefit.
Well, i sort of believe that spirits are entering my bedroom and influeincing my dreams, cause I feel, see, smell- majic and dead bodies like it is real.
Well, i sort of believe that spirits are entering my bedroom and influeincing my dreams, cause I feel, see, smell- majic and dead bodies like it is real.

"I accept it as truth (without evidence) that spirits exist and magic exists"

If you have never been burned in real life, how would you know if what you felt in your dream was accurate?
These drems i was having all had special feelings in them induced by magic. Each event in my opinion was identifiable by a single word to explain the feeling. That is the accuracy if feelings. If I knew magic it would be hard to prevent myself frm getting "high" off its addictiive stimulus. Would probbbally zap myself with a blast of magical happiness routinley if it werent bad for me. :m: yeah, magic feels that magical.
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These drems i was having all had special feelings in them induced by magic. Each event in my opinion was identifiable by a single word to explain the feeling. That is the accuracy if feelings. If I knew magic it would be hard to prevent myself frm getting "high" off its addictiive stimulus. Would probbbally zap myself with a blast of magical happiness routinley if it werent bad for me. :m: yeah, magic feels that magical.

What is magic?
I didnt feel a burning in my dream. I actually carried a dead body in a body bag from the skyroof down a flight of stairs across a street where 3 wizards lifted the body and dissappeared it into the sky. But while I was draging it, the body had an eye that popped out of his head that fell out of the body bag. When I crouched to put the head back in the bag i noticed his eye, his skinned boned legs with a vigorous smell of decaying rigormortis. A security guard walked by not caring about anything. I awoke ans superman was pronunced dead, meantime I was learning to fly in another dream. BTW, I think magic is like girth

Heres the art
the dream of the Certificate of Death:
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