Boy Scouts of America: Persecute Homosexuals, Aid and Abet Child Molesters


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Valued Senior Member
Boy Scouts: No Wonder They're Homophobic

Well, now we know why the Boy Scouts of America are so homophobic. Kim Christensen and Jason Felch explain:

Over two decades, the Boy Scouts of America failed to report hundreds of alleged child molesters to police and often hid the allegations from parents and the public.

A Los Angeles Times review of 1,600 confidential files dating from 1970 to 1991 has found that Scouting officials frequently urged admitted offenders to quietly resign — and helped many cover their tracks.

Volunteers and employees suspected of abuse were allowed to leave citing bogus reasons such as business demands, "chronic brain dysfunction" and duties at a Shakespeare festival.

The details are contained in the organization's confidential "perversion files," a blacklist of alleged molesters, that the Scouts have used internally since 1919. Scouts' lawyers around the country have been fighting in court to keep the files from public view.

Most allegations of child abuse came to the Scouts through local authorities, but the files show about four hundred cases in which the organization learned of accusations through parents, fellow Scouts, or other sources, and worked to help the accused.

In 1982, a Michigan Boy Scout camp director who learned of allegations of repeated abuse by a staff member told police he didn't promptly report them because his bosses wanted to protect the reputation of the Scouts and the accused staff member.

"He stated that he had been advised by his supervisors and legal counsel that he should neutralize the situation and keep it quiet," according to a police report in the file.

That same year, the director of a Boy Scout camp in Virginia wrote to the Scouts' top lawyer, asking for help dealing with a veteran employee suspected of a "lifelong pattern" of abuse that had not been reported to police.

"When a problem has surfaced, he has been asked to leave a position 'of his own free will' rather than risk further investigation," the director wrote. "The time has come for someone to make a stand and prevent further occurrences."

In their defense, BSA notes that, "We have always cooperated fully with any request from law enforcement". They also suggest that they changed their policies so the organization "today require our members to report even suspicion of abuse directly to their local authorities".

It only took them until 2010 for that.

In some instances, however, the Scouts may have violated those state laws. Since the early 1970s, for example, New Jersey has required anyone who suspects child abuse to report it. In several cases there, the Scouts received firsthand reports of alleged abuse, but nothing in the files indicates they informed authorities.

In the 1970s and '80s, secrecy was embedded in the Scouts' policies and procedures for handling child sexual abuse.

A cover sheet that accompanied many confidential files included a check box labeled "Internal (only scouts know)" as an option for how cases were resolved. A form letter sent to leaders being dismissed over abuse allegations stated: "We are making no accusations and will not release this information to anyone, so our action in no way will affect your standing in the community."

That letter was included in the organization's 1972 policy on how to remove unfit leaders, which, according to an attached memo, was kept confidential "because of misunderstandings which could develop if it were widely distributed."

However, the "perversion files" are not completely useless. KING 5, a Seattle NBC affiliate, notes that the BSA included homosexuals alongside child molesters:

One file is about a scoutmaster form Ellensburg who was outsted from Scouting in 1974 after the organization had collected evidence he was gay. A memorandum from a Scout Executive in Yakima to the organization's Registration and Subscription Executive at BSA headquarters in Texas explains they'd "become aware of a suspected moral problem" with (the Scout leader). The Yakima executive recieved information that the man had previously been discharged as a Scouting camp counselor "on suspicion of homosexuality." The Scouts continued to build their case in the file by obtaining "proof" of their suspicion. The record is a four page letter handwritten by the scoutmaster where he confides to a friend, "Yes, I am gay (homosexual)". It's unclear from the file how BSA obtained the letter. The following month BSA leaders in Texas completed their file with a lifetime ban on the scoutmaster. Their "Confidential Record Sheet" lists one reason for the move: "homosexuality".

In 1990 a Chapter Chief from Seattle was removed from the Scouting program for being gay. The Scouts launched an investigation and created a file on the man after a parent wrote to complain the leader was "effeminate". The parent was concerned the Chapter Chief was "exerting influence over impressionable boys". The Scout Executive of the Chief Seattle Council, Dean Lollar, requested written proof of the man's sexual orientation from a Chapter advisor who had befriended the suspected gay leader. The friend documented a conversation with the Chapter Chief in which he stated "I am gay. In no way have I or will I ever force myself on any Scouts or Scouters that I work with. The Boy Scouts have done so many wonderful things for me and have given me purpose and goals to work for. I couldn't think of ever doing something the Boy Scouts would be upset with."

The Scouts were upset. They removed the man from the organization a month after recieving the written account of his admission. Scout Executive Lollar sent a letter announcing their decision to the Chapter Chief:

"After careful review, we have decided that your registration with the Boy Scouts of America should be denied. We are therefore compelled to request that you sever any relations that you may have with the Boy Scouts of America. A refund of your registration fee is enclosed. You should understand that BSA membership registration is a privilege and is not automatically granted to everyone who applies. We reserve the right to refuse registration whenever there is a concern that an indicidual may not meet the high standards of membership which the BSA seeks to provide for American youth."

Hopkins said he'd heard rumors the Scouts kept lists of gay members, but he was shocked to see written proof.

So here we see Scouts' Honor on full display. Secret files? Sure. Help prosecute alleged child abusers? Nope. Kick people out of the organization for being suspected of generic homosexuality? Yes, indeed.

Something about priorities goes here.

And always being prepared.

It's just, you know, a matter of what they are preparing for.

Meanwhile, it's no wonder the BSA is so homophobic. Apparently, they can't tell the difference between a child molester and a gay man. Oh, wait, yes they can. Child molesters need cover. Gay men need to be kicked out of the organization.

Gay kids, too.


Christensen, Kim and Jason Felch. "Boy Scouts helped alleged molesters cover tracks, files show". Los Angeles Times. September 16, 2012. October 17, 2012.

Frame, Susannah. "Scouts track gays in 'perversion files'". KING 5. October 11, 2012. October 17, 2012.

Hirschfield, Brad. "Ryan Andresen: Gay scout, good scout?" For God's Sake. October 15, 2012. October 17, 2012.
You know it's sad that the US orgainsation overshadows what others do because they are thought to be one united organisation. That being said some stuff I recently read of what Powl said makes me dislike the guy but that was the attitude of the time. Scouts Australia has been calling on the US to change its policy towards homosexuality for years (and I THINK they even called for there expulsion from the international organisation over it but I'm not sure)

As for the child abuse they are unrelated and if anything this is more related to the US goverments refusal to sign the international convention on the rights of the child. Every youth, health and education facility should have 3 signs on the door as you walk in. The first should be the child friendly version of the charter

The second should say "we report all child abuse and neglect"

The third should be a statement about the rights of all people child and adult and the statement that if you are aggressive you will be aske to leave and have the police called