Boy Scouts cry over discrimination


Adult Supervision Required
Registered Senior Member
WASHINGTON (AP) -- The Supreme Court refused Monday to hear an appeal from the Boy Scouts over what the organizations claims is discrimination because of its policy against hiring gays.

"To exclude the Boy Scouts from a forum based on their values they hold and the conduct they require of their members is to exclude Boy Scouts based on viewpoint and identity," lawyers for the Scouts argued in their Supreme Court appeal.

As the article states the “forum” which the Boy Scouts are being excluded from are monetary handouts from the state of Connecticut. They were apparently pulled from a list of nonprofit organizations which were eligible for state handouts due to their policy on homosexuals (No fags allowed!).

Does anyone find this the least bit ironic? They make a big legal stink and fuss about being able to discriminate against homosexuals and ban them from their organization, and now that the state is supposedly discriminating against them they run right back to the Supreme Court to cry.

On another note, what sort of message would Connecticut be sending if they started funneling public money to an organization which openly discriminates against a specific section of the public for essentially the same reason. I know that if I were living in Connecticut I’d hate having my tax money being spent on an organization that is trying to take a moral stand against a part of my life they haven’t got any business caring about.

I'm glad that the supreme court laughed at their appeal.
Well, the United States does give money to "Faith based" charities, and I can't think that their policies toward homosexuals and a few other groups as well, are much more sympathetic to homosexuals. In the United States there is precedent for taxing someone’s income only to hand it off to some organization who discriminates against you. So you can’t blame the scouts for being at least a little surprised.
That's a bit like taxing a black man and sending his money to the KKK, it's outrageous.
The BSA had better learn to suck it up. Fag bashing is so last century. Slowly but surely their stance will leave them high and dry.

If I ever manage to find a good woman and have some kids, Boy Scouting will be out. Though I think there are many positive things about the Boy Scouts, their stance on atheists would prevent my participation. And I don't like groups that discriminate against gays.

They were within their rights to exclude gays. But if they find it a little expensive, boo hoo. Intolerance has a price.
do the girls scouts have the same policy?

too bad the boy scouts are such bastards. i was in both and boy scouts was so much more fun.
Well people, didn't anyone notice that you can actually only be a scout until you're 11? By which stage you have to turn into a Ranger? If someone younger than 9 is a Cub then that means that scouts are aged 9-11... how on Earth could someone aged 9-11 know that they were gay or have any sexual preference AT ALL?
Maybe she was bron stupid, hence the reason she always seems to be on the ground?

I don't see how the Boy Scouts have/had any chance of winning this. The Conn law is most likely based on the Federal Law.

The Feds say 'no discrimintation by sexual pref' and give the States money. The States then have to stand up that, usually through it's own laws. The State (as far as I know) has the ability to descriminate against homosexuals... but at the risk of losing federal funding. Anyone know different?
Ranger? 9-11? Do you know what you're talking about, or have the Boy Scouts changed so much since I last checked in? Last I checked it was something like 5-10 or 11ish (I can't remember which) is a "Cub Scout" which is a lot more kiddish and arts and crafts and stuff and then you can earn the "arrow of light" and move on into the Boy Scouts which you can be a member of until you're 18. I should know, I was in both the Cub Scouts and boycotts.
Persol said:
The Feds say 'no discrimintation by sexual pref' and give the States money. The States then have to stand up that, usually through it's own laws. The State (as far as I know) has the ability to descriminate against homosexuals... but at the risk of losing federal funding. Anyone know different?

I don't know of any federal law that condemns descrimination on the basis of sexual orientation, it's usualy not thrown in with all that race color and creed stuff.
SwedishFish said:
did you fall or were you born stupid?

they do not allow gay troup leaders

Or gay members, I remember a while back a big bruhaha about somone who was all set for thier eagle scout ceremony (Highest boyscout rank) and he got booted out because he came out as gay.
Well, do gay people HAVE to allow boy scouts into their houses?
Huh? How would you like it if the court ordered that you constantly have a bunch of boyscouts in your house? :mad: Why are you smiling? :mad:

PS; you guys have to admit this sub-forum is very gay.
What? It literally is.
There's about 6 gay threads to every single non-gay-related thread.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Well, do gay people HAVE to allow boy scouts into their houses?
Huh? How would you like it if the court ordered that you constantly have a bunch of boyscouts in your house? :mad: Why are you smiling? :mad:

You're being sarcastic, right? It's hard to get the tone from short posts sometime, which is why I bother to ask.
Let them weep. Jingoistic machismo, and nothing more.

What about the idea of "Urban Scouts"? You know, for your big Survival badge you have to spend a week in the city without getting shot, shot up, or infected? Or a merit badge in, "How to pick up women without sexually harassing them." Hey, it'll help the gay members understand their hetero neighbors if everybody has to go through it.

A badge in Self-Control, where you're plied with drinks and strippers and have to keep your hands to yourself for an hour without masturbating in public.

And hey, it's Urban Skills, so there's always room for a merit badge in Small Arms & Marksmanship. Also Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu, "Stabbing, Slashing, & Spraying," and "Fake ID Manufacture."

Crack-dealing, helping old folks across the street, helping street preachers to the soup kitchen or the psych ward, all sorts of valuable stuff. And if you blow your crack-dealing by smoking the product, hey, it's two weekends' hard time picking up litter in the downtown area.
Dr Lou Natic said:
Well, do gay people HAVE to allow boy scouts into their houses?
Huh? How would you like it if the court ordered that you constantly have a bunch of boyscouts in your house? :mad: Why are you smiling? :mad:

Oh Dr. Lou, nice shot, but no one is forcing scouts to accept homosexuals. See, that would be like me charging the scouts rent, even if they weren’t shacking up in my home, get it? That’s why they don’t get public money. They don’t want to serve the public at large, so the public at large doesn’t pay them