Boy Scouts America? Or Atheist Haters Anonymous?


Mm, recently the Boy Scouts kicked someone out for his atheist beliefs? Any thoughts?

Frankly, I am surprised that they didn't flay and lynch him, considering the fact that a former prezzie openly said "I don't think atheists should be considered patriots. I don't think they should be allowed to vote. This is one nation under God."...what more do you expect from the prezzie's citizens? Or should I ask that the other way around?

The boy scouts are a private organization. If they don't want atheist or gays then that's up to them. It might seem unfair to us but to them they are running their org how they want to. At least that's how I see it.

Hmm...that's the argument that the opposition is using. I'm afraid the kicked-out-scout will lose this legal battle. But he claims that the boy scouts taught him to fight for what he believes in.

But seriously though, where do we draw the line? Imagine a private org that only accepts straight, white, Anglo Saxon, Protestant, male "good old boy" segregationist people? Where DO we draw the line?
In Australia, that action would breach antidiscrimination laws. I don't know what the American situation is, but I suspect it is similar.
You can't draw the line on private organizations, Zero. That's why the KKK is still around. It's their choice if they want to have only White, Christian Males in their club. So what do you do about it? Nothing. You sit back and dont give them the attention that they deserve.
Yeh, it's kind of like saying the KKK won't let me in because I'm black. But then again it's also like saying the church will forgive a murder, but not let in an atheist. Ok maybe not.
Just because its funded by the Government doesnt mean anything. Its called getting aid. I cant join the NAACP because Im white, so why bother? They get aid to. It's not run by the government, its run by private citizens. It sucks, I know, but there aint a darn thing we can do about it.
Hm, maybe I should start some sort of anti-antiatheist terror group that bombs non atheists or something...grumble grumble...*seeks comfort in :m:*
Well im in the Boy Scouts and atheists shouldnt be allowed in BSA. The two main things in Bsa is GOD and Country. Also while I dont approve of gays I wouldent mind a gay Boy Scout,but gay adults should not be allowed in. That would make the boys unconfortable and most of their parents also. Well I hope this makes sense to all of yall.
Originally posted by snow
Well im in the Boy Scouts and atheists shouldnt be allowed in BSA. The two main things in Bsa is GOD and Country. Also while I dont approve of gays I wouldent mind a gay Boy Scout,but gay adults should not be allowed in. That would make the boys unconfortable and most of their parents also. Well I hope this makes sense to all of yall.

Next thing you'll be saying: atheists shouldn't be considered patriots or be allowed to vote because this is one nation "under god". Right?

"Also while I dont approve of gays, I wouldent mind a gay Boy Scout, but gay adults should not be allowed in. That would make the boys unconfortable and most of their parents also. "

So, why would you feel more comfortable around a gay Boy Scout than a gay adult? They are both gay.
When I was in BSA, God was hardly ever mentioned except when we said that boyscout pledge thing. Of course I didn't say it, or I crossed my fingers behind my back, or I crossed my heart, or whatever.
Don't worry about it, this scout and god thing will die out like any other tradition.
Originally posted by Zero
Hm, maybe I should start some sort of anti-antiatheist terror group that bombs non atheists or something...grumble grumble...*seeks comfort in :m:*

Good idea!
When I was in BSA, God was hardly ever mentioned except when we said that boyscout pledge thing. Of course I didn't say it, or I crossed my fingers behind my back, or I crossed my heart, or whatever.

GB, your an atheist, right? Why would you care if you took an oath to God when you don't believe in him? Why would you cross your fingers at all? If you truly believed that there was no God then why the fudge did you cross your fingers?!:bugeye:

I just find it odd, that's all.
Originally posted by CounslerCoffee
GB, your an atheist, right? Why would you care if you took an oath to God when you don't believe in him? Why would you cross your fingers at all? If you truly believed that there was no God then why the fudge did you cross your fingers?!:bugeye:

I just find it odd, that's all.

You wouldn't understand unless you were an Atheist. It isn't that you actually don't want to pledge to something, but rather that you find it silly to pledge to something that doesn't exist, and it also represents Atheists' opression by Christians... ie the pledge saying you pledge to a nation under god.
You wouldn't understand unless you were an Atheist. It isn't that you actually don't want to pledge to something, but rather that you find it silly to pledge to something that doesn't exist, and it also represents Atheists' opression by Christians... ie the pledge saying you pledge to a nation under god.

I still dont understand... If you don't believe in God then why should you care at all if your pledging to him? Im sorry, I just don't understand.:(
Counselor, probably for the same reason Christians would be upset if we were pledging allegiance to Allah or Ra the Sun God instead of God. It's just a matter of freedom, everyone has the right to their own religion, the pledge infringes on this right. When you say the pledge with the 'under God' intact you are acknowledging that God exists and that he does indeed rule over us, this should not be a requirement of being an American, yet it is. Makes me glad I don't live in America =P