Bowling for columbine


Registered Senior Member
Just saw this movie, pretty interesting

Just wonder how this movie was received in the US? Did they review it on TV and in newspapers? Did it open on most theaters?
Bowling for Columbine made a lot of waves, along with Roger & Me and his book Stupid White Men. Michael Moore's voice has resonated with a cross-section of Americans questioning American arrogance and corporate power in society and politics. Here's Michael Moore's website.
Moore is a statistical moron

Yes, I saw the movie. Look at his comparison between Canada and the US in murder rates...well, the US is about 10x the size of Canada.
Re: Moore is a statistical moron

Originally posted by Weisse Bora
Yes, I saw the movie. Look at his comparison between Canada and the US in murder rates...well, the US is about 10x the size of Canada.

LOL. You weren't watching carefully and thus, you didn't get it...
Watch the movie again.
<i>Look at his comparison between Canada and the US in murder rates...well, the US is about 10x the size of Canada.</i>

And the US has 100x the number of murders every year. Go figure.
8 Mile

Bowling sold consistently but not particularly well in the US. It was overshadowed by 8 Mile. The poor guy at the ticket window almost gave us the wrong tickets because he just wasn't expecting anyone to be seeing Bowling for Columbine.

Still, the bit going door-to-door in Toronto was hilarious. One of the best films I've seen in years.

Tiassa :cool:
i was the best film i have seen so far this year....very enlightening...

i was wondering if micheal moore already cancelled his lifetime membership to the NRA though??????
I've liked Michael more for a while. I watched his TV shows, "TV nation" and "The Awful truth" I beleive were their names. . . but this year I got his "Stupid white men" callender. . . and dear god, some of the things he has to say (there is new material in the callender that wasn't in the book :p) is just bizzare! The man is a nut!
Mystech - Moore knows

He's quite aware of how bizarre the content sounds. That's why he does us the favor of providing reference notes at the end of the book. For instance, with the election in 2000: I was a good boy. I didn't complain about the popular/electoral thing. Everyone knew that was the way it was coming in.

But if your calendar includes anything on the stolen election, please know that it was not the allegations themselves, but that he could provide those references to show whence he builds the mosaic.

The bit about race relations would be hilarious if it wasn't so damn true. The only people who ever beat me for my ethnicity were white. I've been called a honky by a black man before, but what cracks me up is being called a honky by a white guy.

Tiassa :cool:
Michael Moore hates America

This guy is so full of hate that there is no way he will live to be 60. He is just a perpetually angry, disturbed individual.

It is this kind of hatred and acid-spewing demeanor that is causing a majority of Americans to turn away from liberalism.
How do I figure that?

Not to be impolite, but you cannot be serious. How could anyone listen to Michael Moore and not come to the conclusion that he is utterly filled with hatred?

Everything the guy has ever done has been has been a vile, vicious diatribe of his own anti-America view. His hatred of America, of President Bush, of corporate America, of guns, of Charlton Heston, etc. is what has marked Michael Moore's career of distorted anger, lies, and putrified logic.
He is an American

Duh! I never suggested he was not an American nor did I suggest that he did not have a right to his own personal view. Not sure what salient point you are trying to make.

Unlike liberals, I welcome open debate and discussion.

<i>Unlike liberals, I welcome open debate and discussion.</i>

Isn't that what Michael Moore is trying to encourage?

<i>How could anyone listen to Michael Moore and not come to the conclusion that he is utterly filled with hatred?</i>

Hatred of what, exactly? Of guns, of corporate greed, of election rigging perhaps?

Perhaps it's not so much a matter of hating these things as an attempt to get people to think about them a little more than they currently do.

<i>Everything the guy has ever done has been has been a vile, vicious diatribe of his own anti-America view.</i>

What, in particular, do you consider to be anti-American about what he has said or done?

<i>His hatred of America, of President Bush, of corporate America, of guns, of Charlton Heston, etc. is what has marked Michael Moore's career of distorted anger, lies, and putrified logic.</i>

I am interested in this. Can you provide actual examples of where he has distorted something, or lied about something? I'd hate to think that the documentary which won the best documentary Oscar was full of lies. Was it?
Re: Moore is a statistical moron

Originally posted by Weisse Bora
Yes, I saw the movie. Look at his comparison between Canada and the US in murder rates...well, the US is about 10x the size of Canada.

I believe the numbers he used were approximately 11,000 for the US and 160 for Canada.... since you're so keen on the math, why don't you do some :rolleyes:

yes, the US has about 10X our population, but then they should have around 10X the gun deaths.... but, in case you're having trouble still, 10 X 160 is not close to 11,000 ;)

So, his point is still valid. 10X the population, but nearly 70 times the gun deaths :eek: .....

Re: How do I figure that?

Originally posted by DaveOhio

His hatred of America, of President Bush, of corporate America, of guns, of Charlton Heston, etc.


As to the hatred of guns, didn't he state he was a lifelong member of the NRA in the film?

And I agree - some of the statistics he used were flaky - not wrong but flaky.

He should have done the gun death statistic per capita - simple as that. That he didn't - well, spin is spin is spin, but if you're caught at it - then it affects your credibility imo

Michael Moore is a true American hero and maybe if the world had more people like him (and in charge) the world wouldn't be such a shitty, hatefilled, corrupt and polluted planet. He was great at the oscars - highlight of the night. Steve Martin was a grade A asshole at the oscars.

It sickens me to know that the majority of world politics are influenced by corrupt corporations at the expense of the environment in most cases.

Your media is controlled by the government and they brainwash you with hours and hours of garbage cable tv. You live in a land where at a war time the president gives more tax breaks to the very super rich. How can this be justified? It cant. Its digusting. George W. Bush is the worst president in the history of the USA and it could be the worlds undoing.

But go back to bed America, your goverment has figured out what is transpiring and are fully in control. Go back to sleep America...

:m: :D

PS I dont care what any of you pro war anti french say, french fries will always be french fries....and freedom fries just goes to show the while world how shallow you all really are. Bush supporters I mean.

Just my two cents or pence as I'm from Scotland.

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