Bothell Bust


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
Strange ... as I write this there are four cruisers from the Snohomish County Sheriff's office blocking the drive in front of my building. Deputies have arrested several people. The arrests are quiet from my perspective, but the question, of course, is what is going on. One of the deputies asked about ______, and another replied that, "There is a _____ in there." The word is either bomb or bong, and from the appearance of the arrests, I suspect the latter. The lack of a bomb squad, and the fact of only two of the deputies wearing any visible body armor reinforces this suggestion. The suspects seem calm and resigned, as well, so I'm doubting this is any terror arrest. Nonetheless, if I had to guess only by the sound of the word used, it was almost definitely bomb.

I'll be trying to squeeze some gossip from one of my downstairs neighbors later; he has a front-row seat if he's out watching. And I intend to inquire, anyway, since I need the property management to come over and silence a fire control panel that has been cycling annoying electronic beeps for hours.

Naturally, there are no headlines on the incident yet; I'll see what I can dig up in the coming days, but news in this neighborhood generally doesn't get much attention; indeed, I only heard about a recent police shooting through the grapevine, and only because the officers involved were cleared of any wrongdoing by the standard administrative review.

Strange, strange.

Updates to come as I get them.
Good work Tiassa, keep us posted on the Bong squad.

Danger USB..unsucked bong!
Tell us when they send in the reefer sweeper.
you just stood by and let the pigs kidnap these people? your inaction only promotes their evil.
I have to ask, Tiassa, ...why did you post that sensationalist post when you don't know any-freakin'-thing about it? That's exactly what modern day "journalists" and "reporters" do constantly in some race to be the first to report on a happening.

Wouldn't it be better, more responsible, to wait until you know something before raising all kinds of sensationalist bullshit?

Baron Max
Strange ... as I write this there are four cruisers from the Snohomish County Sheriff's office blocking the drive in front of my building

Why do you live in such a high crime area? Unless of course you are involved somehow and just managed to elude capture this time.:rolleyes:
Notes Around

The immediate whispers are completely useless. I did find out that, aside from a battering ram, it was quiet operation. Apparently, law enforcement arrived somewhere around an hour and a half before I wrote that post, smashed through a door, and then went about their business; I missed most of the spectacle because I simply didn't notice it was going on. The four cruisers I saw were, at best, half of the force that attended; I suspected there was a fifth cruiser that I heard start and drive away, but it was beyond my visual range. A neighbor added to the count, putting it at eight—"Another couple up there, and one around the corner back there."

An interesting part of the conversation:

"Yeah, you see that skinny, blonde woman they brought out?"

"Looked like a hooker?"

"Yeah. I didn't know her."

Great. Wonderful detail, especially as he didn't know any of the other people arrested. Of course, that's the problem with fence-post gossip. Its purpose is never actually about what's going on.

Local news sources have yet to mention the incident.

• • •​

Cosmictraveler said:

Why do you live in such a high crime area? Unless of course you are involved somehow and just managed to elude capture this time. :rolleyes:

Strangely, it's because when my former partner's parents bought her a house in preparation for our daughter's arrival, they chose this area because they thought it was low crime.

I suppose I could live somewhere safer, like Seattle proper, but it takes five minutes to drive my daughter to school (as long as I make the lights), and I do prefer to be closer, rather than farther, to where she is when she's staying with her mother.

Generally, though, the biggest threat around here is motorcyclists killing themselves on the main thoroughfare.

• • •​

Baron Max said:

I have to ask, Tiassa, ...why did you post that sensationalist post when you don't know any-freakin'-thing about it?

Internet verité? In literature, it goes by the ultimately stupid name of "slice-of-life vignette".

And, frankly, I fail to see the sensationalism about it. Perhaps you would care to expand on that fascinating notion?

That's exactly what modern day "journalists" and "reporters" do constantly in some race to be the first to report on a happening.

Wow. The thought that I could get paid for the content of that post is something between striking and chilling.

Wouldn't it be better, more responsible, to wait until you know something before raising all kinds of sensationalist bullshit?

Maybe if I was a professional journalist, or maybe a fence-post gossip scandalously whispering the names of those arrested.

In the meantime, it's an opportunity to chronicle an event in terms of how the information becomes available. Theoretically, it is a chance to follow a process from arrest to either conviction and sentencing or acquittal.
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Classic Freudian slip there Tiassa " closer rather than father", c'mon, man up to your responsibilities, you're still her Daddy even when the hex has her under her wing!

Or could I not be farther from the truth?
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This and that

Spud Emperor said:

Classic Freudian slip there Tiassa " closer rather than father" ....

It's also a classic form of typographical error. Thanks for pointing it out. I'll deal with the psychology of missing it in reading through the preview later.

• • •​

Baron Max said:

And perhaps that's your biggest problem!

Is it you point to be useless? Or are you just pointless by nature?

Come on, Max. Give us some substance from time to time.

Explain for us the sensationalism that you perceive. Or is that just too demanding for your capabilities, and thus unfair to ask of you?
Tiassa I may be a bit slow on this one but what is the ethical issue you are addressing/questioning?
I have to ask, Tiassa, ...why did you post that sensationalist post when you don't know any-freakin'-thing about it? That's exactly what modern day "journalists" and "reporters" do constantly in some race to be the first to report on a happening.

Wouldn't it be better, more responsible, to wait until you know something before raising all kinds of sensationalist bullshit?

Baron Max

He posted a factual story of what happened outside his home. He has promised to post facts when he has some. What is your fucking problem?

You're always on about how disabled people should be killed, right? Because you think they don't contribute to society, despite the fact that even severely disabled people can work? And all you do is sit on a fucking computer contributing nothing except vitriol and put-downs. Who, exactly, is doing the non-contributing?
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He posted a factual story of what happened outside his home.

How do you know it's "factual"? Since Tiassa has been proved to have a intense bias towards the police, why would you believe that this report isn't biased as well?

See? People just believe almost anything that anyone posts, mostly without any verification or evidence. And interestingly, they often become hostile to the point of actually wanting someone to die who happens to have a different point of view. Yep, interesting.

Baron Max
I will be sitting on the edge of my seat till more details come in. :rolleyes:

More shocking then Tiassa's story, is how short his posts are so far. :eek:
I will be sitting on the edge of my seat till more details come in. :rolleyes:

Oh, you don't have to wait, Shorty. It'll be just like most of his other posts about cops terrible they are, how vicious and mean they are, how violent they are to poor, poor, innocent people of the world. :)

Baron Max
Swarm said:

Tiassa I may be a bit slow on this one but what is the ethical issue you are addressing/questioning?

It's a longer outlook pertaining to justice:

Theoretically, it is a chance to follow a process from arrest to either conviction and sentencing or acquittal.​

The only real question is whether or not we will be able to get enough information. As far as I can tell, a search and arrest requiring at least eight individual units doesn't seem to register on the local media's radar.

• • •​

Baron Max said:

Oh, you don't have to wait, Shorty. It'll be just like most of his other posts about cops terrible they are, how vicious and mean they are, how violent they are to poor, poor, innocent people of the world.

It would probably do you at least some credit, Max, to maintain at least some pretense of actually paying attention to whatever it is you're whining about.

Tiassa said:

The arrests are quiet from my perspective, but the question, of course, is what is going on .... The suspects seem calm and resigned, as well ....

• • •​

I did find out that, aside from a battering ram, it was quiet operation. Apparently, law enforcement arrived somewhere around an hour and a half before I wrote that post, smashed through a door, and then went about their business; I missed most of the spectacle because I simply didn't notice it was going on.

Thus far, the story lacks the necessary elements about vicious and mean and violent cops, and since the case is, theoretically, in the hands of prosecutors, now, your blithering speculation is a day late and, well, not so much a dollar short as completely broke.

Really, Max, when you act like this it looks like you have no intention of contributing to the discussion.
Mod Hat - Certain necessary notes

Mod Hat — Certain necessary notes

As much as I might appreciate certain sentiments expressed in the course of this discussion, they really are inappropriate. In the end, resorting to what could, by those with no sense of humor or community, be interpreted as threats is not what the moderation or administration of Sciforums considers a good idea.

Really, even when our own senses of humor might appreciate the point.

To the other, people speak poorly of themselves when the role they play in our community is to ignore and avoid the actual discussion, preferring instead to be purely antagonistic. If one cannot be bothered to contribute to the discussion in some general way, the question arises of whether or not he should be posting in the thread at all.

Easy enough?


Thank you.
What the hell is going on around here?

In unrelated community news, it's proving to be a week of some excitement. As near as I can tell, without getting in the EMTs way, one of our maintenance crew appears to have fallen off the roof of my building while cleaning away the moss.

They just loaded him into the ambulance. Damn.
Do you know if he's ok?

Damn, I could almost do with falling off a roof myself. The rural anus of nowhere, where I live is pretty dull.
Life in this nowhere (non-) town

The general topic update is useless, but perhaps a bit entertaining.

According to the property management, the original cause for the police being here was to serve an outstanding warrant. Apparently, two deputies showed up and knocked on the door. Upon being refused even the courtesy of an answer, they called for backup, and eventually broke the door to execute the arrest. The supervising manager, or whatever her title is, laughed when I asked her about the incident and pointed out that if the deputies had bothered to call her, she could have given them a key. Additionally, as the apartment was a ground-floor unit, they could have tried going in the back door. As it was, they didn't bother telling the property management anything until, hearing the story from residents, somebody on staff called the Sheriff's Department, got a general outline of the story, and set about repairing the damage. That was another thing the supervising (site, whatever) manager said: "They could have called at least so I would have known to come secure the property after they were done."

Aside from that, there's still no hint of the arrests (more than the one person with a warrant was arrested) in the press. One might joke that since they were white, it's not worth mentioning in the local papers. Strangely, when I left to pick up my daughter at school, I actually saw an SUV bearing the Everett Herald logo, but it turned into the retirement home across the street. Or maybe the townhouses developed behind. Or ... I don't know. We'll see what, if anything, turns up.

• • •​

Visceral Instinct said:

Do you know if he's ok?

Damn, I could almost do with falling off a roof myself. The rural anus of nowhere, where I live is pretty dull.

Turns out he was a contractor, and independent at that. Strangely, the side of his van advertised photo and video services. Apparently he sidelines in the pressure-washing business. I don't know.

Anyway, details are sketchy on that, too.

I can only wonder if the guy has insurance. This looked like one of those operations you hire because someone you know says, "My cousin has a friend that can do it. Good work, and cheap."