Books: General AI

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I would buy some books, but I cannot pay with my local credit card (to purchase something abroad I have to have an international card and that surpasses my ability).
I would look out for:

"An Introduction to Neural Networks"
By Igor Aleksander and Helen Morton

It is a very comprehendsive book, and has some wonderful methods of explaining the Philosophy of not just Neural Networks but some history of Artificial intelligence design.

the one book that you mention here named "THE AGE OF SPIRITUAL MACHINES" it the original version?I mean the original version of the book is entitled as "AGE OF SPIRITUAL MACHINES" only and not "AGE OF SPIRITUAL MACHINE:WHEN COMPUTERS...INTELLIGENCE".the book of Age of spiritual machines as i searched on Amazon is says out of text,out of print or outdated.I am seriously searching for a book i mention here.I have a 3 month training to do and i have chosen AI as the subject,as you might understand.Also,is there any special discount if i buy the book with the help of Science forums?
If yes how much apart from the one that Amazon provides by itself.
also could you suggest a few more books on Genetic algorithms,Neural networks?

One more thing:i have used Credit card once on net,that was in that Bonzi-buddy of NBCI for other properties of it,but i wasnt charged of anything out of credit card(Although i was able to download the software,BUT,<B>I WAS NEVER CHARGED A SINGLE PENNY!!!!</B>.So,is e-transaction safe and effective?I mean does it happen that my Credit card becomes a public property...!!!!????...

Kindly respond...

the one book that you mention here named "THE AGE OF SPIRITUAL MACHINES" it the original version?

I don't think it is the *original* version. But I don't think there are any major differences between the versions.

Also,is there any special discount if i buy the book with the help of Science forums?

Nope. The only benefit is that a *small* commission on the sale gets sent to sciforums.

So,is e-transaction safe and effective?I mean does it happen that my Credit card becomes a public property...!!!!????...
Hey, thanks man! :) Now, to build my army of robots! *whips out a copy of Robot Building for Beginners by David Cook* Muahaha!
I hate to push my own book, but who else will?
Brains for Machines/Machines for Brains, Nova Science 1996
At least you will know what a brain is from this.
Best place to buy is
Price at Amazon is too high.
"computational beauty of nature" gary flake
"Creation" steve grand
"body electric" james geary
"neural networks" SIMON HAYKIN-->i wish i had him as a prof when i went to mac
"whats going on up there" lisa eliot
On Intelligence is an excellent book. It is not really about AI per se... it is more about presenting a general theory for the function of the neocortex. I think the framework he presents is great, however this work is completely qualitative and I do not believe there is yet a quantitative theory to compliment it. Still, I highly recommend this book.
"The Singularity is Near" is another book that has a strong focus on AI, as well as transhumanism and futurism in general.
A video eBook - endorsed by the top A.I. scientist on the planet

I came across this video eBook, that I just thought I would mention here.
It is all about A.I. / Nanotech / the future etc and is endorsed by a whole slew of people.

I think the top A.I. guy / the worlds No 1 hacker and even Noam Chomsky have endorsed it.

Check it out for yourself at:-
(In quote to topic starting post.)

so bassically programming languages are just as good as AI?
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