Book Wanted: Overview of Genetics


God is a Chinese Whisper
Valued Senior Member
I am looking for a fairly comprehensive, well written overview of cell functions, DNA, Genes, Protiens, bacterium, viruses (virii?), reproduction, gestation, etc...

One that covers genetics and life from an easy to read and sensible perspective for people who are not University-Schooled biologists.

Basically an easy to read and follow Biology and Genetics 101 course in a book.

Any recommendations?
There is a large and very comprehensive online tutorial that I think would suit your needs. I recommend this site a lot -- it's fantastic. However, the site is extremely graphics heavy with lots of Flash animations, audio and movies. (That's what you need to illustrate such concepts.) I think a dialup connection would be rather frustrating; a broadband connection is recommended. But if you're serious, you can purchase CD-ROMs of the tutorial ($49.99 + shipping and handling for 3 CDs).

(Note: I have no affiliation with Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory and do not stand to gain financially from any such purchases.)

"DNA from the Beginning"<P>

If it’s a book you really want, then I have no immediate suggestions. I have copy and pasted details of the textbook I used as an undergrad genetics student. It is a widely used college-level textbook all over the world. It is very good and very comprehensive. But, it may be more detailed than you are aiming for.

"An Introduction to Genetic Analysis"
(7th Ed.)

Anthony J.F. Griffiths (U. of British Columbia)
Jeffrey H. Miller (U. of California, Los Angeles)
David T. Suzuki (U. of British Columbia)
Richard C. Lewontin (Harvard U.)
William M. Gelbart (Harvard U.)

2000, hardcover, 860 pp.
878 ill.


Companion Site

A leader in its field for nearly 25 years, Introduction to Genetic Analysis has been used by over 750,000 students since its inception. From edition to edition, this remarkable text has evolved side-by-side with advances in the field, offering students access to the latest concepts, techniques, and discoveries while providing them with an unshakable grasp of the established fundamentals of genetics. Throughout the text, students are exposed to landmark experiments in genetics, taught how to analyze the data, and encouraged to draw their own conclusions. The new Seventh Edition maintains this strong analytical/experimental approach but modifies the organization to meet the need for an early overview of molecular genetics and an illumination of underlying genetic principles.<P>
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