Boob Trucks Impounded in Moscow


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. Adieu, Sciforums.
Valued Senior Member

Advert featuring woman’s breasts causes 500 accidents in a DAY among Moscow’s distracted male drivers - before being impounded by police
  • Campaign was intended to show off the visibility of mobile ad hoardings
  • But as trucks trundled around the capital they left trail of carnage
  • Stunt backfired when Moscow police impounded all the risque trucks
PUBLISHED: 10:59 EST, 15 October 2014 | UPDATED: 03:11 EST, 16 October 2014

An advertising campaign showing a woman's breasts has been blamed for more than 500 traffic accidents in one day.

The massive adverts placed on the side of 30 trucks driving around Moscow showed a woman's breasts cupped in her hands with the slogan 'They Attract' across her nipples.

As the trucks trundled around the streets of the Russian capital, they left a trail of carnage as male drivers became so distracted they ploughed straight into each other.

A total of 517 accidents were reported.



Distracting: This is the advert pu on the side of 30 trucks and said to have caused 500 car crashes in Moscow

The stunt, by an advertising agency specialising in mobile adverts, backfired after police sent out patrols to round up all the vehicles and impound them until the risque images could be removed.

Motorist Ildar Yuriev, 35, said: 'I was on my way to a business meeting when I saw this truck with a huge photo of breasts on its side go by.

'Then I was hit by the car behind who said he had been distracted by the truck. It made me late and left my car in the garage, and although I am insured I am still out of pocket.'

Furious drivers across Moscow have reportedly bombarded the agency with compensation claims.

A spokesman for the Sarafan Advertising Agency, which organised the promotion said: 'We are planning to bring a new advertising format onto the market, encouraging companies to place their ads on the sides of trucks, as we thought this would be a good alternative to putting them on the sides of public transport.

'We wanted to draw attention to this new format with this campaign' he explained.

And he added: 'In all cases of accidents, the car owners will receive compensation costs from us that aren’t covered by their insurance.'

... I just don't know how I feel about this... I mean, seriously. If you are driving... then you should be adult enough to not have to stare at a pair of breasts while trundling down the road... *facepalm*
You are probably not a man. If you were, would understand that inexplicable fascination. It's more like an instinctive attraction.
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Kittamaru said:
... I just don't know how I feel about this... I mean, seriously. If you are driving... then you should be adult enough to not have to stare at a pair of breasts while trundling down the road... *facepalm*

I don't know, Kitt ... in Denmark they tried putting topless women on the sidewalks with traffic signs, and suddenly people started obeying them.

You are probably not a man. If you were, would understand that inexplicable fascination. It's more like an instinctive attraction.

Must be a heterosexual thing. Or maybe I've just seen my lifetime quota of boobs, or something.

I'll bet the dashcam footage is hilarious, though.

SideshowBob said:
My hypothesis is that bottle babies tend to be more fascinated than those of us who were breast-fed.

Which would present an interesting conundrum in reconciling the self-reporting survey results with whatever the subsequent inventories returned.
You are probably not a man. If you were, would understand that inexplicable fascination. It's more like an instinctive attraction.

Nah, I'm most certainly of the male persuasion. I do consider myself Sapiosexual though... so there is that *shrug*

I like a good set of boobs, but honestly, for me... if the package isn't complete, then just one part of the package isn't going to do it. I don't do partials!

Boob Truck. I think I found a new name for my band.

Lol, glad I could be of service

I put ISIS on the campertop of my truck and she rode there for a couple years.
I had a couple complaints, and lots of compliments.
Maybe Moscow men are a tad female images starved?
They're really fucking insane.