Boiling Frog?


I’m the whispered word.
Valued Senior Member


"The boiling frog story is a widespread anecdote describing a frog slowly being boiled alive. The premise is that if a frog is placed in boiling water, it will jump out, but if it is placed in cold water that is slowly heated, it will not perceive the danger and will be cooked to death. The story is often used as a metaphor for the inability of people to react to significant changes that occur gradually.

According to contemporary biologists the premise of the story is not literally true; an actual frog submerged and gradually heated will jump out.

However, a variety of 19th century research experiments suggested that the underlying premise is true, provided the heating is gradual enough."

So lets put this to rest once and for all is it true or not?
There is only one way to find out if this is true or not. Ethically I would never do this. So please lets not find out.
Of course, at one point the frog senses the danger. The question is if it senses the danger in time to still be able to jump out.
So lets put this to rest once and for all is it true or not?

Of course not. There have been extensive studies of nociception in frogs. It is without doubt that they have the neural pathways for reacting to adverse heat. The neurochemistry of nociception is extremely conserved, from frogs to humans. The rate of change of temperature is irrelevant – a human wouldn’t sit there and be boiled, and neither would a frog. Once it gets too hot, they’ll react, and there is no believable biological reason to think otherwise.
Could we apply the same reasoning to mobile phones, would a frog inanely chirp at an imaginary receiver while slowly being subjected to levels of radiation to the point of being poisoned or hop off before it gets that bad?

(Okay it's actually a wise crack, but the point is that radio frequency and radiology in general doesn't operate at easily sensed levels, in fact it can actually be suggested that what senses are alerted to radiologies presence will likely account for "extreme data" where senses are seemingly afflicted without visible antagonism. )
Oh Stryder you dont believe that Microwaves are dangerous.. Hope not. We can walk into a massively high does of high energy radiation without knowing till its to late. A high energy (x rays) dose that can kill will not be apparent for hours or days...

Radiology and radio frequency's are very different. A dangerous dose of radio waves can be felt instantly. A dangerous does of xrays, gamma.. etc is not felt but are much more dangerous.
A frog in boiling water for some reason reminded me of an American in a McDonalds... smoking... while sucking down a strawberry flavored milkshake Double McLarge Meal.... in one of the scooters that allows the obese to traverse places and annoy the hell out of me.... on a Sunday afternoon.... on way to a Magic Tournament....