Boeing responcible for UFO sightings


Secret double agent deer
Registered Senior Member

Boeing, the world's largest aircraft manufacturer says it is working on anti-gravity propulsion, which could revolutionize conventional aviation.


"GRASP," or Gravity Research for Advanced Space Propulsion, was only recently reported in Jane's Defence Weekly, but the U.S. military may have had the technology for years.

The National Institute for Discovery Science (NIDS), based in Nevada, say that mysterious U.S. military craft using this kind of technology have been skirting the skies since the 1980s.

I just thought i would post that, because a lot of people have been saying it, and now Jane's Defence Weekly is too.

The thing i find more disturbing is that the end of this article says that the $27billion that goes into black projects is 17% of the US's 2004 budget.... didnt Bush just call for $87Billion dollars to go to the military to help take care of that gurilla war in Iraq? Where in the hell are we going to get $87billion when he has a hardon for tax cuts? Is the military the only federal orginization thats going to get any money for the next couple of years? Or is he perhaps using some sort of anti-deficit economic technology harvested from crashed UFOs?
Hey, why not sink all of the nations money into the military? I mean it worked so very well for the Soviet Union, didn't it? The war on terror can't be won with educated children, or universal health care, we need a lot of tanks and bombs and UFOs to root out those terrorists wherevery they hide!

Everyone do me a favor and don't vote Bush at the next election.
Sorry Billy, your history book only goes up to 1973 because Ronald Regan decided those greedy schools dont need so much money. And now Bush is carying on the legacy! Who needs higher SAT scores, we need a more stealthly bomber and er... maybe one that dosn't need wings, ooh I like it.

Why is it that we only find anti-gravity drives, and anti-matter reactors, on those crashed ailen craft, never a plan for prescription drug benifits for seiniors.
Thanks for that link bandwidthbandit, I thought it was all starting to sound like, well, complete bullshit, and it was.

I've heard of this Podkletnov before, and like the article said, so far nobody has been able to replicate his experiments. There's another researcher in the field, can't remember her name, who reckons she may have found a mathematical proof of his work, but so far, none of it has come to fruition. I think it all smacks of 'cold fusion' hype myself.

Note the one obvious flaw in the second article;

"An anti-gravity beam four inches (10 centimeters) wide has been demonstrated in Russia, successfully repelling objects more than a half-mile (1 kilometer) away with negligible power loss. "

Eh? An anti-GRAVITY beam, repelling matter? I think they are a little confused here. Anti-gravity would merely negate the effect of gravity, making an object weightless, but to repel an object, means it's exerting another force, but it's not countering gravity per se?

So, it's starting to sound like unscientific hokum. Gravity is one of the least understood forces, to have anti gravity capabilities would be really big news, and it would have broken by now of there were craft powered by it 'since the 80's' as stated in the first article.
aww too good to be true. That first article did sound a little to sensationalist. Probably some "errors" were made by boeing staff in how they reported about what the company was doing with anti-gravity to try to generate enough hype for thier department to get some fatter allowances from the company.

also, yes anti-gravity would repel matter you dope. Gravity is the force of masses attraction to mass, hence anti-gravity would be mass repulsing mass. They would only cancle eachother out if they were present in equil amounts.
Originally posted by SpyMoose

also, yes anti-gravity would repel matter you dope. Gravity is the force of masses attraction to mass, hence anti-gravity would be mass repulsing mass. They would only cancle eachother out if they were present in equil amounts.

Anti gravity as stated in that article would not be _mass_ repelling mass, but rather a beam generator repelling mass. And gravity is a property of matter, not 'beams'. We'd have to find a strange form of matter that repelled normal matter to have discovered real 'anti-gravity' wouldn't we? Also at present, we can't focus normal gravity into a beam, how come 'anti gravity' can be made into a beam? If it's really anti-gravity, it should possess the exact same characteristics, apart form the direction of it's force.

As anti-matter is still attracted to regular matter, and itself, it looks like gravity is always attractive, and doesn't have an opposite pole, so the best we could hope for, would be to find a way of blocking the exchange of gravitons, or whatever mechanism gravitational energy is exchanged. Now, if Podkletnov had discovered a way to make anti-gravitons, and make regular matter interact with them, we'd be talking turkey.
Here is the latest [I guess] paper by Evgeny Podkletnov and Giovanni Modanese.

The detection of apparent anomalous forces in the vicinity of high-Tc superconductors under non equilibrium conditions has stimulated an experimental research in which the operating parameters of the experiment have been pushed to values higher than those employed in previous attempts. The results confirm the existence of an unexpected physical interaction. An apparatus has been constructed and tested in which the superconductor is subjected to peak currents in excess of 10^4 A, surface potentials in excess of 1 MV, trapped magnetic field up to 1 T, and temperature down to 40 K. In order to produce the required currents a high voltage discharge technique has been employed. Discharges originating from a superconducting ceramic electrode are accompanied by the emission of radiation which propagates in a focused beam without noticeable attenuation through different materials and exerts a short repulsive force on small movable objects along the propagation axis. Within the measurement error (5 to 7 %) the impulse is proportional to the mass of the objects and independent on their composition. It therefore resembles a gravitational impulse. The observed phenomenon appears to be absolutely new and unprecedented in the literature. It cannot be understood in the framework of general relativity. A theory is proposed which combines a quantum gravity approach with anomalous vacuum fluctuations.