blue VS red


Lazy Hedonist
Valued Senior Member
oh oh! i like the blue link highlight better than the red! anyone else notcied this? :cool:
ohhh.. and that who's online option... wher we can spy on everyone else... gwahahahahahaa:D
Blue links in honour of my screenname? awwww... :D Ah well, that blue's going to take some time for me to get used's so light, it sort of doesn't match with the blue in the logo.

The "Who's Online" thing's always been was in the menu near the bottom of each forum. :p :D
light? my links are darker blue that the sci in sciforums. much darker. very pretty blue, i think (the links).
Actually, now that I look at them more, I can't tell which one's lighter or darker, because they're so totally different. The blue in "sci" is like a baby blue colour, and the links blue is like a grayer, dustier blue. :bugeye: :)