Blue-Ribbon Scientific Panel Exposes Fluoridation's Serious Health Risks


Registered Senior Member
New York - September 2006 -- Fluoride jeopardizes health - even at low levels deliberately added to public water supplies, according to data presented in a recent National Academy of Sciences' (NAS) National Research Council (NRC) report. Fluoride poses risks to the thyroid gland, diabetics, kidney patients, high water drinkers and others and can severely damage children's teeth. (1) At least three panel members advise avoiding fluoridated water.

Panel members took several years to read, understand and discuss hundreds of studies about fluoride's adverse health effects. "Unfortunately, many fluoridationists are dismissing this voluminous report as "only one study." It isn't. Many fluoridation promoters also mistakenly believe this report has nothing to do with water fluoridation at 1 ppm. However, it does according to several panel members," says Paul Beeber, President, New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation (NYSCOF).

An Oregon newspaper reports, "NAS panel member Kathy Thiessen, PhD a former scientist at Oak Ridge National Laboratory who has studied fluoride for the EPA, said the report showed 'the potential is there' that water fluoridation is unhealthy. As for the studies finding that higher levels damage children's IQ, she said it's possible water fluoridation levels may have a similar, albeit reduced effect… the research suggests 'most people should minimize their fluoride intake' — which includes avoiding fluoridated water."

"NAS panel member Robert Isaacson, PhD a distinguished professor of neurobehavioral science at the State University of New York in Binghamton, agreed, saying that the possible effects on endocrines and hormones from water-fluoridation are 'something that I wouldn't want to happen to me…,'" reports the Portland Tribune.

NAS panel member Hardy Limeback, DDS, PhD associate professor of dentistry and head of the preventive dentistry program at the University of Toronto writes, "In my opinion, the evidence that fluoridation is more harmful than beneficial is now overwhelming and policy makers who avoid thoroughly reviewing recent data before introducing new fluoridation schemes do so at risk of future litigation."

Drs. Isaacson & Limeback advocate a Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) of zero. Dr. Theissen says the MCLG should be well below 1 ppm. (7)

The 12-member NRC fluoride committee unanimously decided that fluoride's 4 milligrams per liter (4 mg/L) maximum-contaminant-level (MCL) must be lowered. They concluded that healthy average adults consuming 8 milligrams fluoride daily, via two liters of 4mg/L fluoridated water, risk weakened bones, fractures, and stage II skeletal fluorosis (pain, joint stiffness, pelvis and spine osteosclerosis).

However, some high-water drinkers consume 8 milligrams fluoride daily when only 1 mg/L is added to their water supplies, according to the report.

"The adult daily dosage is equivalent to a 2.28 mg a day dose for a child," says Chemistry Professor Emeritus, Paul Connett, PhD, Executive Director, Fluoride Action Network.

Fluoride is also in food, beverages, pharmaceuticals, dental products, pesticide residues, cigarette smoke and air emissions. The EPA is allowing additional fluoride in foods via sulfuryl fluoride pesticide residues. New York State Attorney General Eliot Spitzer wrote the EPA that, ""...the tolerances established by EPA are not sufficiently protective against adverse health effects," (5)

About 2/3 of U.S. water suppliers deliberately add fluoride chemicals (mostly industrial waste silicofluorides) to reach 0.7 to 1.2 mg/L, so-called optimal, in a failed effort to prevent tooth decay (6). But, "fluoride is a water contaminant over 1.3 mg/L," the NRC reports.

"This report is misleading by suggesting that the problem has to be studied to death before decisions can be made," says retired EPA scientist, Robert Carton, PhD. "The safe drinking water act requires the federal government to act if there is any indication of possible or anticipated adverse health effects in order to protect the most vulnerable subsets of the population," says Carton

"Fluoride has detrimental effects on the thyroid gland of healthy males at 3.5 mg a day.With iodine deficiency, the effect level drops to 0.7 milligrams/day for an average male, according to the report," says Carton.

Furthermore, studies linking fluoride to cancer and lowered IQ are plausible, reports the NRC.

Eleven unions representing over 7,000 EPA scientists, engineers, lawyers and others ask for a moratorium on fluoridation.(8)

The Maximum Contaminant Level Goal (MCLG) of any substance in the water
supply is the unenforceable level by which no one is harmed. The MCLG is purely based on science; while the MCL is a political number based on ability to reduce fluoride levels.

"Based on the science reported by the NRC, the MCLG for fluoride should be closed to zero," says Carton.

This is why the MCLG for fluoride should be set near zero and/or fluoridation stopped. According to the NRC report:

A) Babies under one year consume over their adequate intake (to avoid
moderate fluorosis) from the water supply alone at the so-called
optimal concentrations (0.7 - 1.2 mg/L).

B) Some athletes, workers and/or military personnel already consume up
to 10 milligrams fluoride from optimally fluoridated water, alone.

C) "...severe renal insufficiency appears to increase bone fluoride
concentrations, perhaps as much as twofold."

D) "The elderly are at increased risk of high bone fluoride
concentrations due to accumulation over time..."

E) "There are medical conditions that can make people more susceptible
to the effects of fluoride."

F) "...several lines of information indicate an effect of fluoride
exposure on thyroid is difficult to predict exactly what
effects on thyroid function are likely at what concentration of
fluoride exposure and under what circumstances."

G) "...all children through 12 who take fluoride supplements (assuming
low water fluoride) will reach or exceed [optimal]."

"There is no evidence that any US child is fluoride-deficient; however The Centers for Disease Control reports that American schoolchildren are fluoride-overdosed with from 1/3 to 1/2 displaying dental fluorosis while tooth decay rates are climbing also. (5)," says Beeber

A Texarkana Gazette editorial reports, "While dentists still largely believe the benefits outweigh the risks, fluoridation is no longer beyond dispute. At the very least, the report indicates a need for caution....Virtues and vices sometimes come in the same package. What's good for the teeth looks more and more like it's bad for other body parts. That's not a slam dunk, that's a trade off." (3)

Contact: Retired EPA Scientist, Robert Carton, PhD

Paul Connett, PhD, Executive Director, Fluoride Action Network http://www.FluorideAction.Net


Paul S. Beeber, Esq. NYSCOF President


1) "Fluoride in Drinking Water: A Scientific Review of EPA's Standards," Committee on Fluoride in Drinking Water, Board on Environmental Studies and Toxicology, Division on Earth and Life Studies, National Research Council of the National Academies of Science. March 2006

2) "Fluoride foes get validation - Scientists: Substance less safe than presumed: more research needed," by Nick Budnick, March 24, 2005, Portland Tribune

4) "GUEST VIEW: The evidence that fluoride is harmful is overwhelming,"



7) The 2nd Citizens’ Conference on Fluoride: A Summary, Fluoride Action Network

8) "EPA Unions Call for Nationwide Moratorium on Fluoridation, Congressional Hearing on Adverse Effects, Youth Cancer Cover Up ," August 2005 Release. Fluoride.htm

New York State Coalition Opposed to Fluoridation, Inc.
Paul Beeber, President and General Counsel
PO Box 263
Old Bethpage, NY 11804

Fluoridation News Releases

Tooth Decay Crises in Fluoridated Areas

Fluoride Action Network
Oct 2007, 18 Million People in So. to get Silicofluoride in their Drinking Water


To: ALL with ‘Common Sense’ about keeping our drinking Waters CLEAN & SAFE.

THE [MWD] greater Los Angeles Municipal Water District ‘Directors’ announced so called ‘Fluoridation’ of Drinking/Tap Waters in greater Los Angeles and San Diego will get ‘FLUORIDE’ in their drinking/tap waters starting October 1, 2007. [Note: MWD Directors were only ones voting this, and this time … never put to public ballot by any city government in Southern California! ]

This will “cumulatively, negatively” affect the bodily Health of ALL of 18 MILLION People in Southern California!...including California Governor’s home town population, and from his families, soon to be contaminated drinking water!

A California State and/or Federal government MORATORIUM STAY needs to be issued with a full investigation concerning how a dozen MWD so called ‘Directors’ can have so much power over the Health ‘RISK’ of 18 Million Southern California Citizens. The ‘Directors’ appear to operate like a foreign entity, or foreign ‘dictatorship’ government within the USA.
Read below, why a MORATORIUM and full investigation with ALL perpetrators under OATH at Hearing is needed. Apply ‘The Precautionary Principle’!

Know that the actual 'illicit chemical cocktail' that is ‘illicitly sold’ by phosphate chemical corporations to 10’s of 100’s of government regulated municipal water treatment plants all over North America is an USA-EPA [Environmental Protection Agency] 'Regulated Potential Pollutant' of Air, Water and Land that is currently derived from primarily the Phosphate ore mining & processing industries ‘HAPS’ units [e.g. Hazardous Air Pollution Scrubbers], and is regulatorily classified by EPA as a 'Class 1 ..'HAZARDOUS WASTE'.

The sale of SILICOFLUORIDE toxic ‘hazardous waste’ being metered by government regulated water treatment utilities into 10’s of 100’s of USA cities drinking/tap waters should violate every USA & State water pollution law!
Yet, heavily lobbied Federal and State government representatives ‘dumbly’ succumb to essentially forms of illicit inducement to allow this 'Hazardous Waste' to be sold to local governments for injection into our Public Drinking Waters. This ‘entrenched error’ currently affects nearly 2/3 of United States population by 'facilitating & promoting' ingestion of a known/proven 'silicofluoride' POLLUTANT affecting cumulative 'bodily endangerment' while systemically, negatively destroying bodily health; especially with daily ‘uncontrolled dosage to just born Infants, Toddlers before K1, very young Children, Diabetics, those with Kidney function deficit, and hundreds of thousands of ‘fluoride sensitive’ individuals of all ages.

All the above foisted in our government(s) 'Nanny State' domination without our 'individual Rights to Vote NO! … or Yes! as Right of CONSENT for what will go into or NOT go into over 170 million+ USA citizens’ bodies, daily.

How can a mere dozen people working as ‘Directors’ for the [MWD] Southern California Municipal Water District so called ‘VOTE’ to add “Silicofluoride Hazardous Waste” to drinking/tap waters with ‘lack of DOSAGE Control’ affecting around 18 Million water users of So. California? This ‘dictatorship’ of ‘prophylactic medicant’ treatment through every ones utility treated drinking water is somewhat like a genocidal ‘fluoride’ program used by Hitler in the 1940’s on camp prisoners.
This is violating USA, and global laws of Basic Human Rights!

When will we be able to Protect ALL of our Citizens in North America from Corporations that are intently controlling our federal & state Governments? These private Companies [e.g. Cargill, etc] & public Corporations garner annually
hundreds of thousands of ‘dishonest dollars’ from selling known ‘pollutants’ that can destroy our health?

Politically appointed USA-EPA management is primarily in complicity to allow Silicofluorides to be sold and metered into our precious USA drinking waters. However, recently around 7,000 EPA ‘professional CAREER Scientists, Toxicologists, and professional field health workers signed a Petition to EPA top Management requesting ‘fluoridation’ be stopped. Read the PR Announcement at world-wire . com news 0830050001

On March, 2006 a 'balanced' distinguished dozen group of Scientists on a National Research Council/National Academy of Science Panel, after 3-1/2 years of their intensely studying recent 'peer reviewed' published 'Fluoride' SCIENCE as related to possible health endangerment issued a 507 page REPORT in bound book format concerning ALL that they learned and concluded with 'Recommendations'. One essential Conclusion was that the current USA governmental set maximum established levels for fluoride in drinking water are NOT Protective especially of children from 'fluorosis', and lifetime 'Bone damage' and other bodily damage! You can read the entire Report 'FREE' on Internet, or purchase a copy.

Learn more about the deceit of so called 'fluoridation' by reading the just published book by Christopher Bryson entitled, "the fluoride deception". Ask for a copy at your local library or purchase the Book, online or local bookstore. Also, you can view a summation of what Bryson describes using scientific investigation by turning on your speakers and going to Google and keyword searching 'Fluoride', 'Bryson'.

After reading and better understanding the documents & video shared above, you and ALL should conclude the current North American so called 'fluoridation' of our drinking waters is totally endangering millions of Americans, especially INFANTS/BABIES/CHILDREN; and that the USA & States Public Health systems are probably 'Criminally Negligent'!

Governments' next moves should be to promptly SHUT DOWN ALL injection of any FLUORIDE containing compound into utility treated waters by water treatment plants in North America.
After Reading and Hearing the above 'scientifically based reports'...CALL and Write to your local USA Government & State Representatives sternly request to each to hold a Congressional Investigation into this 'entrenched ERROR' of 'fluoridation' and 'government sponsored Bodily Pollution' Scheme.
[Note: European, Asian and other non-English speaking nations have NEVER or long since stopped the practice of 'fluoridation' as they listened to their Scientists speak the Truths of Dangers of Fluoridation.

Finally, know that the AWWA [American Water Works Association] has reported in one of their ‘Water Conservation pamphlets’ that “Less than 1% of utilities treated water is ever consumed [e.g. swallowed] by human beings.” The rest goes to landscape watering, washing uses, and down drains.
So, think of this analogy to the AWWA statement…Would anyone purchase a bottle of 100 EXPENSIVE ‘medicant’ pills, take just one and throw the rest away into our habitats only to pollute our environments? Of course NOT!

Millions of Dollars are spent to install ‘Fluoridation’ equipment & Systems and Billions per year are spent for purchasing phosphate mining industry Silicofluoride [e.g. EPA classified “hazardous waste”] and in the daily operations of delivering a ‘medicant’ via public water systems for falsely proclaimed ‘Better Oral Health’.
‘Fluoridation’ is the Worlds Most economically Wasteful, ‘dose uncontrolled’, illicit, illogical ‘medicant’ delivery system on the face of this Earth!


Please SIGN the Petition Calling For a U.S. CONGRESSIONAL HEARING with those responsible for FLUORIDATION 'at the TOP' to Testify under Oath.
SIGN AT: fluorideaction . org

Thank You!...for reading notes above and viewing the video clips about so called ‘fluoridation’ .

Water Treatment Utilities are not ‘licensed’
to be in the ‘Dental Business’, nor care to be liable for
any ‘medical malpractice’ claim.

The 10’s of 100’s of Government Representatives in USA cities voting/mandating ‘fluoridation’ are rarely ‘licensed medical practitioners’, nor knowledgeable about thousands of biochemical reactions from swallowing/ingesting any fluoride compound.
Yet, they must have a conscious recognition that a ‘toxic pollutant’ is being delivered to our pristine drinking waters, and have a sense that some form of ‘illegal water pollution’ and ‘medical malpractice’ is more than just apparent.