Blue Eyes


§Þ@ç€ MØnk€¥
Registered Senior Member
All children born into my family have blue eyes. Not just my immediate family, but extended as well. For example, a brown-eyed chap married into our family; he and my blue-eyed aunt had children who all have blue eyes. Everyone born in our family has blue eyes.

I believe blue is recessive. So why all the blue eyes?
does the brown eye guy's family all have brown eyes?

he could have the resesive gene too
Adam's a freak of na-ture, Adam's a freak of na-ture, Adam's a freak of na-ture.

I don't know. I'd need more information on whose eyes have children with - shit - what people of what eye color mate with what people of what eye color before answering.
Well, eye color is actually more complicated. It is determined by more than 1 allel. If you have a little bit of eye pigment, you get blue eye.(forgot the name of the protein). If you have a little more, you get green eye. If you have a lot you get brown eye. It is all the same chemical. The misconception is people with blue eyes have blue eye pigment gene, and people with brown eyes have brown eye pigment gene. There is only one pigment. I forgot exactly how it works.

If I recall correctly, eye color works a lot like skin color. There are people with different shades.