Blood on the moon Saturday night?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: Just read the news from Paris, "the Moon will turn a shade of copper red this Saturday" night as it will be "fully eclipsed by the Earth."

The Earth's shadow "will blot out all but a tiny bit of refracted solar light."

"Star gazers in Europe, the Middle East and Africa will have a front-and-center view of the eclipse in a late-night sky, with the zenith occurring at 23:21 GMT."

"On the east coast of North America, the Moon will already be eclipsed when it rises at around sunset, while in Asia early risers will get a glimpse of the lunar blackout as the Moon sets."

"Total lunar eclipses occur when the Sun, the Earth and the Moon are all in alignment and the Moon travels into the broad cone of shadow cast by the Earth."

"The Moon does not become invisible, though, because there is still residual sunlight that is deflected towards it by the Earth's atmosphere, most of which is light in the red part of the spectrum."

"That causes the Moon to appear as a dark colour, usually a coppery red, orange or even brown."

"The Earth's shadow will begin to creep over the Moon--a stage known as the penumbral eclipse--at about 20:18 GMT on Saturday, according to NASA, and will recede entirely some six hours later at 02:23 GMT on Sunday."

"The period of total eclipse will be relatively short, lasting from 22:40 to 23:57 GMT, a total of 77 minutes."

"Total lunar eclipses normally occur roughly every couple of years, but those who miss the one this weekend will get another chance to see the moon disappear on August 28. The last took place on October 28, 2004."

"Total solar eclipses happen when the Moon crosses between the Earth and the Sun."

Could this be what the bible talks about "blood on the moon?"
Not in March... :)

The Harvest Moon is the full moon nearest to the autumnal equinox, which occurs (in the northern hemisphere) on or about 23 September,
Not in March... :)

The Harvest Moon is the full moon nearest to the autumnal equinox, which occurs (in the northern hemisphere) on or about 23 September,

Wouldn't you get a similar equinox in Spring, so that the moon appears as blood?

Anyway, that's when my coven meets, in Mockery of all Goodley and Juste Feistivals ofe the Springetime. An comes the Sacrifyce willingly, the Powere Gained Be All The Greatere..

No loving? Well you should come out to our Just make sure you come willingly. Okies?

Oh, and if you could bathe in lamb's blood beforehand, that would be just great. ;)

No loving? Well you should come out to our Just make sure you come willingly. Okies?

Oh, and if you could bathe in lamb's blood beforehand, that would be just great. ;)

M*W: Well, erm, I'll be there with bells... er lamb's blood on me! Yeah! That's the ticket! Lamb's blood! Yummy!
M*W: Well, erm, I'll be there with bells... er lamb's blood on me! Yeah! That's the ticket! Lamb's blood! Yummy!

Awesome! We can't wait to see you! :), seriously. We can't wait. The three-horned goat and the bonfire are ready. What's the holdup? :bugeye: I don't care what they say at 9-1-1, it's not true.

Firste Magistere
i was sad..the belgian sky was extremely cloudy tonight.

I'm from belgium and okay I saw a couple of clouds but at not a single moment was the moon obscured.

i saw this eclipse here in EGYPT Cairo , and the moon looked more close to a copper red color .
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