Black Spheres In and Out of Thunderstorms


Registered Senior Member
Greetings again! It's been awhile.

Anyway, has anyone noticed this topic before? I have seen these 'blackish perfectly spherical objects' flying in and out of huge thunderheads.

Now I'm wondering if this is a new toy that the Airforce or the meteorology people are experimenting with to examine thunderstorms better or possibly a remote controlled device, or extraterrestrial. I'm not pointing to aliens just as of yet. Cause I've seen many remote controlled objects from the Airforce in the sky. But I just can't seem to figure this one out.

Again, the object I'm seeing once in awhile in huge thunderheads are black perfectly spherical objects. Making no noise and perfectly smooth motion across the sky. No trails of exhaust or anything but I did notice a window in the front or possibly a big light.

If anyone has any information on this it would be greatly appreciated for my peace of mind!

Interesting point

A couple of questions:

Do you see these while driving?
Do you notice them more at night, or in the day?
Have you ever tried to photograph them?
Do they appear more in common thunderheads or supercells?
Have you thought about ball lightning????

just wondering
because just saying you see black spheroid objects says nothing much about their origin.
Well to answer:

I notice these more durin the day than at night.

I watch this come out of the thunderheads as I'm in the driveway just standing (not in a car)

I have thought about ball lightning, but I'm not sure if it's really black or not. I never seen ball lightning before in Colorado.
what the......?

Buy yourself a camcorder, for goodness sake. Get the dealer to throw in a tripod as well, no wobbly out of focus shots thanks!

Cant afford one? Borrow one! Dont know anyone with one? Use a camera? Havent got one? Borrow one!....
Show us the money.
If you are seeing them sooooo often, I cant believe you havent bothered to get off your butt and take some snaps!

Eagerly awaiting -

Though cylinder is a better shape to provide thrust, Sphere could provide more stability under magnetic propulsion. To do that the external air has to be ionized about one foot from the surface. But you should be able see that ionization at night under dusty or light cloud with a faint glow.

If it is magnetic propulsion (hence silent), you need a sophisticated computer algorithm to control the current path, so that it provides and controls the required lift and forward motion. The sphere can turn on a dime than a cylinder though.

I doubt it is alien since we have the technology to built one. I think it is a remote device and depending on the power source can travel mach 5.
What a bunch 'jump to conclusions' and baseless mumbo jumbo, guru.

Where the heck is the data to back up a magnetic drone in a spherical shape , remotely controlled and able to pull mach5 ...???? Did you do drugs before posting that thread???

I think u are refering to gravatic propulsion for a let's go from there.... and quit posting tripe.

Hey all :)

In my opinion... based on repeated written reports by people from different life paths and experience...
It would be logical to deduct that the USA military have spherical drones that operate as sentries around military installations.

So to assume or more so witness one being used for scientific purposes could only be a relief rather than a religious experience!
Based on eyewitness err say logical progression.

S.E.P field (hitch hikers guide to the galaxy)
= somebody else’s problem-field

The perception of one who refuses to accept the reality and thus so existence of things that are or could be outside their understanding and comprehension (or so perceived)

Maybe love is the same?


groove on all :)
Hey Dave,

You saw right through me! What can I say...apparently you have not been reading my posts on this forum.

More power to your of deduction???
where you out fishing, huh?
Looks like you got a bite from me LOL
No, I stopped reading this forum a long time was the same crap every day...debunkers mouthing off at the believers and so forth....
Guess I lost track of what's been going on here since those days on exosci.......


I think I remember you from the old days...but can not remember which camp you are from. Too lazy to checkout all your postings.

If you think you will find the solution to cold fusion here...forget it. But I do find solutions to my business issues here indirectly. And it is refreshing to know (more of an affirmation) that young people are thinking the same way that I did when I was young. That means, technology has not made a dent on human evolution yet! - but may not be for long.

More the crap stays the same....just a new face...

Welcome back.
This might sound stupid

Okay this might sound stupid and I havent read all the posts yet so I dont know if this has already been said.

Say there is the possibility that they are aliens. Did you ever think you might be like one of there subjects. have you ever had any lost time or anything? I think it is really uncommon to see those things. Dont deny the possibility they might be watching you. Hey it may sound stupid but dont rule out the possibilty. It happens.
Ya! I lost time. Everytime I go to bed, I lose a few hours. Who knows, some alien somewhere whisked me away and returned me safely back to the bed. And since these aliens are 90 degrees out of phase on the timeline, our time is independent. The time you lost is not really lost on earth - only lost to you. :D

I have a good one for you, Elbaz. Longtime ago I was working in Wyoming. One evening I was coming home on a road that connects I-80 to Utah. There was not a single vehicle on the road for 20 miles... I saw on a starry sky, what looked like a comet with a bright tail, pass in front of me on the sky. After about five minutes, I saw a reddish orange point source light move my right side, way close to the mountain for about twenty seconds and dropped below the mountain range. Normal explanation is that the light could be a helicopter or a small plane from a ranch nearby. Over active imagination could be an UFO came down from sky to check out the livestock of a nearby rancher. Take your pick....

Something are possible but highly unlikely. That does not mean, you can not keep an open mind...
Thought so.

Usually when I think one of my ideas is stupid, it usually turns out to be REALLY stupid.

Anyway, Strange things happen. Who knows. I'll admit, sometimes I get a little paranoid about things.

Eg. When I was like 8 I stayed up late watching all of these alien consipiracy shows. I stayed up the whole night listening to the news on my walkman.

Anyway, I believe in UFO's and abductions. There is evidence it happens. Even that little thread on human mutilations. Lots of people get abducted, and I just thought maybe you could be cause I seen alot o' thunderstorms and I aint never seen no flying cigar things.

Dont you think aliens would have enough technology to paralyze you and make you forget the abduction.

Well neways Until I see some of those pictures I think I'll brand you as the guy with the overactive imaginations.

Say hi to the aliens for me!
Food for thought, Elbaz:

Let us turn the table. After NASA puts the next generation telescope, say we find a star system that we think has humanoids civilization. Since we do not know, what level of advancement they have, the first thing we may do is to send a probe using ion propulsion to take pictures, monitor communications and send us data. Now upon reaching that planet, the probe starts orbiting the planet. If the locals are at our level, they will sense the presence of a foreign object and it will be news to the whole planet. If they are slightly more advanced than us, they will decipher the technology and try to communicate with us at our technology level. In either case we will know for sure there is another budding civilization.

If a similar situation happens in reverse, and we see a probe orbiting our planet, we will understand at our present technology level. I think the chances of getting a computerized probe is much higher than getting alive aliens buzzing around our planet with abductions and all.

I think, more like, an advanced probe with a super computer will be the first contact with us for safety reasons. And this has not happened yet. It could though...within your life time.

Suppose we find a planet that has early human looking people running around 5 light years from us. And it takes 20 years to find that due to the speed of the probe. What should we do for the next 300 years? Any speculations?
I thought the closest star to us was more than 5 light years away. isnt it proximus centauri? And still you would have to find an alternative to get there. I totally dissagree. This is a young civilization and chances are much higher that they would find us before we would find them. And god knows how many different species of them there is.
Thanks for the clarification shaman. Still what difference is a couple of light years when you're that far away anyway. You'd need some sort of a stargate.