Black Sin, Red Sin

Leo Volont

Registered Senior Member
Black Sin, Red Sin

Once an Angel came to me in a Dream and lectured me upon the two sorts of Sin (the Angel even came with a chalkboard and a pointer) -- there is the Sin that damns to Hell, and there is the Sin that attaches only to the body and is left behind when the body is left behind. They are called, by the Angels, "Black Sin" and "Red Sin". Black Sin is premeditated evil. Evil done in cold blood. Evil done for profit. The intentional and deliberate schemes to victimize and exploit others is Black Sin. Whereas, crimes of passion and appetite are the Red Sins. the worst that can be said of the Red Sins is that the Souls become habituated and identified with such behaviors -- like a man making a hobby out of sex or gluttony. The soul who leaves the body and transitions toward a spiritual existence will feel lost if all of its priorities had been aligned around these bodily appetites. These Desires, though without physical organs for their gratification, will retain ghost like remnants – thought forms – which are too dense for the Light of Heaven to pierce without absorbing it as Heat. With its Desires aimed at the Physical, such a Soul will feel no pull from the Spiritual, and will seem as though too heavy to rise to the Spiritual. It is in Purgatory that the Body Habits of the Red Sins are shed and dispensed with so that the Soul can be Etherealized sufficiently to allow it to rise, no longer scorched, by the Light of God in Heaven.

We can see how certain Catholic Practices incline toward speeding up the process of diminishing the Red Sins. Catholics are encouraged to entirely discontinue sins of passion and appetite. Fasts are common, and in the Religious Orders, celibacy is insisted upon. It is only because of Paulist Misdoctrine that carnality is demanded of the Laity.

When the strength of appetites and passions are beyond the power of the Will to contain them, than remorse, repentance, and atonement are expected. It is hoped that by this, that after death, the Soul will gladly let these appetites simply fall away and not clutch at them to retain their ghosts.

What makes the Black Sins so much more adhesive? Well, Sins of the body drop off with the body, but deliberate sins conjured by the Mind and encouraged by the Will come from higher faculties that approach too closely to the core of our Spirit. Yes, there could still be some Purification, theoretically… but if a Souls Mind and Will need to be swept entirely clean, that WHAT exactly would be left? When just the Red Sins of Appetite and Passion need to be purged, while the Mind and the Will are already in accordance with the Ways of Heaven, then we can see that God could permit such Acceptable Individuality and Uniqueness of Character whole into Heaven. But if the Mind and Will of Black Sin have to be extracted, then Heaven could only gain what would have all the appearances of a Zombie, what we could refer to as ‘damaged goods’.
An imaginative fantasy that almost rivals the writings of Tolkien.
hmmmpgh...if i had kids, and to anyone listening, this is is what i say:''beware of people who say they have dreams and are visited by angels etc.....!
instead trust your OWN visions, but even there, only if they dont guilt you about being natrual, and a part of Nature

and hey dude 'purgatory' is a complete ripp off by the church from Celtic paganism, which itself had appropriated the culture it invaded.......
it orginally meant Faeryland and/or the Land of the Dead
In no way meant to be a negatice place as the church subverted it to mean. on the CONTRARY. it is a magical erotic place

i have always loved the imagery of all that to the sexless, dualistic tigharse Christian version ...with the saints with eyeballs grotesquely lookin uparwds, and all soooooo fkin pious, and pretentious

faeryland is much earthier. much more of a twilight, magical, place. ....and accepting of humaness
Cris said:
An imaginative fantasy that almost rivals the writings of Tolkien.

Thank you!

I once read of one of the Clerical Scholars in the Vatican whose job it is to decide whether certain Private Revelations are indeed genuine. One of his dictums was to suppose that God would not pass something along unless it was somehow interesting or intriguing.

It would seem to corroborate my claim that the Angels gave me this information because at least it was fascinating. Now, yes, there may be a great number of counter-indications, and you may dismiss the story's interest by supposing I am not an entirely worthless creative writer... but if you were with the Vatican, then I would have jumped at least one hurdle.
duendy said:
hmmmpgh...if i had kids, and to anyone listening, this is is what i say:''beware of people who say they have dreams and are visited by angels etc.....!
instead trust your OWN visions, but even there, only if they dont guilt you about being natrual, and a part of Nature

and hey dude 'purgatory' is a complete ripp off by the church from Celtic paganism, which itself had appropriated the culture it invaded.......
it orginally meant Faeryland and/or the Land of the Dead
In no way meant to be a negatice place as the church subverted it to mean. on the CONTRARY. it is a magical erotic place

i have always loved the imagery of all that to the sexless, dualistic tigharse Christian version ...with the saints with eyeballs grotesquely lookin uparwds, and all soooooo fkin pious, and pretentious

faeryland is much earthier. much more of a twilight, magical, place. ....and accepting of humaness


Is this the same person who accuses my writings of being rambling, vague and ungrammatical? But, yes, at least you can manage to bore people using much less space.
Leo, Lucia in her visions at Fatima asked our Lady why most people go to Hell. Our Lady said sins of the flesh. The difference your making is not really there. A person who has committed serious red sins has chosen his flesh instead of God. Likewise a person who's committed serious black sins has chosen himself instead of God. They both can land someone in Hell.
Leo Volont said:

Is this the same person who accuses my writings of being rambling, vague and ungrammatical? But, yes, at least you can manage to bore people using much less space.

Less ad hominem and more answering please St Leo Volont!
Well, I half agree with Cris. It certainly is an imaginative fantasy, but it doesn't even come close to Tolkien.

What it points to is an individual with some serious personal issues that need resolving.
okinrus said:
Leo, Lucia in her visions at Fatima asked our Lady why most people go to Hell. Our Lady said sins of the flesh. The difference your making is not really there. A person who has committed serious red sins has chosen his flesh instead of God. Likewise a person who's committed serious black sins has chosen himself instead of God. They both can land someone in Hell.

good point. let me try to answer it.

One of my favorite Saints was Catherine of Sienna. She was a wonderful Prophetess and since she lived in Rome in the neighborhood of the Vatican, all of the Bishops would come to her for advice concerning the Future. In one instance there was a certain Intrigue going on between the Kingdom of Naples and the Duchy of Milan involving the interests of the Papal States. Catherine looked into the Future and told the inquiring Cardinal what she saw. But it did not happen that way at all. She was summoned to the Vatican and asked to explain the discrepancies. She said, "I must have been wrong, then".

When Lucia says that most people are in Hell because of Sins of the Flesh, then we must consider in my context whether they are Black Sins of the Flesh or Red Sins of the Flesh. Remember that Red Sins are non-contemplated spontaneous actions driven by momentary passions that are almost instantly repented of. Now we can wonder about Black Sins of the Flesh. How many men actively and consciously scheme and plan to fornicate and commit adultary? How many women spend every bit of mental energy, as though they have any to spare, in setting traps of seduction for lust?

A Black Sin of the flesh could be characterized as one for which there is no repentence. Turn on the TV. Watch almost any Movie. You will find that many people are in fact Proud of their sexual conquests. Ask any young adult whether it is a good thing to be a Virgin or something that is rather now held as being something of a disgrace.

So, yes, you brought up a good point. But there are Red Sins of the Flesh and Black Sins of the Flesh. You must distinguish between Victims of their Passions and Predators of Passion. That distinction falls along the Red and Black lines I have delineated. The next time I see Lucy, I'll bring her up to date.
SnakeLord said:
Well, I half agree with Cris. It certainly is an imaginative fantasy, but it doesn't even come close to Tolkien.

What it points to is an individual with some serious personal issues that need resolving.

yeah... I suppose I should be more easy going until I can rape and pillage with the easy consciousness of any good Republican.
duendy said:
Less ad hominem and more answering please St Leo Volont!

excuse me but were you NOT the one who started with the insults.

You started the farting and now you can reap the whirlwind.