"Black" Hurricane Names... Necessary?


Analog By Birth, Digital By Design
Valued Senior Member
Politician says something stupid, news at 11.
Although Spanish and French names are included in this year’s lineup, among them Juan and Claudette, which struck Texas last week, popular African American names, like Keisha, Jamal and Deshawn, are nowhere to be found.
Some black lawmakers don’t seem to mind, but Rep. Sheila Jackson Lee (D-Texas) does. "All racial groups should be represented, " said Lee. (Full text here)
Is that necessary? I mean “black” names? What exactly is a “black” name? Why can't Hugo, Andrew and Claudette be considered “black” names? Why would they automatically be assumed to be “white” names? It's nice to know that race relations are so good in America that this is the kind of "problem" people are finding.

:m: Peace.
Shelia Jackson wants one thing, publicity. She knows that this will get her name mentioned on newspapers and talk shows across the nation, and so far it has worked.
Personally, I think they're running out of names

Hurricane Kwan
Hurricane Jomo
Hurricane Pedro
Hurricane Hussein
Hurricane Ilyich

&c. &c. &c.

Tiassa :cool:
I think there are too many people these days using lame excuses like this just to get themselves publicity. Does it really matter what kind of names are used for hurricane. Furthermore, like somebody else said, are we really down to the point now where we plan to segregate names into only certain areas of race.
There is no such thing as a "black name". There is no such thing as a "white name".
There are French and Spanish and English names, but French and Spanish and English are not "racial groups". They are languages. As far as I know, black and white are not languages.
Athletes and entertainers

There's a number of names that have come up with black athletes and entertainers which sounded entirely foreign to the ears of whites of the American 1990s: D'Marco, Shaniqua, &c. My friend's first name is, while not common, one generally known to be applied to whites; his middle name is allegedly African, a nod to the black part of his heritage. His last name, incidentally, is a street in Liverpool.

Really, I just think they're running out of certain names. I found this CNN article on the 1997 season. I would have to reproduce the whole article, so it's enough to say that Q, U, X, Y, and Z are skipped. But you'll notice no D'Marco, no Shaniqua, no Otomagello or Mosata.

Ignacio? Odette? Olaf? Xina? Waldo?!

Tiassa :cool:
there are black names in that there are names that are more popular with black folks. If I met some one named Rasheed or Latisha I would probably assume they were black. Though I have been wrong. So no one is saying folks can't name their kids whatever they want.

anways as far as this whole Hurricane naming issue. this is one of the dumbest things I have ever heard of. Certainly we must have more important things to worry about than the equal representation of Huricane names. seriously.
I just like that they had "Zelda" on the list. Mmm...Nintendo...Wait! "Zelda" is an RPG name! Shit, now we're going to have Mario and Sonic and Wakka bitching...
How is being named after a hurricane a good thing? A hurricane being a large cyclonic storm that brings destruction. That would be great to be named after, let me tell ya. How about we name some diseases and virus' while were at it. We got Eddie can be AIDS and Jackie can be SARS and....

It is sorta funny that we have to name the hurricanes. We personify them like we know them or something. Oh yeah, that was uncle hurricane andrew that wiped out this town or that...

If they want to be named after a destructive inhumane act of nature, then by all means lets have some shaniqua's and some fiddy cent storms.

This is absolutely the most pointless petition ever.
Originally posted by Quigly
If they want to be named after a destructive inhumane act of nature, then by all means lets have some shaniqua's and some fiddy cent storms.

This is absolutely the most pointless petition ever.

Hey now, don't be tripin, this is some serious bidness.