Black Hole Recycle Bins


free thinker
Registered Senior Member
hi psuedo'ers i have another theory for your apporval/dissaproval:

you may have read my post on Time: The Fourth Dimension. in this discussion someone replied with a coment that sparked one of my older theories in my head:

Inside the event horizon of a black hole, it is impossible for anything to move away from the centre of the hole. Would you say that inside the event horizon is not a real space, then? Is inside the event horizon more like time?

Now, let me lay down my theory as best i can:

they say the universe is ever expanding, right ? others might say it expands and contracts. either way.

one question that might pop into a mind when "the universe is expanding" is well, "how does it keep expanding out forever? If there is nothing beyond it, then how does it grow?"

well, i believe black holes are KEY to this process. (the expanding/contracting/whatever) they say black holes 'suck' up absolutely everything near it, and squeeze all this matter into a pinhole size black hole. [note: this is a basic concept on black holes - scientists dont really know much about them yet...] where the matter goes is a mystery with a __insert___your__own__answer__ kind of deal. but i've got an answer:

what if the black holes are recycling all this matter in order to make more space in the universe? perhaps it is recycling the matter and spitting it out of another black hole on the other edge of the universe... perhaps it is like a disposal terminal where matter Ceases to exist (this would be in the 'contracting' theory) ... or maybe there is some unknown process going on in there that creates new space or causes the universe to expand?

now- Im not saying all black holes are doing this- because not all of them are. some black holes seem to be the centerpoint of many galaxies, as if they are holding the galaxy together.

black holes play important roles in the universe- make no mistake about that.
what are your thoughts/ideas/comments/arguments/theories on this and black holes in general ?
Well, at least you found the right place to post this...

You need to know that black holes do not "suck". They pull. The gravity is so strong that nothing can escape its pull once it is past the event horizon.

As for the rest, it is just speculation, there cannot be a good answer until black holes can be directly observed and studied up close... But, what you wrote reminds me of something said some years ago... "Quasars can be called 'white holes', where all the matter pulled into black holes is expelled out in this different part of the universe." I don't think there is any scientific basis to this... it is merely conjecture.

But, yeah... you should read Black Holes and Time Warps by Kip Thorne... It is wonderful - almost everything known about black holes is in there, because he was one of the first discoverers, with Stephen Hawking. Perhaps you can expand your idea...
i have the book ;)

i want to see what other people think and what they think about my idea, just throwing it out on the table...

thats what psuedoscience is right ?!

so what do u think, beyond the speculation ?
Um... pseudoscience is more a system of theories, assumptions, and methods erroneously regarded as scientific...

Black hole theory is often considered "fringe science". It has basis in reality, but not quite "true" science quite yet - there is not enough verification/information yet, but there is enough for assumptions to be true.

What you are talking about is a mixture of both "fringe science" and pseudoscience.

Yeah, isn't it a great book?

Anyway, I think it is a good idea, but research needs to be done before considering the reality of it. It really is interesting...

Scientists know the universe is currently expanding. What we don't know for sure is what is outside the bounds of the universe. Michio Kaku (Hyperspace) posits the hyperspace theory where our universe is one of many, and since it is getting larger, it is just taking up more space in hyperspace... I don't think humans can know right now whether or not black holes function as you describe... The lack of technology and all that.
Recycle bin is one way to look at it. Or, you could see it as a rebooter. But, if I was going to equate all things in the universe to a PC, then a black hole would have to be fdisk.
eek! not fdisk! thats my worse nightmare!

can u explain why you think Fdisk is a better analogy than recycle bins?
how do you explain the ever expanding of the universe?

fdisk has no point of return. this seems like a good similarity (if u think theres nothing beyond black holes)- but i think there is something beyond the black holes. they hold galaxies together and heaven knows what else they do!

trust me, all that amazing force and gravity isnt doing all that crazy stuff for nothing.

i think fdisk would be "the big crunch" theory ... maybe

heres another analogy. i think black holes are like the resevior in the second matrix movie. if you've seen it- remember the part when neo and the counselour go down to the machinery level - remember the Water-Recycling-Device the counselour points out to neo? picture that. floating in mid-air recycling water somehow but not connected to any pipes or waterways or anything at all it seems.

if u havent seen the matrix part II then chew on this:

there has been many people and even some respected scientist that have given considerable thought to Black Holes as being "shortcuts" from one point of the universe to another. the term they coined for this is Wormholes. check this link for a cool picture showing what im talking about:

now, putting aside the time travel talk and parrallel universe ideas - i think that these black holes in some way are "pulling" matter into them at an alarming rate- and it travels thru the wormhole thru the actual INSIDE 'core' of the universe and out the other side.
its sort of similar to an old cartoon- where he starts digging down into the earth (its given thats he's in the americas) and ends up in china after digging a hole all the way thru the earth.
perhaps the wormholes are interconnected inside of the universe- making it possible for the matter to take different routes depending on where it needs to go or whatever needs to happen. perhaps tests, modifications, conversions, or alterations of the Matter Travelling are conducted while it is in the wormhole inside the core of the universe.
It could be, that a quasar is created, after a black hole is completed. It expands its own matter and anti matter, which are always connected to each other and to their source, spewing out stuff that turns into myriad galaxies, which then return back to their source, which has now become a black hole again, though it's not really a hole, but a massive lump of compressed anti matter. All actual matter in the hole becomes compressed to the size of a golf ball, until the pressure is so great that the thing (probably) implodes, thus, beginning a new quasar and a new cycle of galaxy formations.
zonabi said:
eek! not fdisk! thats my worse nightmare!

can u explain why you think Fdisk is a better analogy than recycle bins?
how do you explain the ever expanding of the universe?

fdisk has no point of return. this seems like a good similarity (if u think theres nothing beyond black holes)- but i think there is something beyond the black holes. they hold galaxies together and heaven knows what else they do!

trust me, all that amazing force and gravity isnt doing all that crazy stuff for nothing.

i think fdisk would be "the big crunch" theory ... maybe

heres another analogy. i think black holes are like the resevior in the second matrix movie. if you've seen it- remember the part when neo and the counselour go down to the machinery level - remember the Water-Recycling-Device the counselour points out to neo? picture that. floating in mid-air recycling water somehow but not connected to any pipes or waterways or anything at all it seems.

if u havent seen the matrix part II then chew on this:

there has been many people and even some respected scientist that have given considerable thought to Black Holes as being "shortcuts" from one point of the universe to another. the term they coined for this is Wormholes. check this link for a cool picture showing what im talking about:

now, putting aside the time travel talk and parrallel universe ideas - i think that these black holes in some way are "pulling" matter into them at an alarming rate- and it travels thru the wormhole thru the actual INSIDE 'core' of the universe and out the other side.
its sort of similar to an old cartoon- where he starts digging down into the earth (its given thats he's in the americas) and ends up in china after digging a hole all the way thru the earth.
perhaps the wormholes are interconnected inside of the universe- making it possible for the matter to take different routes depending on where it needs to go or whatever needs to happen. perhaps tests, modifications, conversions, or alterations of the Matter Travelling are conducted while it is in the wormhole inside the core of the universe.

Quantumphysics or quasiphysics or metaphysics, whatever, is a little tough for me to think about just now.

However, let me try to answer briefly: The universe is expanding due to a universal cycle and law of positive and negative. Right now the universe is expanding, but I believe there will come a time when the universe collapses and becomes so dense it would be the size of a marble. What will condense it, I think it will be a giant black hole. What will restart it? I don't know, it probably hits a point of density that it makes it unstable and eventually blows like an H-bomb times qazillion :). Then, everything spreads out with positive and negative particles. In fact, there is a theory that our destiny or future is already mapped out and there is no free choice, because these particles have already run their course and we are made of these particles..., everything is. But, anyway, I really am not an expert in this field.

But, as for the fdisk analogy, even when you fdisk your computer, the empty data remains. Hence, there is still something there just as there would be with a collapse of the universe and subsequent condensing.