Bizzare Religious Rituals

We've already done that one. <searches for thread, gives up>

Have you heard about the one where they burn red chillies in a pot and smoke you with the flames?


You'll see this practically everywhere, its a protection from the evil eye

Fraternities and organizations like the Skull and Bones society.
And what's all the meaning attached to shirts that are tight around the neck and neckties in the business world?
Wedding dresses?
Graduation caps and gowns?
Military songs about guns and penises?
Military life in general?
Boardroom etiquette
How rich people want servants to behave?
What is this sports car ritual so many men and some women have?

Sports' fans rituals? Huge industry, many rituals. Billions of dollars. Maybe trillions, yeah, probably trillions. Strange rituals abound.

Masonic lodges?


The wearing of brand name clothing rituals?

The Electoral College and all the strange rituals associated?

Are there really people who think strange rituals are limited to religions?
Anthropology 101 might be a good place to start. One sees the rituals of others, but often does not realize one's own rituals. Let alone how odd they are.

Two businessmen meeting for the first time engage in a bizarre almost mechanical dance, complete with scripted call and response, costumes, food or drink offerings. Many subjects are taboo. Body movements are highly restricted and scripted. Much dialogue when they 'get down to business' is in code. All ceremonies end in a similar ritualized dance.
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We are a ritualistic society. I think Q could be referring to rituals in which someone is either at risk or is actual hurt in the process. More along the lines of the Christian Filippino group that dons the thorns, carries the cross, whips themselves bloody and even nail a willing someone to the cross. Every Easter you can catch it on the news shows.

Throwing babies from a tower onto a sheet seems relatively safe but sooner or later a kid is going to get hurt. Dumb rituals take precedence over bizarre.
You can participate in the Rose Bowl and be an atheist, the others should be obviously secular. The Rose Bowl being almost Christian, but not quite.

Some more:
Professional Wrestling
A Beauty Contest
A Heavy Metal Concert
The Oscars
British Trials (the white wigs, the stylized speech, etc.)
Grand ole Oprey
An Elvis Impersonator Contest - (I admit this is moving very close to a religious ritual, but only for some participants)
Teenage Dating
A Used Car Sale
The list can go on and on.....

Thanksgiving day parades - complete with floats and giant balloons, some of cartoon figures.
Bachelor's Parties
Any everyday trip to a strip club - men put dollar bills in womens' g-strings while these latter dance with poles.
How about the lap dance: men cannot 'touch' the woman - or big men will run out and throw the men out of the 'establishment' for breaking the rules - while the woman rubs here barely clothed lower torso on the man's in-pants penis. Not a religious ritual, though there used to be religious rituals with sex, none were more bizarre.
Birthday parties - cake, candles in the cake, one makes a wish and blows out the candles, conical hats, pseudo whistles the unroll a paper tongue, wrapped presents, the games, etc.
The Mummer's Parade (well, parades in general)
July 4th in the US
Union Picketing

Theaters have a whole culture of rituals

Secular rituals are strange and ubiquitous
Is there a bizarre ritual that isn't religious?

While I would tend to agree with you, crossing ones chest or shoving your ass in the air when praying are pretty weird, but don't even register on the bizarro scale compared to tossing babies from rooftops.

I would wonder what the first person would say who makes a mistake and tosses a baby on the pavement?

"It was Gods will this baby should die."
Cute Simon, but is there some point to your silliness? Or, is that the point?

The point is obvious and was stated. Secular rituals are bizzare also.

I'll put professional wresting up against any religious ritual for bizarreness.

And given Stranger's question

Is there a bizarre ritual that isn't religious?

it seems obvious to me that at least some intelligent people are confused on this issue.