

Refined Reinvention
Valued Senior Member
i entered my birthdate in google to see if i had another twin.

One of them turned out to be some weird soccer player, and i also got this person:
my twin

i feel kind of bad because hes in prison and we born on the exact same day. i hope he gets out soon. whoerver he is.

i did it on google

i got that guy in jail, a shit load of sport players, a pagan wizard guy, and an actor that actually had minor roles in a few big movies.

i didnt get any female twins although i already have one.
That was interesting. I founf out that The Who played in Paris the day I was born....probably to my honour. :D
feel kind of bad because hes in prison and we born on the exact same day. i hope he gets out soon. whoerver he is.

You sure you want him out? You do not know what crime he comitted. He might be a mass murderer who only kills people who share the same birthday...
IN Australia the way we usually write dates is by day month year, whereas in the States it's month day year... so my question is what format is everyone using?

Ps: Yesterday I got a Sciforums message that HOWARDSTERN had made a reply to A Brother's Prayer for Howard, and when I clicked the link there wasn't anything there. Did that happen to anyone else? Some of the older members would probably remember the rotten hoax he pulled.
Re:pS - Teri

Yep! I had it in the e-mail too. I agree with you that it is an older member of sciforums, yes. :) It is Howardstern himself. It was posted a little while ago that he made his rentree again.

See you 'round Teri...:)
Hi Banshee

I didn't see the post from Howard. Could it have possibly been an apology?

In any case, I'd rather have him post as Howard than hide behind other identities. At least we know the kind of person we're replying to, don't you think?

May be that Howardstern made an opology and at the last moment decided to delete his post again. That can explain why he showed up in our e-mail. I think he is having good intentions, though.

From my part, I wish him all the best. And sincerely think he is trying to do the right thing. New times, new chances. :)

May you enjoy your weekend Teri...:)